Hi All,
Am new here so hoping I’m writing in the right area. I’ve searched the forums for a while now and can’t see anything specific to what I was looking for, so am hopeful someone might be able to help.
I’m here on behalf of my mum - just under 2 years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer and given a plan to start immediate chemotherapy / radiotherapy with a view to undergoing a mastectomy soon afterwards. However just after this she went for a routine MRI scan and it was found that she had bone metastasis in her lower spine and shin. This of course changed everything and she is now on cycles of Capecitabine and 4 weekly Zometa. Fortunately there has been little progression since starting this combination.
Initially Mum did suffer from quite a few side effects, though many of these have settled with time. She continues to have a bad week when it’s her second week of capectiabine - now referred to as “Week Two” in the house! One thing that has recently started, and that she is really struggling with, is that her hair and skin has started to become very greasy, it almost has a film over it that makes it look clammy, but it feels more greasy than that. It is happening regardless of how often she has a shower, usually half an hour or so after washing her hair it begins to form again. Shampoo containing coal tar and coconut oil does alleviate it slightly but nevertheless she has the same problem with her skin. She’s become quite conscious of it and is quite frustrated by it. Does anyone know of a similar side effect? If so, was there anything that helped? Any advice would be really appreciated!
Thanks, Sam x
Hi Sam and welcome to the BCC forums
I am sorry to read that your Mum has such distressing symptoms, I am sure your fellow users will be along soon with support and advice, our helpliners are on hand to offer further support and information on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturday
The following link will take you to the BCC ‘Secondaries’ page where you will find further support ideas and information for you and your Mum:
You may find it helps to post in the secondaries section of the website, you can read some of the threads here:
Take care
Hello Sam, I am sorry that your Mum has had this recent diagnosis. I have bone mets myself and have been having treatment for almost 14 years for bone mets. I am on Zometa and have been on Capecitabie for years too but just stopped this chemo 2 weeks ago as I am starting a new chemo tomorrow. I cannot say I have had the same probles as your Mum. I have had the opposite problem with very DRY skin and hair. Just shows you how it affects all of us differently. I do use Sanex bath/shower products sometimes and I find they help. Most supermarkets sell them and you may want to give them a try. Perhaps it is not connected to her treatment at all and she could have a word with her GP or Breast Care Nurse at the hospital as they shoud be abe to advise what to do. Wish your Mum all the best from me and if she feel like it there is a bone mets thread she may like to look at. If she looks to the left hand column and clicks on to the second line that reads " Living with Secondary BC" she will see a thread called “Bone Mets please join us”. We are a friendly bunch as I post on there most days myself. If you cannot locate it just ask and someone will point you/her in the right direction. From Val
Hi Sam - I’m on Capecitabine but not Zometa, so can’t comment on Zometa SEs, but have not had this problem on Cap. As Val says, skin is more likely to be dry. It might be worth posting your query on the Seondaries: treatments & medical issues section as it’s more likely to be spotted by others on both drugs there.
Hi Lucy and Val,
Thank you so much for your replies - I have been slowly introducing mum to the internet so will suggest she has a look at the bone mets pages, I’m sure she would appreciate being able to speak to people who have been through similar situations.
We are stumped as to what to make of the symptoms she has been experiencing, her hair has thinned a lot which we expected (fortunately she was blessed with a very full head of hair beforehand so this has been barely noticable for her!) but this has only recently started.
Thanks again, I really appreciate your wishes as I’m sure mum will too
Sam x
Hi Gail,
Thanks for this, I will try posting there to see if anyone has experienced any similar SEs.