Capsular contracture remedial action

Hello all, I’ve spent a lot of time here reading during the past 16 months but this is my first post and I’m after some advice.  I have just been confirmed with capsular contracture following mastectomy last November. I now have to decide what to do about it. I don’t think I can live with the implant as it is, and it will probably get worse anyway, but I don’t know which way to go. I wondered if anyone else faced the same dilemma and how did you resolve it. Thanks for reading

Hi Kittybrew,

I’m sorry you haven’t yet recieved a response to your post. I’m hoping that by posting, one of our members will get in touch.

In the meantime if you have any concerns, you can call one of our clinical specialists on 0808 800 Monday–Friday, 9am–4pm Saturday, 9am–1pm who will be able to provide information and support.

All the best,


Breast Cancer Care

Hello Kittybrew


It’s Emily here from Breast Cancer Care. 


While you’re wating for a reply on here, I wanted to let you know that we have volunteers who have had a capsular contracture and would be happy to share their experiences with you.


You could email Gwen (profile here):


Or if you’d like to talk to someone who’s had a similar experience over the phone, you can give us a call on 0345 077 1893  and we can put you in touch with someone.


Best wishes

Emily at Breast Cancer Care

Hi  I had the exact same 1 year after my LD reconstruction.  My implant had become very hard and shrunken and I was very sore.  I had the implant taken out and another put in and have had no problems since.  It is quite a common occurence I understand so don’t be too worried about it, it is quickly remedied.  Good luck x


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Am a returnee to this site. Am now 10 years post diagnosis. I too have had capsular contracture on numerous occasions in each breast. The most recent episode was dealt with in December, I chose on each occasion to have it replaced. I did leave it for 2 years but it got too painful and too out of shape to leave it. I know I’ve been unlucky but still plod on. I just can’t imagine being without breast. 

Good luck with whatever you choose 

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