Cash bonus from private healthcare provider

Am due to have 3rd round of chemo shortly and only became aware of this from a chance conversation at work and want to check that those who can are not missing out on cash that you may get from your private healthcare insurer that will help.

I’ve also found it hidden within some discussions elsewhere on other cancer sites, that if you have private healthcare they will pay you £X (£50 to £100 has been mentioned) for every chemo, radiology and possibly other things that you choose to have via the NHS (therefore saving your private healthcare provider the cost of providing).

The lady who told me used her cash to go on a much needed holiday! And its not something that , strangely enough(!!) the healthcare providers advertise.

Get asking!

Sam X


Good post. I found out too late that my provider covered miscellaneous expenses such as bus fares . Considering I had about 70 appointments in all this would have been worth claiming