Cautionary warning for women with male partners

This is a slightly cheeky post but I hope nobody will mind me using this communication channel to get an important message to women with male partners (for it will be males) about signs of prostate cancer. The outcome of your actions will affect the quality of both your future lives together. 

My message is simple. If you notice your man getting up from the sofa regularly during the evening or out of bed at night to go to the bathroom then suggest he get a PSA test to check for possible prostate cancer. OK so your man should do this himself but males are notoriously stupid about health related issues. I know that, along with negligent health advice, I have been. So a word from you, their partner, can make a world of difference. To you both.

An urgent need to go to the loo isn’t necessarily due to prostate cancer. Men can have an enlarged prostate due to benign enlargement. that’s what happened to my husband. He ended up using catheters to have a wee for about three years until he could have rezum surgery after lockdown. It’s only done in a few hospitals such as Charing Cross that is a prostate centre of excellence, and is only suitable for people with benign disease. My husband’s surgery took about five minutes, with superheated steam which destroyed his prostate. It took a few weeks to settle down, but he had no invasive surgery. Surgery called TURPs can cause men to become incontinent. that happened to my Dad. He was 95 when he died and apparently by then he had prostate cancer, but that didn’t kill him. So prostate cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence. 
