hi there!

I think I read on another post that you are going to the clinic tomorrow? Hope all goes well and that you get some GOOD and accurate advice. How are you feeling these days?

I will be thinking of you and praying!


Fingers crossed for u tomorrow hunny… hope all goes well for you
lots of love
claire xxxx

hi all
well first i,m clear yipppppeeeh

second, i saw a wonderful consultant who was scotish, he found all the lumps, wouldnt say what till after the ultra sound

well it turns out larry is a fluid filled cyst but as its not bothering me they are not aspirating it, then she went on to fully us all of my breasts, wow i watched with amaze as all i could see was white fuzz
anyway then the lumps started to show and she said they were lipomas

she said that mamograms are better for ladies my age and breast size

i was to ignore them unless they started to cause probs

anyway bk in to see mr clarke and he said much the same, he asked me if i was happy and i said yes so long as they stay the same size, he said if i had any more probs or new lumps i was to go bk

well i am over the moon as is my family

we have completed our property today so will be moving next week

new start in new home

thankyou to all of you your support has been tremendous and really helps

i am sorry i am elated as someone must have heard bad news today so my words of comfort i send to them

godbless you all

Good to hear all is well.

good luck for tomorrow

Great news, cee! I am sure you are feeling so relieved. I am glad you finally got the all clear and can concentrate fully on moving. You have had way too much going on in your life lately… make sure you take some time to RELAX too!

much love,



I am elated well done!!! fab news …onwards and upwards !!!

All my love Lj xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Well done, hon! That’s great news and the only outcome you deserve after all you’ve been through! You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers, (of course) and you’ll stay there. (Once somebody makes it onto my prayer list it’s difficult to get off again! lol).

I’m so pleased for you, hon.

Lots of love,
beano xxx

How wonderful Ceegra!!

Its brill news, congrats.



Fantastic news, well done, you’ve been so brave, and so helpful to others despite your own problems, for that I commend you!

You take care, and take some time for yourself too babe!


thankyou all
you are all treasures to be handled gently

i love you all, and i thankyou beano my sweet friend that i,m on your prayer list
you remain in mine

as are all you lovely beauties

fight on to get better and come out smiling

bless u all