I’ve had cellulitis in my breast since probably the beginning of July. I had oral antibiotics first, then 4 days in hospital for i/v antibiotics, then I went on holiday with a sack more antibiotics, all of which improved it a lot. I finished them all last Thurs and saw my breast surgeon on Tuesday who said the reminaing redness swelling and hardness are due to rads damage (finished 30 rads end Nov 08), and that it was not a good idea to have more antibiotics on top of what I’ve already had.
Then Thurs, by which time breast was looking and feeling worse, saw lympho nurse and she said there is still an infection for which I need more drugs. I’ve got more and am taking them, but I’m also feeling ill. I don’t think I’ve got a temperature, although it’s difficult to tell as my temperature control has been out of the window since chemo, but have sore throat, cough, aching all over and generally feel poorly in myself. I’m soooo tired as well.
I feel confused by the conflicting advice and don’t know whether I should seek some further medical advice, am feeling sick of hospitals. Anyone any advice?
It sounds like you are having a difficult time. If you are in any doubt about your best course of treatment at the moment, Breast Cancer Care would always recommend seeking guidance from your own medical team (Consultant, Breast Care Nurse or GP).
Please do also remember that BCC’s confidential helpline is here for you, offering support and information. Calls to the helpline are free, lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturday 9am - 2pm, telephone 0808 800 6000.
It rather sounds as tho’ the cellulitis doesn’t want to let go. Consulting your own medical team or the helpline asap sounds like a good idea, but of course, it’s Sunday tomorrow.
Even if you have had it up to here with doctors, etc, if you are worse tomorrow and no-one can visit, do consider a trip to A & E instead of waiting until Monday. I think I would with your symptoms.
Hope the drugs (A-Bs?) have some effect soon and you are more comfortable tomorrow.
Thanks Bahons and BCC. I did try ringing the helpline earlier today, but was on hold and whilst waiting one of my children needed me. By the time I went to phone again, it was after 2pm.
We have a good out of hours GP service here, so if I feel worse tomorrow I will contact them. They’re based at our hospital which can end up being really handy.
I have amoxycillin (1500g a day) and fluoxicillin (2000g a day) for a fortnight, which was taken from the bls website by the lympho nurse and my gp just prescribed it, without seeing me.
Am struggling to stay up to take the next doses, will have to take them early and hope for a good night’s sleep.
so sorry to hear you are poorly and hope that all these drugs start to work very soon. Don’t take any chances though as the right antibiotic should work quite quickly and there are lots of other ones to try if these are not the right ones. Sounds like you have more than one thing going on at the same time, no wonder you feel bad. Hope to hear you are much better soon and don’t put off asking for advice or the infection could get a hold again
Lily x
Thanks Lily.
I am feeling better today and think breast is a bit less sore and red, though it is still quite swollen and warm. Hopefully the drugs are doing their stuff this time and the combination will kick it.
All these antibiotics are doing nothing for my digestive system, and you will remember all the problems I had (and you had very similar)with my botty last year whilst on chemo.
Am seeing the gynaecologist tomorrow about my vastly thickened womb lining - breast consultant recommends D&C to rule out endometrial cancer, which is a known side effect of Tamoxifen.
Am also having physio for tronchial bursitis in my hip.
All minor in the scheme of things but they add up to making me feel much older than just turned 40!
oh yuk yuk yuk what a horrible time you are having, just one would be bad but all together!!! I had bursitis recently and found it terribly painful and worried it might be something worse. Hope that starts to clear soon. As for the rear end remember to act quickly and might be an idea to get soem anti-thrush medication. I was always surprised how many different symptoms cleared up each time I took it. I took 7 tablets almost each cycle and one time had to have 14 to get rid of the rotten bird! Good luck with the gynae appointment, I think that is one we all fear.
Hope things turn around for you
Lily x
Thanks Lily.
Feel pretty terrible today as well, just about getting to the end of what I can cope with. A kind work colleague brought sunflowers to my desk today which really cheered me up but almost made me cry.
Saw gynae consult, she advised D&C as expected, to rule out endo cancer. Wants to do it on 1st Sept but this is when I was due to be travelling back from a long weekend away pursuing hobby (mostly OH’s) of medieval re-enacting. I feel absolutely knackered as it is, and these weekends are always exhausting. Predictably OH still wants us all to go and blames me for all this, as if I wanted to have bc and all the horrid side effects of treatment. And he says it all in front of the children (now 5 and 3).
Not sure whether antibiotics are working, think breast is slightly less red + sore.
well if you haven’t already put arsenic in his tea for being a meanie, I think I would send him on his own to be a historic character whilst trying to look after 2 children at the same time. I’m sure it will be very difficult for him. Then hopefully you can find someone calm and supportive to take you for the op and have a nice rest in a quiet house afterwards to recover. It must be so worrying having this hanging over you. I was surprised you are still at work really, it is just my opinion but you seem to be really pushing yourself when you are clearly not well. I want to tuck you up in bed for a week of sleep and good food to get you better
Take care
Lily x
Yes, I have suggested that he goes alone, but he won’t. Not sure what we’re going to do, but I am going ahead with procedure on 1st.
Today I had an aromatherapy massage at our hospice, which is just next door to the hospital. I had 12 for free starting when I was having chemo and am allowed to continue going once a month if I pay. It is bliss, and was particularly bliss today. A good substitute for going to bed for a week’s sleep, which would also be bliss!
However, the therapist noticed how red and warm my breast is and suggested I contact my bcn. I did, then spent the afternoon at hospital where I saw my breast surgeon, had an ultrasound to exclude a build up of fluid/puss (excluded, there is none, although there are 2 areas of swelling/hardness)and then the surgeon said that she thought it was rads damage not cellulitis at all and to stop taking the antibiotics as they are just making me feel wiped out. Now I’m really confused as to what to do!
I would have time off work, but as I had so much time off last year I’d be on 1/2 pay which we can’t afford as I am sole wage earner in our house and we have debts to pay, so I feel under pressure because of that too.
Lily do you never sleep? I just noticed the time of your last post! How are you doing?
I’m not surprised you feel wiped out with trying to work, young children, gynae problems, too. And then the ABs. Quite a juggling act.
I bet if you have to accommodate one more medical appt, you’ll scream. But can you get an emergency one at your lymphoedema clinic? (In some areas you can self-refer) They should be better qualified than anybody else to tell you what is wrong, altho’ (as a lay person who hasn’t actually set eyes on you, I admit) it does sound like cellulitis (which can also make you feel unwell) to me and I believe it can be a so-and-so to eradicate.
You must feel like the wreck of the Hesperus - I do hope you get some help soon.
Breast feeling a bit better today, not so warm though stillr ed and swollen. Is this because ABs are doing their stuff, or it’s not cellulitis?
Have decided to side with the consultant and stop taking the ABs as I can’t cope with feeling so wiped out and the digestive problems they give me. If it comes back with a vengeance I will no doubt have to be admitted for i/v ABs again, but in a way that is easier than taking ABs out of hospital, working and running around after the kids, which I do (usually willingly) from the moment I get in until the moment I go out to work.
After I have run around arranging parts of the pre-op tests tomorrow (ECG and x ray) and some next Thurs, OH announces this evening that he thinks we should not go to the living history weekend, which I am mighty relieved about.
Thanks for support. Hope all are having a good day
good glad his conscience thought about you and made a sensible decision. Yes I am an insomniac which is why I thought you ought to go to bed for both of us ha ha. I am ok, annual checks in April were fine and on 3 monthly checks, alternating between my surgeon and my onc.Back at work and just chugging along. I sometimes wonder whether having a SNB and only one node out saved me from a lot of pain and discomfort in the future. Anyway take care of yourself
Lily x