Cellulitis in breast lymphoedema

I went for my first visit to the lymphoedema clinic today.
The nurse said I had an infection in my breast, maybe a low grade as I’ve had the symptoms a couple of months. She is sending a message to ask my doctor to prescribe a 2 week course of antibiotics. She gave me a lot of information and said not to start self massage until I’d been on the antibiotics for a few days to give them a chance to start working. I forgot to ask (or she may have told me and I’ve forgotten) about whether I can still exercise while I have the infection.
I dont feel ill, but I read the LSN regarding cellulitis guidelines and noted that temperature etc may be normal even with cellulitis.
Whenever I look for information on breast lymphoedema it’s mostly advice on lymphoedema in the arm. Thanks.

Hi celie1

Thank you for your post.

It’s good to read that you’ve had your symptoms checked out at the lymphoedema clinic and that you’re going to be starting on antibiotics to treat the infection (cellulitis) in your breast. As you’ve read, it is possible to have cellulitis but not to feel ill or have a temperature.

Physical activity can help with swelling because moving the muscles encourages lymph fluid to move away from the swollen area. However, it’s important to check with your lymphoedema nurse whether you’re able to continue with the same type of exercise you usually do while you have the infection. Sometimes people may not be able to continue with exercise at first, but they will be able to advise you on what’s best for your individual situation.

You say your lymphoedema nurse has said you may begin self-massage once you’ve been on the antibiotics a few days. They may have already shown you how to perform a simple massage technique called self-lymphatic drainage but you can find more information on this in our ‘How is Lymphoedema Managed’ section here. Our information covers both swelling in the arm and the breast/chest area.

Jen Mckenzie is a breast cancer physio who specialises in lymphoedema management and has produced some videos which you may also find helpful.

We offer a range of free supportive services for anyone who has had a diagnosis of breast cancer which you may be interested in. They include face to face and online courses and events.

For more details about all of these services, please see the information on the link, or call our free helpline.

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Breast Care Nurse

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