I had a lumpectomy (wide local excision with sentinel node biopsy) in April 2010 and a lymphnode clearance in November along with a programme of chemo-therapy and associated treatments.
Along the way I had every side effect known to man, including seronma,neutropenic-sepsis,cellulitus and lots of other nasties. With the cellulitus I was hospitalised and put on introveinous antibiotics and a two week course of oral,in July 2010.Just after Christmas the rash on my breast returned (told GP I had cellulitus back in July, she agreed and put me on a dose of antibiotics). I was due to start radiotherapy on 10th Jan however this has now been postponed as my rash has not gone away (if anything it has got worse).I am now thinking this is not cellulitus as I am finding it hard to carry my breast around with me,because it is hard and painful as well as very red and bloodshot.(the only way I can describe it).I am due to see my Oncology specialist next week however I am losing faith in my ability to fight these constant ‘side-effects’. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Sorry to ramble, but this has been a slip-sliding experience and I want to know if I am unique ( my OH says I am LOL).
I cannot fault the care and treatment I have been given, the nurses, surgeons etc have all been brilliant bu tI cannot see the end to all this. I feel so much better for getting this off my chest (breast lol).
I have had cellulitus in my lymphoedema arm and it sounds like what you are describing. The usual treatment is antibiotics. I would see my GP again or maybe even ring the hosoital breast nurse, you need to get it treated as soon as you can. I understand how hard it is when you seem to be constantly fighting something, hang-on in there.Hope you get it all sorted soon, in the meantime heres a gentle hug.
I was hospitalised with cellilitus earlier in the year, after my second rads session and like you they put me on iv antibiotics, I also had an abscess which burst through my SNB scar at the same time. I must admit I do worry whether the infection will come back, I have only just finished the rads nearly six months after surgery as they were put off till the wound healed.
I know they kept having to change my IV antibiotics and do blood tests to try and find the right course of treatment as initially the infection was not getting any better.
Hopefully you will be able to get on with the rads soon and the infection clears up quickly, maybe another trip to the docs is needed
well this is my first time useing the computor and its not going very well as i keep calling my husband to come and help me, i have lost loads of my letters to you all. here goesssss again. first thing this morning went to breast clinic to see who could help me and they were very helpful my boob is very painful very red and getting larger every day iam on high anti bio and they gave me another penicillin and said i will be ready for raido next week cuz my bc is on my left boob iam worried about the heart effects as i was told it could damage my heart and with the cellulitus as well iam scard dont really want to go but know i must what ever the out come.i did think this treatment would be nicer to me than chemo, still cant get it into my head that this is happening to me yvonne xx sorry there are no full stops ect lol