Chances of getting pregnant after fec-t

Hi all,


I’ve almost finished treatment for triple negative breast cancer, the chemo (fec-t) and surgery are behind, the radiotherapy is about to start. I was wondering whether anyone could tell me what the chances are of still being able to get pregnant after fec-t chemotherapy? I’m in my early 30s, and never really had a strong wish to become a mother, so when before the start of the chemo I was asked by the nurse and oncologist whether I would want children, my reply was that it was not something I was considering at that moment. They didn’t push me to consider it more carefully, or give much extra information about possible effects and possible measures. So I didn’t opt for egg freezing, we never really got to the stage of discussing that in any meaningful way.


About a month ago I received ‘all clear’ news, which is a great relief, the chemo has had maximum effect. Now that I feel that this is almost behind and I can start looking to the future again, I was struck by all of a sudden being overwhelmed by thoughts about having children, and a feeling of panic as to whether this is still possible. I feel stupid, in hindsight I wish I had considered more carefully the possibility that some day I would want children, and that therefore I should have pushed for much more specific information as to what consequences the chemo could have for my fertility. But also that the nurse and oncologist could have taken more time to discuss this, especially with younger women. I was so focused on the cancer treatment, that all else moved a bit to the background and didn’t get the attention that in hindsight it sure needed.


I hope to get an appointment with my GP soon, to see if it is possible to start the process of checking my fertility. But since that process is likely going to take a while, and I’m feeling rather nervous and stressed about this, are any of you aware of pregnancies after fec-t without pre-chemo egg preservation?


Thanks so much for any thoughts/experiences you could share.



Hi Hannah83, 

I am sorry you are going through this difficult time and I am sure you have a lot of questions. Our users are very supportive so I am sure they will be along soon to offer their support. 

In the meantime you can always call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk through any questions you may have and offer a friendly ear. The opening hours are below. 

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Wednesday 9am-7pm
Saturday, 9am-1pm

Best wishes, 


Hi Hannah,

I was told to wait 2 years (32 when diagnosed) then my onc gave me all clear. I also went through menopause during tax - which reversed about 8 months post chemo. My first pregnancy took about 8 months of trying 6 seriously trying (bloods, fertility sticks etc) just as I started investigations for having IVF (I did embryo storage) I got the biggest shock of my life when the technician at the ultrasound told me I was in fact 5 weeks pregnant naturally. Unfort due to other health complications I found my pregnancy wasn’t going to plan and at another scan at 8 weeks our babies heartbeat had stopped. We tried again 3 months later and this time I got pregnant in a month - unfort for me again at a 8 week early scan ( because of my other health issues) the babies heartbeat had stopped again… so it is entirely possible to get pregnant after chemo. I’m aware my story might not bring you much comfort, but I have other health issues where miscarriage and still birth can be common… I hope the fact I got pregnant twice naturally helps you. I can only pray from me and my husband that it will be third time lucky when we find the strength to try again. Good luck! X