i did post early on in my journey, and havent since, as I am just so anxious - I know I am not alone with that. I had a lumpectomy on Tuesday on my lesion, 4mm grade 1 slow growing. Scans show no sign of lymph node involvement. My surgeon has also said “in my experience not expecting any spread to lymph nodes”. One sentinel node was taken for biopsy.
i go back on Thursday for my results, and actually at the moment I am thinking not to go back. I just can’t face any more bad news. I have been assured that lymph node involvement is really unlikely by three professionals at my clinic but I know there us still a chance biopsy will say otherwise.
my breast care nurse hasn’t been very good, and I just can’t stand the brutality of it any more. What happens if I don’t go back?
so sorry youve had all this trauma…we all go through it. so understandable you dont want to go back…it is your choice. But…,can you live with the uncertainty tho? i think I would always wonder…?
I actually understand…I treasure a gap between scans and results…I always feel its nice to have as much time without bad news as possible…the downside is that of course you do get the result.!
so sorry also, your bcn hasnt been supportive…if you do go back, can you take a good friend with you, just in case? You could also chat things through with a sympathetic listener on the BCC website…the number is above. They are very helpful too.
i usually take a friend along even after 16 years…if im expecting bad news.
she/he can take notes for you…I found anxiety makes me forget things, so its good to have someone there… I also type loads of questions on my ipad and just give it to the doctor…saves me forgetting!
on the bright side, your lesion was only 4mm, so you might be very lucky! And it will cheer you up to hear that, if it is the case. If you were to have bad news…at least they would tackle it for you
hope that helps, do come back amd chat on here, lots of lovely supportive ladies here… for you.
hi Patricia,
Sorry to hear you’re feeling this way, your diagnosis sounds similar to mine. On going back for my final results, all was as expected with no node involvement. It does sound like your bc was picked up early, so all should be ok.
Often the prospect is far worse than the reality, you may well come away from the appointment feeling relieved & reassured, I know I did!
As Moijan says, can someone go with you? & writing down things you want clarification on can help.
It may also help to ring the helpline here to talk this through.
Do take care,
ann x
hormone receptive sounds as if it could be oestrogen positive? Not sure…but also could be good news as they should be able to block the hormone that stimulates the cancer with a tablet.
I do really understand how frightened you must be…I think
I was the very worst!
Do you think that not knowing might prolong the anxiety? Most people seem much more settled and cope better when they know exactly what is going on… Yes, I would call the helpline…tell them just how anxious you are when they answer… We are all different, so you might not be like me…but I think knowledge can give us some personal strength…anyway, I will be looking in to see how you get on…do come back and chat to us, we are all here for youxx
Re them getting things wrong from the first assessment…I cant answer that… But it seems often that the true picture comes to light during a succession of tests…takes a little time. Once they know exactly what you need…you will be up and running. You will feel betterxx
just to add, Patricia, if on the off chance the results are not quite as expected, then the treatment plan will be amended to deal with it, so all should be well in the end. My final results came back as grade 2 rather than 1, but this made no difference to the prognosis or treatment plan.