I had d.s.i.s. in 1999 and had a lumpectomy, I have recently had another type of d.c.i.s in the same breast so have had a mastectomy. There was no lymph node involvement and no spread. I saw my oncologist today and was totally shocked when he said I will get cancer again within 3 years and it will be a more aggresive type. I asked him how he could be so sure and he replied “because it has already come back once” Has anyone else heard of this as I really can,t get my head round it?
Thanks Lynny
Don’t know anything about that but I have found "Dr Susan Loves, “The Breast Book” to be absolutely fantastic. You can buy it on Amazon for about £10 and absolutely everything is explained - I call it my bible! I had a slight puckering of one breast when i went to my GP. Ended up with a double mastectomy and in the breast with the puckering I had, Invasive ductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma. Three tumours were discovered on pathology, one of which had not shown up on any of the other tests etc. I had chosen to havee a phropholactic mastectomy of my left breast as I have a family history of bc and the results on that came back as ductal carcinoma too. This again had not appeared on any test. Perhaps this is the sort of thing your oncologist means. Good luck anyway
Happy new Year!!!
Thanks Sharon Good luck and a happy and healthy new year to you.
Lynny - I think that is an absolutely appalling thing of your oncologist to say. I would get another opinion without doubt. Let me know how you get on and my very best wishes. I am sure he is wrong. XX
Lynny, i am so sorry your oncologist has said such a negative thing to you. Not surprised though, when i went for my 3 month check up my breast nurse told me i had a 50% chance of my lobular invasive cancer coming back in the other breast and that as it was lobular it might not show up on a mammogram anyway. My lobular cancer was found by accident as i also had DCIS for about 3 years and was told as it was grade 0 might never develop into anything ever, just yearly mammos to keep an eye on things! My mammo in March showed up a ductual carcinoma so had biopsy and they found the lobular by accident, ductal was grade 1 invasive and lobular grade 2 invasive.
Please do not stress over this, the guy is not God so how would he know, I said as much to my breast nurse, it is all supposition and as i have always said before every person is different. I shall bring good old cousin Jean back into this again, she was diagnosed grade 3 invasive with 11 nodes affected, had WLE auxiliary clearance followed by Chemmo and Rads, is perfectly well today with no recurrence or problems, only has mammos every 3 years and never even thinks about breast cancer anymore until time for mammo. There are plenty more out there like her too.
Nobody knows what the future holds for us but we just need to try and get on with things best we can and make the most of every day that we feel well enough to. My best friend has just been diagnosed with osteo and is in a right state, i have had to buy her every book on the market as i got sore fingers researching on the internet for her! She is convinced she is going to die from crumbling bones, you never know what is ultimately going to get you but just keep planning for that old age and enjoy your life in the meantime.
Much love