I wondered if anyone out there has any advice or comes from a legal background? I feel like I have been backed into a corner and I want to scream, I actually cannot believe that “they” (my employers can do what they have proposed.)
It is complicated so I will have to give you a little background I am a teacher who is employed Centrally, So I am not school based.
I get teacher’s pay and conditions, which means I get the holidays. I was DX with BC in Dec 07, and I went off sick, had WLE SNB, lymph involvement so offered chemo, then had rads. I went back to work during the last week of my RADS in July, and I did 2 weeks before the 6 weeks hols. I was exceedingly fatigued and realised I had gone back too soon. I had a phased return. Whilst I was off a new manager was appointed, she has been on a mission since I returned to get me off teacher’s pay and conditions, in fact she told HR not to renew my contract last year (09), but they did. I am on a fixed term contract which is renewed annually, I have been on this for 7 years and even though it is illegal and my union has made several requests they will not make the post permanent the contract is up for renewal on 31 March. My union has been involved all year.
I had to go to a meeting yesterday with HR, my union, my manager, her manager!!
Basically they have said they are moving me onto Soulbury as of 1st April. So this means losing my teachers pay and conditions, more hours a week to work, less holidays, possibly less pay, and losing my teacher’s pension, (I’m 52 so am thinking about that!!!)
They have said I can accept the new contract, be redeployed or be unemployed on 1 April, I asked if they were making me redundant but they have said No as they are offering me a job. My union is taking it to the legal dept, he argued several points, they wont re-consider this decision. Keep me on teacher’s until I retire, (even the new contract is not permanent it is still 1 year.)
I think being on this fixed term contract has not helped as they have finished it, and offered me a new contract and job description (which is the job I am doing.) I believe this is all down to this new manager.
I have started to look for a new job. I feel very upset and down I have worked for this authority for 31 years, there was not even any “we value you and want to keep you!” LOL
Unfortunately I am single so have no other means of support.
I just cannot believe they can do this, I thought it was a breach of contract and they had to negotiate these things, and could not cahnge your contract without your agreement, but seemingly not.
I am already on my knees every day and every week, as I still seem to be fatigued. I feel let down and after all I have been through it is one more thing… Since I went back in July 08 I have only had 3 days off sick, and the usual hospital appts.
I know I have had a rant, but I feel sooo upset. Thanks for listening and reading the post, if any one has any advice or has had this happen to them I would appreciate the advice/support.
Surely employers should be more supportive of people who have had cancer and have returned to work?
I honestly feel I am being bullied. I will wait to see what the legal department say as well.