I’m in England, and am being cared for by a hospital about an hour’s drive away, I’m thinking about asking to transfer to closer to home, and would like to hear about other people’s experience of changing hospitals and issues I should be aware of.
My diagnosis came at a very unfortunate time (not that there’s a good time!). We exchanged contracts on a house move in the morning, and I got a phone call recalling me after my routine mammogram in the afternoon. I had biopsy and results before we moved, and even though the new house is about an hour’s drive from the hospital I decided it would be best to stay with them at least until the surgery was over.
I had some wound issues and needed dressings and have been driving back for various appointments at least once a week. Cancer was found in lymph nodes so last week I was back for an axillary clearance.
I’m not sure exactly what comes next, but it definitely includes radiotherapy. The hospital I’m with don’t do radiotherapy, they use another one a further 20 minutes drive away. I can get there, and my husband is happy to do the driving if I find it too tiring.
There is a hospital about 30 minutes drive away that does both radiotherapy and chemo (although not sure if I’ll need that, keeping fingers crossed on that) and it would be a lot easier, but I’m hesitant to change. Im happy with the care I’m receiving, it is just the distance, and travel costs. Id love to hear from anyone else that has changed hospitals, and how easy they found it.