about 8 weeks ago I changed from anastrazole to exemestane due to feeling anxious and low. I also take sertraline which I have for years.
So the change hasn’t helped, in fact I feel worse.
My doctor has said to change my antidepressants and I need to wean off mine by 50mg every five days. I’m doing this but waiting for the big crash and dreading it. I’ve got some counselling but not for another 4 weeks! To this day I have never had help when I’ve needed it.
I’m really fed up with all these tablets and the forced menopause. I really am feeling sorry for myself and thinking this just isn’t fair. I feel old, ugly, fat and could cry anytime. I really don’t like myself anymore.
I would love to know if I could cope without the antidepressants, do they actually help anymore. I wish there was a magic wand!
I’m off work sick as struggling holding it together and find it physically harder nowadays.
I just don’t know how long I can go on like this.
Every pain I think has this spread, I’m not functIoning like I use to and need to try and get a grip.
I’m sorry I’m just venting as need to tell someone I don’t know
vicky age 52 feeling 72 xxx