Changing to Letrazole from Tamoxifen ?

Evening Ladies.


I have been taking Tamoxifen for two years now, after about 6 months the side effects did reduce a lot and i have just been left with a few residual things.  Following a Consultation in March my Surgeon has asked GP to change me to Letrazole with Vit D and Adcal.  I have read the research on this but the only things i can’t find is how do i change.  i.e.  Do i just swop the tablets one for the other ?  Do i titrate them  ?  Also in doing some reaserch it looks like Raised Cholesterol is a side effects of Letrazole along with Weight Gain.  Oh Joy.


Has anybody experienced either of these on Letrazole.?  


Advice would be welcome.   Gilly x

My cholesterol is raised on Letrozole and GP advised me to try to lose some weight over 6 months and get retested. If it is still raised I will have to start a statin. I have dieted successfully while taking letrozole so weight gain has not been a problem! Sorry I can’t help with how to switch over. Good luck!

Hi I tried Letrozole initially, sadly they affected my joints too badly and had to stop them. Never had a problem with weight gain though, in fact I think I lost some weight while taking them. I think you just have to try them yourself, everyone seems to be individual when it comes down to side effects

Hi gilly I started letrozole I’m March I had my cholesterol tested beforehand as a base line as it does apparently raise it it was fine so will repeat in a year I am getting joint pain but take a supplement which is helping and the hot flushes seem to be lessening love judi 

Hi,this is my first post ! Was thinking of starting a new thread but maybe I can pick a few brains. I’m 64,fit and active,was diagnosed in May 2012,had l/h mastectomy and lymph node removal/chemo/rads. Had quite an easy ride in general,was cooking Sunday Lunch two days after my op,lucky with chemo too,no hair loss(thank you VILE cold cap!)had physio to help with lymph node stiffness,rads ok,no biggie. BUT from when I started Anastazole in Jan 2013,I have not felt good. Not dire,just a bit achey,but the SWEATING !!! Oh god,all day and everynight,there is nothing that alleviates it. Does anyone else have this ? I’m sure the answer is yes,but are there any tips ? It got so bad that my onc changed me to Tamoxifen this January,but only lasted 6 weeks though,I thought my head was going to explode ! 

My BC was oestrogen receptive so obvs can’t have any of that ! Any ideas ladies ? Thanks ! Claudia(aka mousiesmum) PS. When I changed from one to the other,I just changed as soon as I got the Tamoxifen from the chemist ? Sorry if this post is too long ?

Hi Butterfly x

I am the other way round! prescribed letrozole now they want me to go on tamoxofen because of the dexa scan results showing osteo! it’s all fun this BC lark isn’t it! :) 

I am on my third month of letrozole and have to say I havr been fine in the main… bit stiff but I was anyway! lol. My BC nurse told me letrozole was a better tablet in trials so to stay on them but my onc dr at the rad hospital says too much bone deteriation on letrozole for someone with osteo… nightmare trying to decide. How much can one person read up on… I am applying for a doctorate after this lot! 

love Lorna x