Chat or meet up for younger person with secondary (Leeds)

Hi all


I am 33 years old with secondary breast cancer of the liver. I was diagnosed and had mastectomy in April 2013. My advanced cancer was discovered during my mastectomy so I couldn’t have reconstructive surgery. I had 3 sessions of chemo which did not have the desired effect on my liver tumors so I am now on hormone therapy which places me into premature menopause.


To be honest, once I had recovered from surgery my symptoms have been fairly low key so I have had time to enjoy my two children (aged 7 and 3).


I keep a positive attitude as much as possible but sometimes it does slip. If anyone fancies a chat or meet up if not too far PM me.



Dear Annmarie

While you are waiting for some responses to your post I thought our publication about the free services which BCC have to offer to people with secondary breast cancer might be useful.  Here is the link:

I hope this helps

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi annmaire,
I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in sept, widespread in my bones. I’m 34 and have a 2.5 year old. I would love to get in contact as we are in a similar boat.

Hi Charlotte
PM me and we can have a chat


Hi Annmarie. Hope you dont mind me posting but I have a similiar dx to you. Mx in April then told had small spread to liver. Started taxol, Pertuzumab and Herceptin for 6 session 3 weeks apart. Now just on Tamoxifin, Pertuzumab and Herceptin. Had scan results 2 weeks ago and mets are resolved, so far so good. I am a little older than yourself,43, but I still consider myself young (with 2 fab boys 15 and 10). I am like yourself and try to stay positive and there is good reason to be positive but yes sometimes it does slip. If you need a chat please PM me.x

Hi ladies, I’m not sure if you are aware of a Facebook group that has been set up for younger ladies with a breast cancer diagnosis?  It has around 600 members and members are all below the national screening age and a lot have young families.  There are a number of subgroups, including one for ladies diagnosed with secondaries, where plenty of chat goes on (plenty of chat goes on all the time in all the groups to be honest!).


If you’d like to join, send a private message to the group from it’s main facebook page and let them know your diagnosis, how old you are, where you’re from and how you found out about the group.  The link to the main page is