Cheap Travel Insurance

I was dx and treated 2008. Chemotherapy Feb to July, bilateral mastectomy July and rads September. I went to Crete in October for two weeks and paid £23.35 for single trip insurance which did not cover BC or Hypertension. Have booked to go to Crete in May this year and have again paid £23.35 single trip insurance and this time am covered for BC and Hypertension. I do this through my local broker with Fortis Travel. Yes, their Medical Screening does ask relevant questions but in a sympathetic manner and if it means reasonably priced insurance covering existing conditions I, for one, don’t mind.

Hope this is of some help to you ladies out there.


thanks Nonny - can you let me have their tel nos. as Im booked to go away on 4th Feb and havnt got any insurance yet.

Hi Shirley

My Broker is Gist (Insurance Brokers) Ltd tel no. 01579 383456. or I’m not sure if you can go direct to Fortis but their Customer Services number is 02078 927300 they should be able to advise you.

Hope this can help and enjoy your trip.


thanks Nonny, I will ring them tomorrow and enjoy your trip in May!

Hi Nonny, thanks for the info…unfortunately, they wouldn’t cover me as I am currently undergoing chemo! Any ideas, anyone???

Hi Narnia
try Miaonline - they seem to look at people on a individual basis - but something you might want toi think about is if crete is in a reciprocal health agreement lik the old e11 system then you may be ok with a normal policy excluding bc

regards helen

RESULT!! Thankyou Helen…have just spoken to a lovely man from Mia, who has completed my insurance in under five minutes and ata cost of £34…which is not bad at all, I think xx

Hi narnia

Could you please give me the phone number for Mia. Is the £34 for the one holiday ?

Thank you

Mary xx