Check Up
Check Up Hi
Support needed at Hospital tomorrow for 3 monthly check up . Do you ever get to feel happy about these visits? I always feel better on the way out.
Good luck for tomorrow Janet.
I’m a long way behind you and am still going through treatment. I’m still at the stage of being terrified about everything all the time. But I can imagine how frightening these check ups are.
Fingers crossed for you. Hope it goes well.
good luck for tomorrow… i have always felt anxious about check -ups, and I think for me it stems from being drip fed bad news from diagnosis -always thought “What now?”. I can manage to work myself up for weeks before, and like you breathe a sigh of relief on the way out!
What happens at check up? I am just completing my treatment and would be interested to know what happens at a check up. Do you have bloodtests and/or examination?
Hi Janet I am always so…ooo nervous about check ups. I got moved from 3 month to 6 month check ups last August which makes it a bit better.
Petunia: hospitals vary. I see oncologist and surgeon alternate vists. I get breast exam, chest examined and feel of stomach (liver) plus questions about general health. I don’t get blood tests or scans and am happy about this (did get blood test at first check up after treatment) though some people would prefer more rigorous testing.
I have an auual mammogram and ultasound of other breast which is more than many women get…butI have dense breast tissue and I was misdiagnosed originally.
Hope you can celebrate tomorrow night Janet.
best wishes
I was every three months for the first two years,now see the oncologist for same sort of general examination as Jane every six months and have a yearly mammogram and ultasound of both breasts at the breast clinic.I’m always a bag of nerves and usually have a different symptom which wont go away until I’ve had the ok! I’ve got a friend who’s 12 years down the line,still insists on a yearly mammogram and checkup…and still freaks out beforehand! Good luck tomorrow.
The policy at my hospital regarding check ups is once a year. Their argument is that frequent check ups only created anxiety and inconvienience having to wait to see a doctor for hours when there wasn’t a problem. They say that I could be ok on day of appointment only to get symptoms a few weeks later so they say that if I get any problems to ring up the BC nurse and I will be seen quickly. They don’t do scans or blood tests either. My feeling is that if it comes back I will be the first person who knows so am happy with this arrangement. My last check up I waited 2 hours for a 2 minute consultation so once a year is good enough for me.
Hi Just back from hospital check up and all is well!! so thats it for another 3 months.
Thanks ladies for your replys and GOOD LUCK to the girls that are still haveing treatment.
Glad all is well Janet Hi Janet, I am glad to hear your check up went ok.
Thanks to those of you who replied to my query re check ups. Like everything else to do with BC, it seems to vary from hosp to hosp. I have been told I see my surgeon a year after the op, and I have a mammogram on my remaining breast booked for 12 months after first diagnosis (June). I also see an onc next week, so have at least two appointments in the relatively near future. I am not sure how I will feel without the ‘safety net’ of frequent visits, having practically lived at the place for the last 10 months!
Hi Meg
Thanks for your reply.
Just like to say good luck with your check ups.
How long for a new boob… Hi, Hope you are all doing ok. Finished chemo 13th feb which i cried all morning after leaving the hospital i have no idea why i just felt so upset, i must say i have never felt so alone as i did that day. Well all my treatment done and i feel so lucky to have got to the end of it, but i cant stop thinking all the “what ifs” its driving me mad thinking about it coming back i dont feel like this all the time just thinking sometimes about all what has happened the last 12 months seems so sad, but chin up and look forward. I have an appointment on monday to see the doctor to chat about getting myself a new boob, i would really love him to say " yes sure can you come in next week for your op", but friends and family have said " dont build your hopes up maybe its to soon", i feel like the sooner im a whole woman again the sooner i can get on with my life better and put it all behind me. So how long must i wait?. Take care all. And god bless you all. xx lisa.xx
Sorrry all, sent post to wrong page…take