Check ups

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if you could tell me when you go for yor check up eith 6 monthly or yearly once all treament is over, what do they do at your appointment??
I am just asking as I was diagnosed in September 2005 and had chemo, radio, herceptin and am still on Tamoxifen but when my GP or other people in the hospital ask what they do at my 6 month check ups they seem surprised when I say a bc nurse ust asks me how I am feeling and how is work going.
Is this normal wta happens at allof your check up appoinments I would be extremley grateful to hear.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas
Love Clairemm x x

Hi Clairemm

I had annual check ups since 2004. I waited a varying amount of time in a crowded waiting room (between 5 minutes and 90 minutes), then I was seen by a doctor, a different one each time, who examined my breasts, asked how I was, if I had been examining myself and if I had noticed anything. Took about five minutes. I did sometimes get to ask a question if there is anything I was concerned about. I never really felt that there was much point, but did feel a little bit reassured afterwards, I suppose. I was discharged in September (5 years after my op), but told to go straight back to my GP if I was concerned about anything. Which I suppose I would have done anyway, whether I was being seen for check ups at the Breast Care Clinic or not. I am still taking arimidex, so I suppose it will be up to my GP when I come off this.

Be interesting to see what happens for other people when they have their check ups.

Happy Christmas to you as well!

