Checking back in: one year post diagnosis


I hope you don’t mind me butting in. I’m 2 and a half years past
dx. Grade 3, 3/24 nodes and the full treatment.

I was so scared going into my first chemo and really thought I wouldn’t be here the following year. Here I am nearly 2 years from chemo enjoying life and looking to the future.

There have been some changes in my life but all for the better. I took early retirement and don’t suffer fools gladly. But now I have a different outlook on life - I make the most of it. Little things like having the grandchildren over, going for a walk in the woods, and seeing my favourite bush flower in May. Family are what matters and I was too busy before to appreciate that.

I’ve just been to the hairdressers today and she has cut off the remainder of the chemo curls. I feel normal.

Take care

Yip ye do dah day, Never thought I would have got to last christmas let alone make my first anniversary of mammogram 14th Sept and official diagnosis 17th Sept. But here I am. Grade 3 Stage 3 Multifocal, HER +, Hormone related, 14 Lymph nodes packed out with the damn stuff had 6mths chemo A & C then Taxotere, Started Herceptin last Jan, Mastectomy and full lymph node sweep (14) April, twenty days radiotherapy in May/June - pathology from the op good margin of healthy tissue around the breast, all nodes had no cancer so the treatment was worth it - have refused 8yrs of hormone suppressants but continuing with the Herceptin. I am now feeling normal, on Tax couldnt walk with the joint pain, still swell alittle after have my Herceptin but life is good. Hair growing curly and lots of it (last chemo march) given we thought we might be fire fighting in the words of the dodo on a certain fruit juice advert I’M ALIVE and just starting to live it!!! In fact I am just returning to work and I never thought I would ever look forward to returning. My boys see their mum coming on leaps and bounds and call me Sharon Osbourne with my hair !!! A New me, nothing like the old me in looks but who would want to be the old glam me when she was riddled with cancer. You dont feel like there is hope or a chance, you worry the chemo isnt working, you hate the way your whole body changes but after chemo finishes and your body begins to repair itself you soon realise you do have a chance. I dont relish the thought of a ten hour op for my recon surgery but hey the NHS have provided me with a world class treatment package I will be eternally grateful for. As one of my sons said during my chemo when I think of you and your cancer I think of the words Aint no mountain high enough and we are going to beat this cancer mummy…a year on and it would appear we are well on the way…

Saw Onc today,results of mammo,all ok…relieved.

Little H x

Hi folks
After my first annual mamogram on 19t Oct, I got word today that there were no changes from previous check.
What I dont understand is how I feel so tearful and flat. I should be over the moon with that news, but Ive cried and havn’t gone to work today.
Im trying to rationalise my feelings-maybe its the anniversary of my surgery at the weekend-anyone else recognise these crazy emotions
Cathie x

today i had my first mammagram since diagnosise last sept and it was all clear!!!yipee
i didnt realise how nervous i was till i was sat on the bed in my lovely hospital robe, waiting for the surgeon to come and see me.
its been a long year with plenty of ups and downs, but i can look back now and smile, it was all worth it, lets hope it will be good news every year x

One year ago today I had mx and anc with 6/12 nodes infected. Followed by 3FEC & 3TAX then 20 rads. I am now on Letrozole for 5 years. Today I received the result of my annual mammogram and it was all clear:)My nails are back to normal and I have a full head of hair - short but it is all there:) I still have some neuropathy in my toes from the tax but I can cope with that. It’s been a long and at times difficult year but so worth it. Good luck to anyone starting this journey you can do it!!!

hiya , well its one year ago i had wle and snb followed by 15 x rads but cant tolerate letrozole or arimadex so no hormone therapy for me!i had mamogram last month and it was satisfactory. i have to say it been such a rollercoaster this past year im hoping 2011 runs a little smoother for us all
sue x x x

I was diagnosed a year ago today. I will never forget the feelings and despair I felt at the time. Over the past year I have been through two operations, WLE and Masectomy and full anc clearance, 6 sessions of Chemo, 25 sessions of radiotheropy now taking Arimidrex. I have had numerous tests and scans and have been confirmed NED (no evidence of disease)

For those ladies just being diagnosed, there is light at the end of the dark tunnel. A year ago today I would never have believed that I would be feeling so well and dare I say positive about the future.

long may it continue xxx