Previously diagnosed with DCIS and had double M with immediate diep flap reconstruction. Absolute nightmare of a time with the reconstruction, with tissue not taking wound infection and the abdomen wound opening up leaving a gaping hole that I was left to pack and dress. It took 6 months for the tissue/skin to grow and close up. This has resulted in a lot of scar tissue for me in both rx breasts and stomach. Just had my last surgery to tidy up the breasts to give me a reasonable matching pair. All is healing well and there doesn’t seem to be any problems with tissue this time. Have attended annual check ups at the hospital and have had my first scan in 5 years (since surgery) to review both sides. All came back ok but I have enlarged lymph nodes on left side only. No one has bothered to explain what this might be the result of and when questioned I have been told it’s nothing to worry about. I have concern as I have pains both breasts (on the outer side in exactly the same place. For the last two years I have been getting sharp jabbing pains in the side of my left breast which shoot up into my armpit and down my arm and feels as though someone is squeezing hard that side of my breast. Initially it was occasional now it’s daily and more painful. Consultant has been very blasé about it all and is not concerned and she has now discharged me. The pain has now started in my right side also so now suffering on both sides. Not sleeping with it either. No one seems concerned that I am in pain and I just want to be reassured that it will eventually die down and go away. With all the fatty lumps from the diep flap rx and the pain I’m in I don’t know how to tell whether anything is likely to be of concern. Not offered a breast care nurse previously and having now been discharged I would really appreciate some advice on these pains and checking for recurrence. I appreciate that it is rare that it does come back but it does and we all know it does. Whilst you can easily check the tissue nearest the skin, can it come back behind the fatty tissue and if so how can I recognise it. Just want to know what the best way is to keep an eye on things as help so far has not been the best.
Hi ,sorry I can’t offer any advice re checking post diep reconstruction ,but I just wanted to say you seem to have been treated pretty insensitively by your Oncologist and they really shouldn’t dismiss your anxieties in such blasé manner ,it’s not their body is it??Do you have a good GP?Is it worth asking to be referred to another Oncologist for a second opinion re pain?May be worth ringing the helpline here for some advice re checking yourself post reconstruction too.Jill.