cheer you up

How rubbish is it that everyone else seems to be going away for easter and enjoying time off when all I can think about is this ball of the proverbial. Has anyone done anything at all that has made them even slightly smile, and has anyone got any tips on how to do this? The best I did was put make up on to change my mood.

Well I’m not going away as in middle of rads. Gonna get p…d tomorrow tho!

Julia xx

have got few bottles of rose in the fridge and getting a takeaway, will just sit and start crying in the pub/restaurant if i have a drink out of the house! Enjoy tomorrow

I’m not going away either cos I’m also in the middle of rads, not that that would normally make any difference, my groundhog life lol…and I don’t really drink so not be getting pie eyed either lol

Im not going away this weekend either… ive just had a lovely relaxing bath and escaped to Barbados while i was at it. It was lovely imagining the waves and the warm sand under my feet. Abruptly came to an end when my son was banging on the door to use the bathroom, Id been in there for over an hour not realising the time just kept toping up the water… A well we can dream eh!

Anne x

For the first time in 2 months l have enjoyed my day, after going shopping, and then thinking l have another long lonely day (OH at work) l had a call from my mum to say my cousin had come to see me.
Came down from North Yorkshire today, just to take us out to lunch, although in contact, not seen him for many a year!
So we talked about old times, and generally had a laugh, seeing him again tomorrow, for another meal and catch up, before he leaves to go home.
What a wonderful surprise John! Thank you so much, meant the world to me!

Hi all, I’m a year on since my op etc and in totally a better place than I was this time last year.Last summer started up my own home baking business,was time for a change and I got the incentive to actually do something with my life which I wanted to do. Today I was at a fair with my cake stall and sold out and have been baking like a demon for a carboot sale tomorrow and next Friday I have taken a proper stall at a local market,so that’s my new life,tied to the oven but can fit family life round it all and I’m loving it !

Hope you can all treat yourself to something nice as your treatment continues,good luck.

Sandra x

Wow Sandra that’s a wonderfuly story, good luck with your business.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. Sun shinning here.

Lots of love Anne xx

Hi all

Hope you have all had a good weekend. I took my darling 19 month old boy to a local park where we rolled easter eggs and giggled for hours. I think it’s true that laughter is the best medicine. If I’m feeling down, I just look at him and he makes me feel so much better.

Love and strength to you all

Shenagh xx

Hi all
Had a wondreful day which started with breakfast in bed from OH, followed by soak in bath then coffee and Easter Egg. Son cooked lunch at his house and then nattered with DIL, daughter, SIL, 4 gorgeous grandchildren and 2 noisy, giddy dogs. I finished treatments October last year and am looking forward to the rest of my life which has to be long as I’ve still loads of things I want to do.
We all have down times so need to appreciate the good ones when we can.
LOL to everyone

Hi girls very quiet weekend for me but made the most of it watched THE HERB GARDEN (Catherine Cookson) for about 4 hours on one of these unheard of channels then took a stroll with the dogs its lovely to read what you are all up to. I start my rads in 11 days time so in a bit of limbo at the moment. If you want a laugh you must read the thread “chillow and ladycare” it really made me smile and even lol.
Take care Linda

Hi Ladies I’m five months post treatment and just starting to feel much better, except for a hip bursitis, but thats another story! I have had a lovely Easter, my dear daughter came home from London for a week and we did some girly things together. She wasn’t around much when I was diagnosed, although she was always in touch (I think she found it very difficult to cope with my illness) so she is now making up for it. She has been looking after me very well, doing the cooking and washing up etc. Have felt very spoilted.


We’re preparing for a house move-a few weeks after our daughter got married, so life is rather busy to say the least. I actually find that it helps, in that it does keep me distracted for long periods of time. It’s quite a radical way to stay distracted though…Sometimes just the small pleasures in life can mean a lot-grab them when they come along,and enjoy them. Hope your treatment goes well-a few treats (“A little of what takes your fancy”)along the way can make it all a bit more berable. Good luck…

we had a quiet easter weekend - I’m one of 8 kids/16 grandchildren so this is a rare occurrence, but its been lovely. Topped off this afternoon by a wander around our yard/garden looking at the budding and burgeoning life there.
the simple pleasures are the sweetest, I think!
here’s to summer coming…
monica xxx

What cheered me up the most was a walk along the clifftops where i live and looking out at the ocean watching the rest of the world go by, its a great stress reliever and i always feel at peace there , i can sit there for hours , the best and sweetest things in life are definately for free .
Linda x