Hi ladies,
Initially diagnosed with DCIS back in March but the pathology results after my mastectomy in April showed around 2cm of grade3 cancer in the breast and 5mm in my sentinel node. I’ve had a few complications which delayed my meeting with the oncologist, but today I finally got to meet with her and learn my fate as it were! Tamoxifen and six cycles of FEC75. The reason I’m posting is that I told the oncologist that I would rather begin chemo asap than to start later and pursue fertility preservation (which in my case would be freezing eggs as I do not have a partner). Chemo start date is now set for 9th of July and I’m wondering whether I’ve made a decision that I might regret later. As I’ve only just turned 27 the oncologist seemed optimistic that I might be able to conceive naturally after treatment and highlighted that freezing eggs is not a guaranteed process BUT…if I am that lady who unfortunately isn’t able to conceive naturally as a result of my treatment will I kick myself for not even attempting to form some sort of second lifeline? I don’t know. Any thoughts or nuggets of wisdom will be gratefully received!
Missy xx
Dear missy
I’m sorry you haven’t had any replies to your post yet. Sometimes when the forums are busy posts can get overlooked.
You might find it helpful to talk things over with someone on our helpline. They are open from 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000.
Very best wishes
BCC Moderator
Hi Missy,
Sorry you have to go through chemo. Fertility was a massive issue for me when I was diagnosed and I saw a fertility “expert” (paid for the priveledge) who told me I couldn’t freeze eggs prior to chemo bcause of the size of my tumour, the fact that it was ER+ and that I had lymph node involvement. I have since met girls who had a similar diagnosis and were able to freeze eggs. I had a horrible appointment with the same “expert” post chemo who then told me I was the first girl with cancer that he had treated.
So…if I were you I would get an urgent referral from your GP or oncologist to speak to a fertility expert who does have experience of dealing with younger women with a cancer diagnosis so you know if it is advisable/not advisable/what the risks are etc. YOU are the one who has to live with the repercussions of any decision made during all of this rubbish and if you go into everything knowing that you’re making the right decision then you wont have any regrets - and most of the time that will involve speaking to a specialist to get a professional opinion and to understand it all a bit more.
My new fertility consultant also spoke at the Breast Cancer Care Younger Women’s Forum and the chances of retaining your fertility at your age are high…but I’d still want to understand the risks so I was going into it fully informed. There’s nothing you can do about it if, like me, you start hearing down the line about others freezing eggs and embryos despite having had a similar diagnosis as you.
I hope you come to a decision that you feel at peace with.
PS - if you want to join a friendly and supportive Facebook group of Younger Women - many of whom have the same fertility issues, look up Younger Breast Cancer Network (UK) Secret Group x
Thanks so much for your reply, S. On the back of reading it I emailed my CNS asking to be booked in to see the specialist. I think it’s worth knowing whether it is a possibility at all before I stress out attempting to make a decision that might already be made for me. Like you, my cancer was hormone receptive with nodal involvement. It’s just I’m so keen to see the end of this period of my life that I go back to thinking ‘let’s just crack on with it’. Anyway, you’re right, I need all the info in order to be happy with my decision and for it to stay that way.
I’m so sorry that there may be doubt surrounding the information given to you pre treatment. I felt a wave of anger on your behalf reading your experience. Wishing you well and hope to stay in contact via the group which I will definitely be joining…
Thanks again for your message- it really has helped. Thank you too, Janet. M xx