chemo and horses

this may be a stupid question but as I wait for my Mx and for chemo after,I’m trying to get organised… as chemo will effct my immune system should I keep my niece out of my house who has bad washing habits concerning her horse? Sh normally comes round aftr school once a week with my daughter, but sh will be wearing the uniform ( blazer, shoes , bag) that she wore to the stables the day before, she brings the smell of horse with her but will it bring nasties ? hope this makes some kind of sense to someone.

HI Charlotte, best of luck with your upcoming treatment. There was a thread running recently from people who have horses themselves who are doing chemo - it was called something like horsey doggy people or something like that - you could jump on there and ask them. My understanding of how we look after ourselves when the immune system is compromised is to follow rigorous but normal hygeine rules and to avoid people with infectious stuff such as shingles etc. Also avoiding food that might carry bugs such as shellfood. So perhaps Niece OK if she follows hygiene rules. But also you know what - you don’t need any extra worry so feel free to ask her for whatever you think you need,
best wishes nicola

We have a family horse and I’m on chemo. As long as everyone’s washing their hands and no-one treading horse muck through the house, it should be fine.

Hi Charlotte

Nicola is right just follow good hygiene. I had Guinea Pigs in the house when I was going through chemo and still cleaned them but wore gloves. For some reason they say not to handle ‘cut’ flowers I think maybe because of bacteria around the stalks etc because they have been sitting in water. and of course avoid people with infections,(colds, flue chesty cough) but again I had to travel into central London for my chemo so had to sit on a crowded train and tube I just wore a scarf over my nose/ mouth and carried a little bottle of that antibac hand gel ( which i used to fill from the one in the clinic)and used it on my hands every so often.

Take care Rhi x


I was given the rules of do’s and dont’s the day I started chemo, that included not touching animals and I muslt say it terrified me. I have 2 labs and I enjoy walking them and feeding and caring for them. I just made sure I washed my hands etc but the still lay at my feet and did all the things they normally did. I had 8 chemo and was very well.

Good luck for your treatment.

Carolyn x

IT was me that started that horsey doggy post but i have horses and sometimes i muck out myself wearing gloves but a lot of the time the other half does it. If i have the energy i just get on with it. Use common sense. We also have 7 terriers and have just had a litter of pups and ive dealt with the bits and pieces. Get on with life and enjoy. Must say though that i have been quite well on chemo and bloods have been very good. If you know your bloods are low dont put yourself at risk. I also bought 2 heppa masks just in case but havent needed to use them. Good luck and have fun.

thank you all for your replies, all good to hear but think I might just make niece leave shoes outside! i do beleieve that our bodies cope well with bugs and germs that they are use too, so if you have dogs/cats/horses already there wont be too much of a problem… hope that makes sense, . thanks x