Chemo before surgery


I had my first EC chemo almost 2 weeks ago. Feel quite well at the moment. Was really tired but this seems to have passed. Main problem is that carrying around large tumour in my breast. I know the idea is shrink it before surgery but psychologically struggling. Just obsessing about any feelings  in my boobs and under my arms. Eg in my boob with the tumour keep feeling a bit of stinging. Feel like looking for signs of it spreading all the time and taking over my life

Also should have said constantly feeling boob to see if the lump feels any different … feel like I’m going mad 


First of all, I take my hat off to you. Two weeks after EC and you aren’t flattened is quite something!

I was surprised when I joined the forums to learn that some oncologists prefer to shrink the tumour before surgery. I’d had a mastectomy and axillary clearance first and it completely changed my diagnosis and treatment plan. It made no sense to me. I got it eventually. Chemo will/should shrink your tumour, meaning you won’t need such drastic surgery. You may in the end only need a lumpectomy.

It’s quite normal to get anxious about every single twinge and keep prodding your lump to see if it’s changing. All that does is give you a sore boob, which adds to your anxiety. You just need to trust your team and, if you have any worries, ask your breast care nurse. Meantime, consider putting some self-care into your daily life. Yoga, meditation, running, baking - whatever rocks your boat and is legal. Personally, I used Progressive Hypnosis’s meditation videos on YouTube. In fact, I’m off to do my daily Cure Anxiety meditation - no cure but a wonderfully relaxing experience. 

Good luck with your treatment xx