Chemo & Constipation NEWS FLASH

Chemo & side effects go hand in hand & I had 1st chemo on Monday 16th & have bn feeling a tad bunged up & as I’m always banging on about juicing I have to share this with you all its a MIRACLE !!! It’s aptly called the UNBLOCKER. Here’s the recipe -

2 golden delicious apples
1 pear conference
1" lemon rind on
3 prunes ready to use pitted are ok
6 ice cubes

You will need juicer & blender juice Apple, pear & lemon meanwhile pop prunes & ice in blender & pour in juice & blend until prunes are mixed get can be hard to blend but bits is fine (I just used a spoon) & drink. I did this last night b4 bed & hey presto this morning utter relief no pain all perfectly natural. Far better than using tablets which encourage yr body to be lazy & reliant at least this way it’s our own bodies doing the work !! Sorry for banging on but honestly juicing is the way tesco are selling a Phillips juicer £110 for £39 it’s fab here is a link for some immune boosting juice recipes

Every little helps :heart: Lots of love xxxx

Hi LynnW, I hope you do not mind - but I have copied your comment onto a thread I started a short while ago to purely cover recipes, and make up and beauty tips - so it will hopefully be a very positive, life enhancing thread. There seem to be a number of threads of foods, and beauty tips are hidden in many various threads, so felt it might be a good idea to have it on a single thread for easy reference. xxx

Hi sue of course not I’m not to techno minded so please spread the word it was a true revelation can’t believe I’m so excited about getting the loo lol but I wanted to share it nothing worse & we have enough to deal with without that on top & as I said worked like a dream !! & the most important thing it’s our bodies doing it not a tablet ? Lots of love xxxx

How do I do that lol do I just click on link u put in previous message ? Sorry I’m rubbish at this ? Xxx

Hi Lynn


thanks for this tip. I haven’t started chemo yet but have suffered terribly with this side effect from the painkillers I have been taking after my surgery. It made me really unwell and have to say I am not looking forward to this se from chemo. Can you please clarify the lemon is is one lemons or one inch of lemon. Sorry it’s probably me not used to reading juicing recipes. I so hope this works xx

Hi bella its 1 inch of lemon with rind on, it’s s true revelation I kid you not can’t believe I’m so excited bout getting to the loo !!! Honestly no pain nothing & the best it’s all natural & our bodies are doing the work instead of more junk ? When do u start yr chemo ? I had 1st last Monday & f yr anything like me I was terrified to the core but in hindsight the fear of it is actually far worse than the chemo itself I had cold cap too so long emotional day, it’s not easy but definitely do-able & juicing helps (sorry banging on again) but it gets immune boosting vits bk into yr body the quickest way possible & that’s what we need to evict the unwanted squatter !!! ? Love & hugs :heart: Lynn xxx

Lol ok thanks sue I’ll do my best mind you they’ll be saying God there’s that juice convert banging on again lol never juiced in my life until breast cancer decided to take over my life & it’s a true revelation something I intend on doing for the rest of my life it’s amazing :heart: Love Lynn

Hi bella I’m having chemo 1st then lumpectomy then radiotherapy. I’m a juice convert never did it b4 but I’m so impressed. If u have a kindle or iPad get juice master keeping it simple by Jason vale everything u need is in there or order from Amazon there’s also lots on Google. It seems fresh heathy eating is the way forward … Tesco has a Phillips juicer on offer at mo £110 for £39 that’s one I got it’s great ? I feel ok after Monday a few ropey days but just building up to chemo no 2 … Means to an end it has to be done in order to serve final eviction notice … WE WILL GET THERE ?:heart: Xxxx

I know I always had the philosophy ‘everything happens for a reason’ but I must say I’m struggling as to the reason for this beast but maybe at the end of it the reason is simple to force me into looking at my unhealthy life ! A bit harsh me thinks but maybe I wldnt have listened ? I deluded myself I exercised 4 times a week but I drank too much Thurs night to sun night kidding myself on I was stressed with work kids etc & I smoked (not had a fag since diagnosed) & don’t miss it one bit so yeah it prob took such a harsh reality check to make me listen … I’M LISTENING LOUD AND CLEAR ? Xxx

Well sue never a truer word said !! I know what u mean I have always lived for today & to hell with 2moro party animal only last year my 50th I was in Spain on a mechanical bull in the middle of a pub having bn out all day with friends & by this time was pleasantly drunk & having the time of my life so yr right no regrets. I ha e 2 kids son 18 & going off to uni & a daughter who is 13 in June. I have a partner Brian who I have bn with for 5 yrs he has bn truly amazing I must say & I feel lucky to be loved & have had a colourful mad life it’s made me into this cancer fighting machine I am today ??? I had menopause at 48 no periods for 2 yrs just got on with it then boom out of the blew her2+ to boot hormone Breast cancer just unlucky apparently, we will all get through this blip in our lives & I’m sure we won’t be the same again after its over but we will be strong & far more knowledgeable in all things Breast Cancer … And juicing … If course lol lots of love :heart: Xxx


Bella STOP NOW PLEASE sue was right none of us have lived like nuns !!! It’s bad luck that’s all of us I have checked mostly age hormone related nothing else ok ? If u WANT a glass of red wine during chemo (full of iron) then HAVE ONE !! I will be !!put the Catholic guilt away (sorry if I have offended anyone) & accept its the luck of the draw & hey we lost that one ? So come on step away from Dr Google and enjoy life it’s not the end it’s a blip nothing else lots of love a little bit of what we fancy does us NO HARM & certainly doesn’t cause breast cancer !! Bloody hormones do that to us 50 yr old folk xxxxx

Here here sue WE SHALL NOT ??? xxxx

Bella for you …

Cancer Research UK


Home > About cancer > Cancers in general > Cancer questions and answers > Alcohol and chemotherapy
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Alcohol and chemotherapy

Can I drink alcohol while I am having chemotherapy?

Whether you drink alcohol during your course of chemotherapy will partly depend on the particular drugs you are having. It is generally fine to drink small amounts of alcohol during treatment, but alcohol can interfere with the way some chemotherapy drugs work. Your doctors and nurses giving the treatment will be able to give you specific advice about whether drinking alcohol is safe with your chemotherapy drugs.

With some drugs it is very important not to drink alcohol as they interact. Procarbazine and lomustine are two of these drugs. If you are having either of these, you must talk to your doctor or chemotherapy nurse about what you shouldn’t eat and drink.

Some chemotherapy drugs can make you feel sick or you may lose your appetite. If you are able to drink, then small amounts of alcohol may help to boost your appetite. But excessive drinking would not be a good idea, whatever type of chemotherapy you are on.

Some chemotherapy drugs cause a change in taste. So food and drink may not taste as they did before. This will go back to normal once the treatment has finished, but it can mean that people who used to enjoy alcohol do not enjoy having a drink while on treatment anyway. Some people also develop a sore mouth while having chemotherapy and you may find that alcohol stings, particularly spirits.

Generally, having the odd glass of wine or beer is not going to affect you while on chemotherapy

From cancer website relax & have a guit free glass with a bag of crisps :heart: XXXX

Hey bella we’re all human so a wee glass of vino a bag of crisps … We’re living the dream do you no harm at all my darling … Throw away the guilt & enjoy :heart: XXXX

Hi bella hope yr enjoying yr glass of wine & crisps. I have had a homemade chicken curry & enjoying a glass of vino it’s utter bliss & the ‘normality’ of it is great … We deserve a break on a sat night :heart: Have a lovely night girls love Lynn xxx

Yr very welcome & it’s been & will continue to be a great comfort to me over the coming months 1 chemo down 5 to go ! Try not worry about it too much as I said the fear of unknown is worse than the actual chemo y’ll be ok we all will be & stronger for it :heart: Xxx

Hi bella how did chemo assessment go ? Xxx

Sake how annoying ? It’s my b’day today I’ve had a lovely day with lots of lovely pressies just had an Indian takeaway for family tea & feel like a fat pig but it was delicious & I’m having a glass of red wine too … Life on the edge ? I am now going to reverse (literally) on sofa & do a very good impersonation of a beached whale !! Hang in there it must be frustrating just wanting to get moving sending hug & love xxxx

It is albeit doing a good whale impersonation but hey today I don’t care ? Xxx