Chemo delay

Chemo delay

Chemo delay Had my mastectomy end Jan and my wound just won’t heal up completely, due to radiotherapy in 1996. Have had all sorts of dressings, currently on seaweed! My ONC tells me that its OK for the delay before starting chemo, but mind is starting to go into overdrive. Anyone else had recurrence in same breast like this. The waiting for kicking this bc into touch is driving me nuts.

Dear amdamc I am sorry to see that you have not received a reply to your post as yet. You may find it helpful to contact our helpline on 0808 800 6000 for support and also for information about our other support services which may be of interest to you. The helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

One example is our ‘Peer support’ service whereby you can be put in touch with someone, by telephone, who may have had a similar experience to you and who is trained to offer support and a ‘listening ear’ . You can read more about this and our other services via the front page of the website under the ‘Support for you’ tab too.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Kind regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

Hi Amdamc Sorry to hear your chemo has been delayed. Mine was back last June. My fault, I fell and fractured my leg , dislocated a thumb and fractured it.

Chemo was delayed for 2 wks. I also missed one of the day 8’s of cmf because of a very bad bout of oral thrush. The consultants weren’t too worried on both occasions. They said it can be quite common for chemo to be delayed a little and for 1 treatment to be missed.

If your really worried about it, speak to your oncologist and tell them. They may be able to set your mind at ease.

All the best with your treatment. I’m waiting to have my 1st mammogram since diagnosis and treatment.

Saffire xx