Chemo delays

Hi all, I’m new to the forum and wanted to hear some experiences with delayed treatment…
Recently diagnosed with invasive ductal cancer which spread to lymph nodes.
I’ve had 2 rounds of dose dense EC chemotherapy once every 2 weeks… im currently waiting on my third cycle but have had a few set backs that have lead to a 2.5 week delay!
First was a hospital stay being treated for dehydration. This meant my next treatment was expected 3 weeks after cycle 2 but then I had another hospital stay which out it back another week (4 weeks after cycle 2) oncologist said this is normal as they usually do this chemotherapy every 3 weeks and having a week delay is normal. So my take on that was that 4 weeks is ok…
Now my damn PICC line has migrated and I need another put in before cycle 3 which means my last chemo was over a month ago! Should I be worried? Oncology team doesn’t seem worried but obviously now I’m thinking the cancer is free to do as it wants as there’s probably absolutely no chemo left in my body from cycle 2.
Has anyone had any experiences with this? Have you had significant delays and still had positive results from the chemo? My partner is worried the cancer is now going to spread to other parts of my body.

I had a 10 week delay between my Taxyl/Carbo rounds last year due to allergic reactions. It was a bit worrying (I have Stg 3, Grade 3 triple negative), but your body can only take so much at a time. My bloods have been okay on EC so far, though it makes me feel vile. EC chemo is usually every 3 weeks though, and if bloods aren’t right, can be delayed by weeks. If your team are confident it is okay, then try mirror that confidence. You can always get in touch with them and ask questions to help. They are there to help after all!

Thank you for your reply. I have spoken with my team and they are confident in their decision. I shouldn’t really question it too much as they are doctors after all. Obviously my mind goes straight to the worst. I only have to wait another 4 days for my next cycle, of all goes to plan with the new PICC like insertion.
May I ask how you handled your side effects on EC? That stuff is rough and those side effects are another level!

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Always question medics if you think you need to! They need to earn your trust!
Fingers crossed that it goes smoothly. I had to have my port removed and replaced last year too. Fun times!
As for EC, I am treated as an inpatient each round as the nauseau and dizzyness side effects are awful. Im usually there for a week, then have to manage at home. My fatigue is off the wall, so im napping/sleeping most of the time, chemo brain fog is in full swing!, and I can only eat heavy carbs (potato, rice, pasta) and fatty proteins (chicken, milk, butter). I have 3 more rounds to go, but I would rather have last years side effects than put up with more EC. It’s horrible, but you do one day at a time, then one round, and you’re a step closer to getting there! You got this :muscle: