Chemo for treatmeant


I had a lumpectomy in January and all the margins were clear and had not spread to nodes 

my cancer was er and pr positive and her negatative grade 2 primary . I’m premenopausal and my Oncotype score came back at 23 

I was told I was having EC chemo for 6 sessions every three weeks but yesterday I went to sign the consent forms but they told me they were worried about health implications as I had heart disease and diabetes , I told them I didn’t have these so he went and got the top consultant who told me I’d benefit from hormone treatmeant and ovarie suppression instead of chemo 

I need advice quickly and my heads a mess now because as far as I can see anything over 16 in oncotyoe score if pre menopausal (I scored 23 ) is medium risk 

please help I don’t know which treatmeant to go for now as I’ve mentally prepared for chemo and think it would be best chance of zapping anything 

many thanks I’m advance xx

Hello ginbin73

Thank you for your post

The Oncotype DX predicts how likely it is that your cancer will return and the likely benefit to you of chemotherapy. 

All treatment decisions after a diagnosis of breast cancer should be discussed by a multidisciplinary team (MDT). You may find the following webpage helpful to read more about this.

An Oncotype score of 23 sometimes means that chemotherapy is recommended. The meaning of the score will depend on whether you are over or under 50 years old regardless of your menopausal status.  Sometimes the test might not give a clear result, in which case you may need further discussions with your treatment team regarding the benefit for you from having chemotherapy.

Whilst hormonal treatments and ovarian suppression are beneficial treatments in ER/PR positive breast cancers, it’s not clear whether you had chance to discuss this fully with the consultant, and if it was explained to you why the decision to have chemotherapy had been changed after discussion by the MDT.

It sounds as though it would be a good idea to talk this through further with your breast care nurse or consultant so you can explain how you are feeling.  It can be difficult to decide what to do when it’s not clear if chemotherapy may be of benefit. Some people feel very strongly that they want to have every treatment that might give them benefit (no matter how small). Others in this situation feel they do not want to go through the treatment and the possibility of side effects, some of which may be long term.

It’s important to have as much information as possible to help you make your decision. It may be useful to use these questions to find out more about each of the treatments:

  • How much benefit may I get from the treatment?

  • What side effects may I experience?

  • What can be done to reduce these?

  • Are there any long-term effects?

  • How often will I have treatment?

  • How long will treatment take?

Talking to someone who has had a similar experience can also be helpful. Our Someone Like Me service can match you with a trained volunteer who’s had a similar experience to you. They’ll be a phone call or email away to answer your questions, offer support or simply listen.

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Breast Care Nurse

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