Chemo hasn't made it smaller

Hi everyone, 

So I am currently abroad and away from my mum and she has just finished 8 rounds of chemo for triple negative breast cancer. Luckily, it’s only in the breast and a couple of lymph nodes. I am just worried, probably more so because I am away, because according to the latest MRI it’s still the same size and calcium deposits around it. 

What does this mean…? Obviously, great that it has not grown, but it hasn’t shrunk either…some reassurance and/or explanation would be amazing! X

I can’t specifically answer your question but I can give you some reassurance (I hope).  I’m triple negative as well and typically triple negative tumours grow very quickly.  Mine doubled in size in two weeks.  The fact that your Mum’s hasn’t grown is a good sign because it may mean that although the chemo isn’t getting rid of it, it’s keeping it in check.  I’m sorry I can’t offer any other helpful advice but I suspect they’ll try to operate now and take it out and get clear margins.  xxx