Chemo tip

Hello ladies. I am due to start my chemo this month. I have no exact date at the moment but should know on friday when I see the onc team. Anyway, I have decided to get myself organised and started looking for headwear on ebay. I have discovered that head scarfs classed as ‘chemo headwear’ are often in fact the headwear worn by muslim women under their hijab. So by typing in ‘Hijab Undercap’, I found the same items in many more colours and designs. Even better they are much cheaper in price. Worth a look if you are interested.

Thanks for the tip Mrs B…even though I’ve got a wide selection of wigs I also like to wear alternative headwear and at these prices I can purchase loads…woohoo

Thanks. I’ll have a look. Finding the wig annoys my ears! Does anyone have any post chemo head/hair tips?

thanks Mrs B, that is helpful. i’m starting chemo on tues and am preparing for hair loss, so i will have a look on ebay right now. all the best for you all with your journey. Angela

So glad to help
I actually bought one headwear scarf for nearly £6 when classed as chemo before I realised, but the same one in the hijab section was less than £2. As they say, every little helps.

I got frustrated when looking for headwear so my friend who wears the Hijab brought me loads of lovely and colourful headwear for me and she even showed me how to make them… saves so much money and anxiety it involves xx

I had the cold cap and kept my hair it thinned out but was worth it. I didn’t wash my hair as much and used natural shampoo
I also slept in a silk cap it stopped any bald patches. Best thing to do is let your hair dry naturally and after a shower I turned the water down cold on my head.
good luck everyone

Post chemo, I used to rub my scalp with aloe vera gel. They reckon it would help bald guys,so I thought I’d give it a go. At one level, I’ve no idea whether that helped or not, I only know that it started to grow after I started doing it (but that was 10 long weeks after chemo finished!) I HAVE been told thalt massaging the scalp (probably with anything or nothing) helps. My local cancer charity sells oils to rub in, but I didn’t find they did anything. I’m two years post dx now, and my hair is not what it was. However, I have hair, and I am grateful. It came back EXTREMELY curly. Actually, I quite liked it curly and it was very easy to manage. Now it’s not quite straight again, but not curly, and the bit in the front at the middle is really thin. The band over the ears and round the back is as thick as ever, just not the top/front… still hoping for improvement!

Good luck to you all… Hijab thingys seem like a good idea. Some look like buffs (which were great) but cheaper…


i have managed to get totally overwhelmed with all the hat/scarf/buff sites i’ve looked at now!!
Askey, where did you find your silk sleep cap?
i have a couple of friends from Nigeria and one has shown me an easy way to wear a pashmina as headwear. it doesn’t look too bad, and is quite easy to do. However, i’d quite like to buy a hat too for the feel of security when out and about. I think I might be too fussy!

Buying caps etc has had a fab consequence of keepig me busy and focused on something positive. Some came through the post today and I actually enjoyed having a play about. I have decided to ‘rock’ the look and make a real statement with my head wear. I am also beginning to ask my girlfriends to have a rummage at home for scarves, clip and hair bands. That way I am bound to get loads of differnt colours and designs that I might not have normally bought myself. Hoping to have enough so I can embelish my basic caps each day. Once my treatment is finished I will donate them to my local hospital or to the Cancer research shop.

Hi Ladies…my first order of “hijab undercaps” have arrived…cost per item £2.45 and although not as good quality as chemo wear previously purchased, definitely worth buying at the price…in fact just ordered a few more in different colours

i have just received my first hats from suburban turban. although they are definately not cheap, they are very comfortable, warm and quite stylish. so much so that i will wear them before my hair departs, in fact i wore one out today. My OH loves them too, but i said they’re mine! Next thing is the make up… must get backin the habit. had my hair cut in prep, but not too short. OH likes that too, so i’m very encouraged
are there any other sites for hats scarves that you can recommend?
have a good day
Angela x

Hi everyone,

I’m one of the February Valentines and 4 weeks into chemo. Not an awful lot of hair left (coming out in handfuls this week). Decided against a wig and have bought a few little caps online from AnnaBandana. Very well priced, soft cotton and excellent service. Maybe worth a look.

All best wishes,


I can definitely recommend annabandana too. Quick delivery and well made and very reasonable priced! The fitted chemotherapy bandanas have a lining in too to make them comfy to wear and they are stitched in such a way that there is no faffing they jst pull on and cost between £6-£8. Thy also have some cotton hats with fancy flowers etc really nice for £7. X

i ordered a hat from Headcovers in USA, and it arrived today. It’s not quite like the picture, but that is probably because i look nothing like the model. It is a cloch hat in colour berry, soft and comfortable and good for keeping the sun (where’s it gone?) out of eyes. Off to Headstrong tomorrow with a frien to try out some more.

If you like scarves, sell a choice of 3 square scarves and 3 contrast smaller ones to wrap round for £12.96
I have just put in an order today. it was one that i tried on at “headstrong” when i was there yesterday trying out several styles of scarves and hats. It’s at Guys Hospital if there’s not one near to you, you can go there. there is a link on this site.

I bought 3 hats from the Chemo ward, 1 fleecey, 1 pink with sparkles and a cream one that I shrunk and ended up wearing in bed. I also had 2 wigs, 1 from hospital. Wore them only 1 time each as they annoyed me. I lost my hair in August 2011 and when we had a hot spell in that Sept I went “naked” Felt so good, always had my hat as my head got cold quickly. Scalpgot really dry so I rubbed olive oil onto it and that helped.
Jane xx

Hi there, i will look up hijab undercap, can never get enough little hats. Not sure if any of you hat looked up youtube, for how to wear scarves. I did find a few useful ideas there as well as one that suggested tee-shirt hats you made from some old tees you may have in your dresser. Just cut off the bottom half of tee, place finished edge on forehead, then twist ends on one side or other to fashion a lovely flowery sort of thing and top off with your favorite scarf!!
