Chemo JAN 2017

Well, as my own futile protest to Trump’s inauguration, I have just shaved off mt hair. I thank you x

Oh that sounds hopeful Flopsy.


Trying out the wig tonight in public. Going out for a curry while I’ve still got my tastebuds. Fingers crossed it’s not too windy up north!!

That sounds much more measured than my response. Scotty. (Flicking v signs at the telly and bit**ing on Twitter).


And it made me laugh. I had to cook supper in a beanie to stop my v short hair falling into the lamb cobbler. I got very hot!


Love to all


Ali xxx





Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t been living it up through it all! The first week is sooo draining both in terms of energy and anxiety levels. I felt like everyone else on the forum was coping better than scaredy-cat me. But there really does come a turning point in the cycle when you realise that, just for a bit, you feel NORMAL and it’s wonderful. Losing the hair has not been nearly as traumatic as I expected it to be. Quite liberating to take control and decide when to shave it instead of the cancer deciding. Be kind to yourself x

I too went out last night to local panto sporting new wig and new lippy! I agree Scotty lovely to have a few days of normal, to have some energy and go out a bit.
Has anyone got a sore scalp? Mine is sore itchy and bumpy in parts. Has anyone used anything to soothe or moisturise their scalp can anyone recommend anything.
I too have tried to avoid the Trump thing. Winds me up.But all over news and Telly. What a frightening thought Trump in charge of one of the biggest spy and undercover network in the world and nuclear weapons! Hey ho! I havey own mountain lion to fight! Hugs to all.


Best of luck, the waiting is the worst! Hope it all goes well Monday, let us know.

Slowski x

My scalp is sore too.  Aloe Vera moisturiser apparently will soothe and moisturise. 

Think I will be completely bald by the end of the weekend. Even the short hairs are malting all over the place. I’ve read that almond or coconut oil is also good for scalp. It’s giving me a headache. Anyone come across a real idiots guide to tying headscarfs etc? I’m so not girly and my attempts aren’t working to put it mildly!

Me too. The cat is lying on me, and I’m moulting on him for once. 


Mine is is a bit sore where it’s dropping. I’ve tried a bit of Aloe Vera gel, but it was a bit sticky. I think I’m going to use an unscented oil at night and then wash it in the morning. 


I had a look at this site:


There are also quite a lot of videos on YouTube 


Hope everyone’s having a nice weekend


Ali x

Hi everyone

just wanted to introduce myself as a newbie. I started FEC-T on 12 Jan following a lumpectomy before Christmas. I’m triple neg, type 3. I’ve got lovely support from family and friends but it helps so much to hear from others going through the same thing. Got my next dose on 2 Feb and after a foggy first 6 days am starting to feel slightly normal again!


Thank you to everyone for their tips and experiences and the humour! I’m so glad to have found you all.


And just to add to the hair chat… chopped mine into a pixie crop too!





Welcome Suze! I have my next chemo on Feb 2nd too so will be thinking of you!!

Anyone else getting headaches from their wig? I can manage 2 hours max but uncomfortable after an hour and instant relief as soon as I take it off. No hair left except from some patchy stubble. I’m wearing a mesh wig cap under it.

Any advice appreciated as I’d hoped to wear it to a full day/evening event at work this week…


Welcome Suze


I’ve got my second FEC-T on Friday. First one was tiring but manageable.


I too only lasted a couple of hours with the wig before it started itching like mad. Headachy today.

Hair update. Shaved down to grade 2. Just finished serenading OH and son with Nothing Compare to U Sinead O’Connor. Not really pulling it off to be honest!

Ha Scotty! I bet you are rocking that no 2! My OH said about my no 3 “it doesn’t look bad”!! I think that was meant to be a compliment. I am waiting for visitors to come back from quiz (to packed for me). Have the wig on- dying to take it off. Haven’t the courage to be seen in public (ie other than family)yet.

Welcome suze


I had mine cut to a No 2 this morning (thank you to my darling Steve) and wore my wig out this pm -  I was quite glad to take it off after a couple of hours…  I’ve got a bamboo scarf thing - a bit pricey but very comfy. Im not a big make up person i.e. A bit of moussy type foundation and a blusher and that’s it. I’m starting to think I might need a bit more.  Hoping my 21yr old daughter will be able to help me out. 

Hoping that my 2nd cycle on Thursday will be similar to first as I didn’t feel too bad.


Welcome suze



I had mine cut to a No 2 this morning (thank you to my darling Steve) and wore my wig out this pm -  I was quite glad to take it off after a couple of hours…  I’ve got a bamboo scarf thing - a bit pricey but very comfy. Im not a big make up person i.e. A bit of moussy type foundation and a blusher and that’s it. I’m starting to think I might need a bit more.  Hoping my 21yr old daughter will be able to help me out. 

Hoping that my 2nd cycle on Thursday will be similar to first as I didn’t feel too bad.



2nd FEC Tuesday. Feeling so good these last few days well since last Sunday really. Back to holing up for a week or so!

Hi all
I’m new to the forum. Started EC chemo on 13th Jan for triple positive tumour. Not cold capping as couldn’t tolerate dizziness and nausea from it. Just wondered if anyone else doing EC and had any experience with how long hair usually takes to start falling? I’ve already chopped long hair into short bob and wondering when to go shorter or shave it! Thanks all

Hi Egg, welcome to the thread.

I’m having EC and had my first one on January 2nd. I went from long to a bob on day 10, in anticipation. But it didn’t start coming out until day 16. But it really came out fast then. So my husband clipped it for me. Grade 3. I really quite liked that. But over the next few days it went quite patchy and I struggled to stop pulling at it. (I was doing it in my sleep, which was a bit distressing.) So this morning I took the lot off. It’s day 21 & I think about 3/4 has actually gone. I’ve taken the rest down to a grade 0. I don’t think it looks great, but it feels quite nice. And at least I’m not shedding all over the house.

Hope you’re feeling well generally. A lot of people here are going into chemo 3 this week.

Take care all

Ali x

Sorry, I meant going into chemo 2. (Fat thumbs)