Chemo JAN 2017

Thanks Ali. Have felt relatively normal the last couple of days after a week of feeling intermittently exhausted and nauseated. Didn’t sleep well first few days which was probably the steroids, then found certain foods and smells just turned my stomach! Am hoping next cycle will be a bit better as will know what to expect. Have you found that tiredness tends to get worse as cycles progress?

Hi Egg

I’ve had first FEC so similar. Almost identical to Ali. Started coming out in clumps on day 16. Be prepared, once it starts going it goes quick. Sporting a very fetching half moon bald patch on top. But I’ve got to say I haven’t found it too distressing. Trying to see it as a sign that the chemo is doing its job. If you’re ok about it, those around you will be. My 6 foot 18 year old son keeps rubbing my head and giving it a kiss! Takes everything in his stride that one!

I’m having chemo 2 on Wednesday so I’ll let you know. I think it’s difficult to judge what it’ll be like, as everyone’s reactions and side effects vary so much. I’m really hoping it doesn’t get worse, I’m planning on working apart from the few days after.

Ali x

Thanks Ali and Scotty. I think my 2 boys are waiting with bated breath to see when I can join the “baldy gang” - current population 1 (hubby). We are trying to make light of the situation so they don’t get worried about the whole thing. Already have the wig ready as tried to be prepared. Are you having chemo first then surgery? I’m waiting to have bone scan and CT this week for staging.

Yes I’m chemo first. The idea is to shrink the tumour before surgery and then rads. Can already feel it’s not as big or hard ( I’m sure I’m not imagining it) Depending on how chemo goes I might be able to have a lumpectomy rather than full MX but nothing is decided yet. Had CT scan and all was clear. mine is hormone negative but Her positive so I will be having Herceptin jabs for a year.

Oh fingers crossed Scotty that it continues to shrink. I thought mine had gotten smaller already but I think it’s just wishful thinking - seems to have changed consistency though if that makes sense. I think they scan midway through treatment though to check size. Plan for me is to have 4EC every 3 weeks then 4 tax/perjeta/Herceptin (3 weekly) followed by year of Herceptin and surgery to be decided I guess depending on how chemo all goes. Am just hoping my veins hold up!

Sounds very similar. I’ve got a PICC line fitted because I’m seveerly needle phobic. Worth consideering if you have problems with your veins.

So, Egg your treatment is exactly the same as mine. And Scotty’s is very similar, just FEC rather than EC. 


Chemo triplets!


Ali x

Hi Ali, good to know someone else going down the same path. I have a great surgeon and oncology team but have been looking at the forums on here and there’s just much more practical info than you get at the hospital. I must admit I didn’t even want to read the piles of leaflets they gave me listing every side effect under the sun! Hope all goes well with your second cycle this week. I better get to bed in time for school run tomorrow!

Scotty,  your lad sounds lovely. Mine are all quite a lot older (yes, I was a child bride), so not living with us. But they are all making a point of coming over to see us, more than before, which is nice. 


Ali x

Welcome Egg!
Just to echo what the other ladies said - my hair came out around day 19/20 (I used the cold cap but it didn’t work for me) - and it came out fast!! Bald on too too so shaved it all off down to grade 0 as it was all over the house and was such a relief once it was gone. My 2 year old has taken it all in her stride - didn’t look twice! This has really helped me.

I too am having chemo first (EC-T) but Her2 negative.

Re 2nd round - I was def more tired but have been back to “normal” after day 7. After catching a nasty cold in round 1, I’ve stayed hidden from germs this time which has paid off.

Is anyone else having the BRCA testing done? I’ve been told it might affect the drug mix for chemo if I test positive.

Ah thanks Ali. I must admit I’m proud of the person he’s becoming. Second round for me on Friday if bloods are OK. Fingers crossed it’s not too harsh on us all in the first week. One step closer to the end I suppose x

Just back from my first session of FEC. You were right Slowski, Scotty and all, it wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be. I feel tired but otherwise fine at the moment, I keep nodding off on the sofa in front of the log stove, waiting for the steroid buzz to kick in.

I thought I would try the cold cap, if nothing else, to take my mind off the chemo but thinking I would probably give up but I got OH to time the first 10 minutes and the advice was right, that’s the worst bit, although going in from -3c outside probably helped. After that, the chin strap was annoying and gave me a fetching chipmunk look but I went the distance with it. I felt slightly dizzy at one point but it faded. I asked the nurse if I should take paracetamol first and she said she’d never heard of the need for that. Similarly, not the antihistamine before the GCSF injection tomorrow. The nurse just sprayed my hair with water, not conditioner and said I could wash it later. It will be interesting to see how it goes.

I got E-mend anti sickness tablets and 2 other lots for 3 days.

thanks all for preparing me, I feel like a fully fledged member of this exclusive club now!

hugs to all,

Beedot x



Well done Beedot, sounds like it went really well. Definitely fully fledged!

I’m too excited to write anything else. I just became a granny for the first time!

Ali xx

Many Congratulations Ali, thats fantastic! Xx

Congratulations Ali, that’s wonderful news x

Congratulations Ali.
How exciting. Xxx

Very exciting. Being a Granny is a joy! Enjoyxxx

Thanks all.


Ali x

Hi Ali - congrats on your news. I think you have second EC tomorrow so hope all goes well!