Chemo JAN 2017

Hi all,

On the subject of guilty secrets, mine’s Channel 4’s A New Life in the Sun. By week 2 I was up for Zadie Smith’s latest novel, but not so up that I can remember the title…

Hi all, would it be okay to join this thread? Ive been following some of the jan chemo as my first session was 10 days ago but i had trouble registering. Its been so much help reading the posts. X

Lighthouse, of course it’s ok. Welcome and I hope you’re feeling well. Come and chat lots, we are very friendly. 


stefr, I’m so glad you’re here. I know what you mean about social media, I love it, but it can add pressure, especially when we are already stressed. 


Ok, so you’re not out of the woods yet. But that’s great news about the bones. I am keeping everything crossed for you on the liver. 


Ali x 

Thanks Ali, didn’t like to just pitch in you all seem so close! The benefits of virtual friends feel important today - ive done really well staying positive but it really hit home today and i had a wobble. Still ive pulled myself out of it and feel more me again. :relaxed:

Welcome lighthouse and welcome back stefr. Stefr - I’m a total PICC line zealot. If your veins are being crappy, ask about the possibility. Well worth it in my opinion.


Guilty daytime TV - Miss Marple, preferably Joan Hickson, with a cosy cover, mug of tea and packet of jaffa cakes. Bliss!

Just back from seeing Lion. What a brilliant film. Don’t go when you’re having a wobbly day. I cried buckets. Well worth a watch .

Well done everyone for getting through round 2. I’ll be joining you on Friday with tizer coloured pee all over again. It’s weird. I’ve felt so normal this week (apart from being bald and having PICC line in my arm!) in terms of my mood and energy levels that I think it’s going to hit me hard feeling the fatigue all over again.

Thanks for the welcome scotty. Reading through some of the thread shows how varied our treatments can be - i understand the regeims will be different as we are all individual but the broader stuff - so i was offered a choice of picc/port/cannula, gcsf inj standard day 5 for 5 days and automatically referred for a wig with £120
towards costs. I look forward to chatting with u all - thanks for letting me join so late - im a bit rubbish with tecnololgy so bear with me. Warmest of hugs to u all x

And would appear I can no longer spell too…? xx

Hi beedot - i think i have been one of the lucky ones . Min se all managable - managed school runs/cooking/shopping etc. Im tired, have no brain but doable. Thinking it will probably be a double whamy next time ? x

I am in 3xFEC and then 3xT. Had first FEC yesterday and was so glad I had a Portacath inserted. Feeling wiped out today and I think was over optimistic about being up and around. Does anyone know how long for body to process the drugs and when will I start to feel livelier and less hungover. No nausea yet so fingers crossed. Thank you! X

Well I had my second FEC yesterday so I’m not quite chemo buddies with you Mooney any more but I still think of you as my chemo buddy! Also someone else on here had chemo yesterday so I’m chemo buddies with them but can’t remember who. I love reading the posts on here but can never remember who said what.
Yesterday was better in some ways. I got cannulated first go so that was a relief. And I got given Emend. But this wasn’t quite the golden panacea I was expecting. No vomiting this time but felt totally crap and nauseous yesterday and had to retire to bed. No appetite and finding it hard to drink so I don’t think I’m flushing the drugs out.
Does anyone have any advice on managing nausea. I don’t think I could do fasting, although I am fasting now as no appetite.
Hair update. My pixie cut is moulting fast so the wig will be needed soon. My friends always used to tease me about my vast collection of berets and hats but now I think they’ll come into their own. Not the berets as without hair they make me look like Benny Hill, but the cloche hats may be useful. Plus I’ve ordered more from Anna bandana.
My hospital doesn’t do glad injections but my white blood cells were good so maybe I don’t need them. However I am being given a bone strengthening drug called Zometa. Is anyone else getting this? It’s because my bone density scan showed tendency to osteoporosis.
Hope you’re all doing well today. I’m having duvet day for sure.
Congratulations Ali on grandchild! Welcome lighthouse and all newbies on here - it’s a great thread!
Love, R x

Gcsf not glad. Funny auto correct. R x

I’m your second chemo buddy, Robin! Had my secon EC yesterday. I’m up and I’ve done some emails, but mostly I’m planning a quiet day. My bloods were good too. My main side effect is tiredness, alreadyyawning at 10am. But I don’t have to work outside the house much this time round, so should be mameagable. I’m sorry I can give much advice about nausea. Ginger? I find boiled sweets good when I’m travel sick. 


I did fast again, for 72 hours beforehand. Not very rigorous, 24 hours with nothing (apart from drinks), 48 hours with 600k per day. I had a bowl of soup last night, and I’ll eat normally from lunchtime today. I really don’t find it difficult, so am going to continue. But there’s no proof that my lack of many side effects is directly related. And it’s probably not helping the tiredness. 


Thanks for the congratulations. We are going to Manchester on Sunday, confirmed now since I’m feeling ok. I can’t wait. 


Have a good day all. Not sure if anyone’s having chemo today, but if so hope it goes well.


Ali x

Ah hello chemo buddy
Yes I have gone back to my original Tuesday! So sorry your feeling sick again despite the Emend. I expect you are taking ginger and drinking plenty to push the drugs through. At least 2 litres a day water/ juice plus other drinks. Others may have other ideas.Even on Emend I get a little nausea but it goes if I eat a little some thing in the morning like a couple of ginger biscuits with my morning in bed drink brought by long suffering wonderful hubby! Interesting your bone scan, I haven’t had one so no bone density pills. Will check with team.
I was completely wiped out yesterday. 1.30pm I realised I had forgotten to take my steroids tablets. Chemo brain! Felt better after taking them and got up about 4pm.Look wonderful today steroid red face little hair! Cold here so might have another duvet day, Still feeling very tired and do not feel ready for human consumption with the red face bald head and all! So duvet morning it is! !May read one of Scotty’s book suggestions!
Welcome newbies this is a lovely supportive group.
CMM - I found last time first 10 days worst then last 10 got steadily better and particularly 13 -21 felt normal! That could be because I had a particular problem last time that took 10 days to sort out!
Love and Hugs to all and good luck to those having treatment today. And to those with SE’s -these too will pass. I will try and remember that myself. lolx

Just to say my hair started coming out in clumps on day 16 (FEC-T) which is round about when the nurses said it would. I found that taking control and shaving my head helped me to deal well with the hair loss but it’s a very personal decision. Helped from a practical point of view because it gets everywhere. Got to say, for me not nearly as traumatic as I thought it would be. I’ve ditched the headscarves becaused I think they make me look like Pirate Peanuthead but I’m rocking the peaked hats at the moment! Wig is only worn when I’m going out for a meal etc but again that’s a very personal decision. Hope everyone is well x

Hello chemo buddies Mooney and Ali and hello everyone else. Lindie I started shedding hairs on day 13 of first cycle but wasn’t losing it in clumps till day 16 - had pixie cut done that day. My hairs quite thick so still look sort of normal but I know it’s only a matter of time. I’m booked on a Look Good Feel Better workshop at Kingston hospital on Feb 24th so looking forward to that (and the goody bag!) Still in bed today, may get up later. R x

Hi All, glad to hear second rounds have gone ok. I’m due next week all being well. In the meantime - anyone else had any bowel issues with the chemo? I think I’m going to turn into a prune if I eat any more!!

Ali - I’m really interested to read about your fasting as had read some stuff about how it helps. Did u do it for first round too? Egg x

Hi Egg,

I am due 2nd round of FEC next week, subject to usual blood tests. I also fasted for the frst round - 24 hours before and 24 hours after. I had plenty of fluids, miso tea and a few celery sticks. I think it helped me feel a bit more in control. I was sick on the first morning once. Its impossible to say if anything would have been any different without fasting. The nurses weren’t very happy about it but the consultant didn’t seem too concerned.

Thanks for all your comments. I find tiny regular portions of food helps to keep nausea at bay so far. Hopefully by round 2 I will have forgotten quite what it feels like. They’ve assured me the effect isn’t cumulative. At least we should all be done by the time summer arrives - goodnluck everyone! Hugs.

Hope you are coping well with side effects, I am still in bed, because I Can! Just having a duvet day again to get rid of this tired sticky feeling. A question for a friend - no really-. She has just been diagnosed with lung cancer and is at Guys for treatment. I think you go there. Do you know if they provide transport for people having chemo/ radiation. She is worried about getting there and back?
Cheers. x