Chemo JAN 2017

Hi, Mooney. Yup, I’m fine. I’m on the sofa with a cat, so not being very lively. And because the cat is lying on me I have to be brought tea/coffee/chilled water etc. Not sure who my husband loves most, me or the cat!


For your friend: There is hospital transport, but essentially only if you’re disabled or have mobility problems, otherwise they expect you to use public transport. You can get a refund if you’re on benefits. The details are here.


It’s worth asking for appointments that avoid rush hour, most teams will do that. But I have to say, London isn’t necessarily the best place to have cancer. It’s always hard work and even more so when doing chemo. Give her my best wishes


Ali x

Thanks Ali, She is very anxious and was thinking at one point of not having surgery. It’s all so daunting beforehand isn’t it. That’s very helpful I have sent the link to her. How lovely cashmere and cats and a hubby at beck and call?Mines gone for a swim so I think I fancy a cup of tea and a piece of walnut cake. Just fancy that! Hugs and thanks for swift reply.xx

Ha, I don’t have much to do other than reply and watch telly. 


A x

Hi.  I’m also snuggled under a cashmere blanket but with a small smelly dog for company.  I had my 2nd FEC this morning. I feel a bit wiped out but ok, so far no nausea.  I’ve booked on a look good feel better workshop for 23 February. I’m hoping I feel ok to go to my son’s A level photography exhibition this evening - he chosen good old 35mm black and white and I can’t wait to see the finished photos.  

Have a nice evening all. 

Hi Lindie,


i haven’t had surgery yet, but I’ve just done chemo 2. My head was tingly/sore by day 8, but it didn’t drop out until day 16. Hope that helps, sorry you’re feeling rough.


Ali x

Hi Lindie. I’m awake too. Insomnia after chemo two on Wednesday or maybe I dozed too much yesterday. Hope your surgery pain goes soon. Get your hair cut short before it falls if possible as less distressing. My pixie cut is a week old and hanging in there! Rx

Morning you two, and any other early wAkers.


That’s good advice from Robin. I went from long, to a bob, to a grade 3 clip. When it really came out (more than 2/3 gone in one day) I took it all off. It’s definitely better to take some control. 


I only slept for for a few hours and had some weird dreams. One was that I decided to set up a new national newspaper. I think it’s the steroids! Anyway, I’m going to have a bath in a bit and then try and get some work done. 


Catch you later


Ali x

Morning all - i have been really lucky overall with minimal se - re the nausea i also took ginger capsules for 48 hrs before chemo and then for about a week post chemo. I have managed normal diet. Did have a fright yesterday tho - as had new pain in picc line arm - phoned hospital who said come in. I had the tiniest sweat spot in my armpit which although painful was hardly visible. They were worried about infection despite me feeling really ok - the short version is ive ended up on antibiotics as my neutrophils are below 1.0 Avoided admission as i promised to reg check temp and phone in. Thought i would share as i really do feel ok in myself and would never had guessed my count was down ( i am in the low bit anyway as day 10 yesterday)their advice was to be vigilant re skin grazes/spots/cuts etc and check temp even if u feel ok.
My worry is what if its new node disease? I have had full clearance on the other side did ask this but no one seemed to b concerned more worried about potential infection or clot.

Hi, lighthouse 


That’s a really useful post, both about the ginger capsules and the PICC line. I only had mine in this week for chemo 2 & I’m quite edgy about it. 


I really think it’s much more likely to be an infection than spread to the node. The likelihood of spread while your having chemo is pretty low, the likelihood of a node getting painful if you’ve got an infection is high. Try not to stress. (I know it’s easier said than done). Hope it’s sorted soon, let us know. 


On the ginger capsules, might be worth a try for those who don’t want to fast. 


I have the same day 3 se as last time. Farting and heartburn. Perfectly liveable with, but I won’t be inviting anyone round for a coffee.


Ali x

Hi ali, yep im sure u r right just your mind plays havoc doesn’t it. Wishing u a restful (albeit possibly a windy) day xx

Thanks lighthouse for the useful info re your PICC line. 

Happy Friday! Good luck to everyone getting blasted today - show those pesky cells who’s boss :slight_smile:

Egg- yes!! OMG - I’m so fed up with it - I’ve ended up getting piles and then everything sorts itself out towards the end of the 3 weeks only to go back to blocked when the chemo starts again… I’ve got lactolose which helps and senna. Such a pain in the bum :slight_smile:

Stefr - so good to hear from you and I totally get it re taking yourself off the internet. My darkest days seem to be when I start consulting Dr Google too much - it almost becomes an obsession. I’m keeping everything crossed for your other results. Waiting on results is possibly the most stressful thing I’ve ever experienced.

For anyone suffering nausea - a friend sent me some “queasy drops” - natural boiled sweets - which are really nice and seem to do the trick. I’ve got the ginger ones and sour raspberry. I think you can get them online. Also bagels - I have to have one first thing in the morning for the 5 days following chemo :slight_smile:

Hugs to you all xx

Ali1961, thank you! I was feeling miserable this morning and then your comment about your current antisocial SE made me laugh out loud. ?


After FEC 1 I found I was burping like a trucker after a fry up in a greasy spoon…


My nurse had suggested Omaprazole on prescription for the duration of chemo because if you suffer even mildly before, chemo will bring it on even more as it irritates the upper GI tract (hence my sore mouth for which she’s advised salt rinses). 20mg a day of Omaprazole was fine until day 7, then the indigestion suddenly got really bad, like a constant burning, painful bubble stuck in my chest. Nurse suggested doubling the dose to 40mg and it went away really quickly. did the trick! 


Hi and a very good Friday morning to you all!
I too was awake most of the night! Very fed up and a bit tearful thisowning. Trying to get myself together to have a shower and find something to wear. Determined to get up today and try to inject a bit of normality but feel so sxxxxy.

Ali you made me laugh too! I am burping and making tummy noises for England. Laughter is good medicine. Wish I could do more of it. Usually quite upbeat just bad day today.

Robin - chemo buddy hope you are feeling better and nausea gone like the sound of those anti nausea drops especially the sour raspberry anything sour does it fore at the moment.

Lighthouse - are you on gcsf injections, can’t remember. If your neutrophils so low may be worth asking team?

Good luck to everyone going for treatment today.
love and hugs

Thanks Suze. I’m going to see how it goes. Last time it only lasted 3 days, if so I can live with it. I think carbs make it worse so I’m avoiding them for now. Hence breakfast of smoked salmon and two ducks eggs. Basically I am living the high life! 


Mooney, I’m confused. Did you bleep out that you’re feeling so sexxxy? If so, congratulations. 


Ali x (laughing at my own jokes) 

lol xxxx Oh Ali you have done it again! Sexy is the last thing I feel! Bald, red faced, and feeling fat! Got to get myself together. **bleep**ty was the word used! Perhaps being a bit overzealous on the bleeps!
You’ve cheered me up!

Actually it won’t be let me use the word automatically bleeps it! xx

Glad you’ve cheered up Mooney! I haven’t got up yet either…


Love the dream about settting up our oen newspaper. 'll put muself forward as your cricket and education correspondent!

Just back from FEC-T. Was only in with the onc for less than 5 mins. find her very abrupt abd aloof. We have to ask fro test results as it wouldn’t cross her mind that we would be anxious to see what they contain. Anyway I went in convinced the lump had shrunk. She sent a nurse to find a wooden ruler (High tech?!") and siad it hasn’t but it had got softer. Didn’t seem the mose accurate measuring device Nurses are lovely full of chat and advice but the higher you go up the food chain the less personable they seem to be in my experoence.

Anyway the cosy cover is calling,  Any Vera Miss Marple of Lewis to download? ZZZZZzzzz

Wtp and Ali - the bowel SEs are awful! My sons run away from me when they are in the same room??I’ve been using docusate (buy in Boots), prunes and dried apricots and that has helped. Also used omeprazole with the steroids (hubby had taken before so advised me to take) - and it helped with the heartburn. Am going to ask onc team if they can prescribe me some when I see them next week. But have lots of questions for them and also due to get results of CT and bone scan so I don’t want to overwhelm them with too many questions and requests! Hair starting to drop today (day 16) so will shear it off after the weekend I think.