Chemo JAN 2017


Re softening lump - I had my surgery before chemo and was on letrozole. My (very lovely and quite opposite to your onc) breast surgeon said my lump had softened and this was evidence of an excellent clinical response to the treatment. Shame your onc couldn’t have said that. I think some medics forget how we analyse their comments and responses as we negotiate our way through these challenges.

Have a good weekend everyone, roll on summer Xx

Thanks slowski. That makes it sound a lot better?The nurses describe her as not really a people person. It damn good at her job. Well I include the quality and thought given to explain g results as important. Had to ask about results that had com back (all fine) but it didn’t occur to her that we might be waiting anxiously to hear!

Hi again Lindieloo.
Glad you got it sorted.
Congratulations on driving again.
I’m nearly 65 and have driven since I was 18, but somehow can’t pluck up the courage to do it yet.
Self confidence seems to have nose dived.
Maybe I’ll try next week.
2nd chemo is 3rd Feb. Xxx

Day 3 of Dexamethasone today and after 4 hours sleep last night I can’t wait to stop taking it - am sure that is the reason why I wake up at 3 wide awake and can’t get back to sleep no matter what. Anyone had any experience of how long this takes to wear off?

Me too CMM. Awake most of Thursday night and last night, but also had the dreaded heartburn, burping, pain last night had to spend all night sleeping propped up! I think the sleeping issue gradually disappears as the Dex makes its way put of your system.So if you have none today you should sleep a bit better tonight.Fingers crossed for you.
There is a party tonight in the village I want to go to. So i am going to try and get myself together for thathe it will be good to get out if only for a couple of hours just to say hello!
Jackie just to say I haven’t really driven either. once to GP surgery 5 miles on country roads. Haven’t really been out far and when I have other people drive me. I don’t worry too much, I am just enjoying being driven to be honest. But I shall just Potter locally perhaps drive to a friend so as not lose confidence. I live in a small village so I can do that.
Hi everyone hope you had a good night and the weekend brings some relief from symptoms and you can enjoy life a little.
love and hugs

Morning all x
hi Beedot, no no pain in nodes on the original side - my lymph kept coming back indeterminate on biopsies pre surgery it was only u/s that showed anything suspicious and then positive nodes on snb so full clearance. So trying to put it all into perspective and push to back of mind. Im on abs if no change in lump by mon i will ring bc nurse and talk through.
Cmm - even tho my steroids were prescribed am/pm i took my second dose at lunch time (onc nurse advised) i didnt seem to have too much of a problem with the steroids but couldnt be certain this was because id taken it earlier. X
Have gd we all x

Last Dex today but after that I hope it will improve. I don’t feel tired bizarrely so I’m sure that’s what it is even though last dose of day taken with lunch.
Mooney - hope you make the party! I live in a small village too and haven’t driven yet but hope to over weekend.
Have good weekends everyone. Hugs. X

All you lovely ladies who are watching all these lovely box sets on TVodafone how are you doing. We are thinking of buying new smart tv and getting rid of Sky plus. But think we may have to have set top box for pause and rewind live TV. Any suggestions? Very off topic I know!
Hugs Mooney.xx

Can recommend wifi enabled smart tv - just got a Panasonic from Amazon. You can get Amazon prime tv and films and Netflix - really recommend watching the Crown. Now watching rerun of Brideshead Revisited. Better films than Sky and plants to keep you going on sofa days.

Thanks CMM we have looked at the PanasonIc wI fi enabled to get netflix etc. But still would like to pause and rewind live TV! So thinking of adding basic set top box. It seems quite complicated. we are not huge technophobes. !!!
Hugsxx Mooneyxxx.

We have a semi-smart tv, with an Amazon fire stick (£35). It gives access to Prime, Netflix (but on my daughter’s account) and all the iplayer, ITV hub etc. We also have Sky, including sports but not films. Mooney, I think that you can freeview boxes that pause and rewind. Sky is so expensive I usually threaten to leave after a year, and get a cut. (We’ve been in four houses in seven years). But I must admit I didn’t get round to it this time. Since we are moving in July, I think we will switch to a different system and cut costs. I don’t count the Amazon as a cost though, as I really have it for year round next day delivery. 


On a separate issue, my heartburn was much better yesterday, after I avoided carbs. I didn’t have any bread, or anything else with flour. Mostly veg and protein and it did seem to make a difference. Last dose of the steroids on this round, for me today too.  I live in central London and haven’t driven for ages. I hope the party is nice. 


Ali x



Thanks Ali good hints about heartburn will try. Was going to try and do things today but feeling yuk again and feeling fed up and wimpy. Tired and just really out of sorts, lots of different things. Sorry to moan.x

Hi all, newbie is what I am first chemo last wednesday 25th.  Feeling absolutey fine…perhaps even a little guilty at feeling so well, however picc line started a bleed today so back to hospital for them to assess if there was any damage, fortunately not, cleaned it up and put a new dressing on it.

Reason for posting is to find out the days when to avoid going out and meeting people, is it just the 5th to 7th days or longer.

 Perhaps I should add that I have had a lumpectomy and lymph node biopsies , 2 out of 5 that were removed were cancerous.  However a further biopsy of remaining nodes were clear.

now on 6 x 3 weekly sessions of chemo.

And does anyone know if you can do yoga with a Picc Line in?

Thanks for your time, hope to get to know you all, Ebim

Hi Suze, I’m due second round of EC on 3rd Feb - so nearly the same! Hair is starting to drop today. Was out for lunch at a kids birthday party and had to keep sureptiously cleaning my hairs off the plates ?Will leave it until Monday then shear it off I think.

Hi, Ebim and welcome.


so my hospital said that days 8-14 are the worst for white blood cell count. They didn’t say don’t go out, but try to avoid public transport at rush hour and be careful about eating takeaways then! They are obsessed with the idea of food hygiene. I’ve just had chemo 2, also on Wednesday 25th. In my last round I went to meetings, shopped and travelled on the tube in week 2. But I avoided the busiest times and I screened visitors for bugs. 


Really glad lad you’re feeling well so far. I’m having EC and I was the same first time, and also ok so far this time.





Hi EggG
We are chemo twins - my second is also 3rd Feb.
My hair started to come out yesterday, I don’t know when to get the clippers out.
I have a lot of very thick hair, and always said when it started to come out I’d shave it straight away.
Now the time has arrived I’m not so sure.
Ebim I thought it was days 7 - 14 but I’m a bit paranoid.
There are so many people with cold and flu viruses here at the moment I’m staying well away.
Mooney- we have a Samsung smart TV and really like it. Enjoy the party.
Ali1961 glad the heartburn is better.

Hi Ebim

Im doing yoga with a PICC line and have got on ok. Just conscious not too over stretch.  Like you I’ve had lumpectomy and fill nodal clearance so I’m also careful not to over stretch on that side too! 

Size. I totally get you feeling wobbly about hair coming out. That’s how I was too. What I did was get a pixie cut, then not touch, brush or comb it at all. And I’ve only washed it once. Untouched hair doesn’t get that dirty! I sleep on a silk handkerchief to minimise friction. It’s still shedding but not as fast. It’s giving me a bit of breathing space to get used to coming baldness.
Day four and feeling tired today. Hope you’re all having good sort of day. R x

Sorry that should be addressed to Suze. Auto correct!

Hi Jackie (chemo twin!)
I had cut hair already into a very short bob. It is also very thick so I don’t think I will go bald in next couple of days, however I hate the shedding so have decided to cut it all back on Monday with clippers. Grade 3? (Not sure of the technicals!) have a wig ready which is the same style as current bob so will wear that for school runs.
Mooney - have you tried omeprazole for the heartburn? Take in morning with the Dex - I found t helped. That plus bland scotch pancake for breakfast with the dex. And light dinner. My onc suggested take all the Dex before lunch so it’s less likely to keep you awake at night?
Egg x