Chemo JAN 2017

Hi Lindieloo
I too am in sunny Lincolnshire! Well not so sunny this morning. Do you go to Lincoln County for your chemo! I had my 2nd FEC on the 24th Jan. As a friend says 1/3 way through. But must say today it feels a long time, as if am in a sort of bubble outside normal life.
Hugs to to those who have treatment today and in this coming week.
love Mooneyxx

Lindieloo good luck with your MRI.
Sorry about your SEs- by that time in your cycle you expect them all to be gone.
I premiered my wig yesterday at a local bar in our village (Spain).
Everyone was so kind and complimentary, that it boosted my self confidence no end.
My scalp was so painful trying to comb my 1" pixiecut, that I bit on the bullet - AND SHAVED IT ALL OFF. ?
What a relief!
Good luck to anyone starting chemo this week - you can do this. :heart::heart::heart:

Yeay, taking control Jackie! Great when people are so supportive and complimentary. Gives you a boost.
I am going to try some recreational shopping for our new tele! Trip to John Lewis and a bit of lunch with my hubby! Just need to find something to wear to make me feel … well normal.Seem to be cold a lot of the time and want to wrap up in voluminous garments that tend to make me feel unattractive and fat! Oh for the sun in Spain Jackie!
Good luck with MRI results Lindieloo. X

Enjoy your shopping trip Mooney!
I wanted to ask - does anyone know if breastcare nirses will give out results if you call them? Or will it have to be the onc. Had bone scan and CT a week ago now winding myself into a frenzy over results
Egg x

Hi all,


I’ve been a bit quiet because I’m in Manchester with my new grandson. And I am off my phone as I don’t want screen time to distract me. Yup, I am going to be that sort of granny! 


Day 5 of chemo 2, and essentially I’m knackered. But I think it’s the travel, staying in a hotel, and excitement as much as anything. But feel ok, and am triumphant that I’m sort of 25% through. 


My BCN gave me my CT result on the phone, but only because it was clear. But she also said that most areas don’t let you give them out that way. It’s worth asking though. 


I agree, shaving the hair off was liberating. I haven’t really taken on the wig issue, because I’m very happy being bald in the house and wearing wraps the rest of the time. So poor Bex is sitting in a drawer, safe from the cats.


Hope everyone has a good day


Ali x

Good luck to everyone awaiting results!

Ebim - I don’t have a picc line, I have a port but mine took a while to settle in too (I don’t even notice it now) but do you have a breast care nurse you can call just in case?

Quick question - has anyone else had a period? I’m due my third EC this Thursday and suddenly got my period! I don’t want to get too excited but am so wanting to stay fertile through this treatment. I’m 36 so there’s a good chance I might go into early menopause. I have 2 more EC and 12 weekly X T to go so still early days…

Sending everyone hugs xx

Sorry it’s a rant…

My other half came home from the Doctor today’s saying they had prescribed him antidepressants and I asked him why? He said he’d been feeling anxious and unhappy for some time now.

I got really upset and asked why he hadn’t spoken to me about it and he started putting it back on me…saying it’s not about me this is about him and how he feels.

4 years ago he was on antidepressants and I stuck by him and helped him through it all and he came out the other side much better but I don’t think I’m strong enough this time.

Am I being selfish…I’ve 3 kids…two of them are still babies and I know how hard I worked to make it okay last time. With everything that’s going on with my own illness I’m just not sure I can take care of someone else as well.

I had second FEC on Wednesday and he’s barely even asked how I feel each day…we went away with the kids last weekend and he barely lifted a finger…he’s come home and is complaining that he never gets anytime to himself…i mean I get alone time when I go to appointments and scans. He has said he feels locked in.

The hospital phoned today also to ask could I come for my Liver ultra sound today instead of February…I live an hour for he hospital and his first response is who is going to watch all the kids!
I’ve cried the whole way to the hospital and the consultant can’t even make me feel any better because the one liver lesion he can see looks fine but he can’t see the other one so I have to go for another CT scan.

Sorry for going on…

Oh Stefr please don’t apologise - you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong and this is what the forum is for.
My husband suffers from depression too so I know how draining it can be supporting someone and that’s without the addition of BC and a young family on top.
Is there any way to get him to see a counsellor? I know this is hard as it is a financial strain and some men aren’t forthcoming with this type of thing.
ive found that when my husband is in his dark place, reason doesn’t work. We fell out the other day for similarish reasons and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing giving what I was going through. We lost his dad very suddenly a few months ago to cancer to (in his 60s) so my husband hasn’t come to terms with that really either. I guess the good thing is that he has gone to get the pills that could help in the interim? I got angry when mine came off his without consulting me first :slight_smile:
I honestly think you’re amazing - 3 children including 2 babies, going through the stress and anxiety of BC. Is there anyone else your husband can use as support - is he close to any of his family? Can he lean on them for a while instead of you and is there anyone else to support you and help with childcare to give you both a break?
Good news that one liver lesion seems ok and I’ve got everything crossed for the other but I know it doesn’t make waiting any easier!
One day at a time… please rant away whenever you feel the need. Someone is always listening.
Sending lots of virtual hugs xxxx

P.s. You’ve both got so so much going on - please don’t be hard on yourselves. My OH gets very withdrawn when in depression and it’s hard to get him out of it. The stress of seeing us go through BC - especially when you’ve been his rock and the mother to his children - it must take its toll but doesn’t make it any easier for us.
It’s ok to not be strong all the time though and want someone else to be strong for you.

Never apologise


I suffered from PTSD/ anxiety before diagnosis (just got back on my feet and then BAM!!) I used a service called Talking Therapies which the GP referred me for. Free but will have a small waiting list. Everyone is different but this was a real life line for me. Just to let you know there is help out there which is not reliant on you x

Thanks ladies,

He’s a very withdrawn person in general. He doesn’t have great relations with his family and while I try to encourage him to go and see friends and family he just seems to withdraw into himself.

Even tonight I’ve come home from the scan and he hasn’t asked how it went and I don’t feel I can tell him either.

I’ve confided in a close friend about the scan results and I’m close to my family. They’ve been great…sometimes too much though (is that possible).

I’ve taken steps to take back some control in my life…crazy as it sounds I’ve put in place a plan to return to work one day a week. As I need some normal in my life. But he doesn’t think that is good for me…

Do you know what Stefr, I honestly think women are the stronger sex. It’s hard for you when you have the children, and your own illness to cope with. Can’t say anymore than others have suggested about talking therapies and counselling.But just to say my OH too suffers from depression, and I have to ensure that he does things for himself go our for bike rides, watch rugby, see friends! I know, it is strange when we are battling this disease to have to worry about someone else, and I haven’t young babies and the stress of waiting for test results to think about, so it is easy for me. But still it is frustrating when you almost have to cosett someone else who you think should be cosseting you, especially as you have supported then through episodes of depression. I find as well I have to remind / check my OH has taken his pills, which he takes as nagging sometimes. Can’t win.
So hard for you Stefr, never apologise, you have enough of a battle to fight. Just use this forum and the resources that this charity offers to get the most help you can. You have my admiration and I am thinking of you a lot. Sending you bucketfuls of courage and love.
Mooney xx

Morning all


Just a quick question. What did you use for constipation - I know lovely topic over the cornflakes- apart from lactalose. I vaguely remember something beginning with c being mentioned?

Cosmicol Scotty with Lactulose. In the end I had to have Co- danthramer (industrial strength unblocker!) and then continue with Cosmicol and then when I got moving it was OK.
Lovely subject!! I was a martyr to it!!
Love and Hugs

I knew it was you who knew!! Hope all is well. x

Another question. Know other more important things to worry about but what do you wear at home on your head when you don’t wear a wig. I find that there seems to be either sleep caps or more attractive ’ hats’ that seem to be outside wear. I can’t find attractive indoor wear and feel a bit of a mess in my sleep cap. Personal to me but I have not come to terms with bald and still want to cover up.But with what? xx
Mooney xx

Yes Scotty I am well known for my Constipation!!!

Have you tried seem cheaper than others


To be honest I just wear what I can only describe as a pirate cap. I didn’t get the girlie gene so find I end up looking ridiculous in some of the scarves. Some people look chic, me not so much so.

I have texted OH and asked him to bring home said constipation stuff. Not so long ago I used to look forward to a bottle of wine or bunch of flowers. How times have changed!

Hi Mooney, 


I’m wearing printed material wrapped around my head. The material came from the market and they measure 30cm by 200cm, so not a typical head square. Because they are long, I can wrap and knot and then do a second wrap and tie. I think they are African material and they’re aimed at Afro Caribbean women who wrap their hair completely.  But no one seems to mind me using them, My area is very multicultural and I’ve been congratulated on my wrapping skills, several times, They are very comfortable and look bright. Let me know if you want me to post a picture.


Ali x

Ooh. Yes please to a picture