Chemo JAN 2017

Thanks Robin, I think you’re right about getting the wigs cut to make them more ‘me’. They are both really nice, but too nice if you know what I mean?!? It’s definitely worth a shot.

I had my lovely hairdresser cut my wig. It made such a difference as I look like me when I wear it. One product he did recommend was something called dry shampoo. I’d never heard of it but if you spray a bit in your wig it gives it a bit of texture and stops it looking so shiny. Really made a difference. To be honest I only wear mine if I;m going out for coffee/meal etc. Lifes too short to wear it for the dash around Morrisons! I’m booked on The Look Good Feel Better but not until the end of March - quite a waiting list. I’m rubbish at make up at the best of times so hopefully the advice will be good for after this is over. x

I haven’t worn my wig at all. Poor Bex, I feel quite guilty. I’m fine with wraps for work, social events, plus a very thin cashmere beanie for just popping out. I’m pretty comfortable being bald in front of people I love. Close friends, my grown up children and their partners, Chris and my siblings. I would be bald more widely, but it freaks people out and I don’t want them to be uncomfortable. Mine you I am very bald now, so I do look a bit alien.


I’m a bit more worried about the summer. Sunhats don’t cover in the same way. I might have to do a wrap underneath. My chemo is until June too, so I’m assuming I’ll be bald all summer.


I am so booking a LGFB workshop, I love a goodie bag. I’m quite good at makeup, but have a blank spot about eyeliner, so hoping my eyelashes hang on for a bit. 


Hope eveyone is feeling ok. This is a very upbeat and measured thread and I feel proud of our January gang. I’ve got my 3rd EC on Wednesday. Sorry, I’ve lost track of who is doing what this time round. 


Ali xx

Blimey, Suze. I’m 55, so they’ll probably give me lavender water and talcum powder. Maybe I could lie, I wear Urban Decay and Chanel so I’d be jealous too. Ha, I sound ungrateful now and I haven’t even been yet! 


I really understand why some of you don’t want to be bald in front of others. I think it helps that I’m a massive extrovert so don’t mind being looked at. I told my daughter I was going to write a swear word every day on my head. In eye pencil. I said I’d go through the alphabet and tweet them. A for arse, b for b**ger, c…She said she’d never speak to me again if I did. ?

Hi Beedot
Ive had those questions from both my sister’s in law about ‘Have you lost your hair yet’ - almost like its a marker of my progress, although it’s probably because its the only side effect of chemo apart from vomiting that most people are aware of. I find it really upsetting though - I’m a really private person and because of the hair loss, feel that my illness and treatment is right there for all to see, which is why I’m feeling so anxious about finding a solution. Maybe its just a process i have to go through and it is a minor problem in the greater scheme of things. I used the cold cap for round 2 a couple of weeks ago, even though I’d lost lots of hair already by the time treatment came around. I haven’t yet started the big shed this cycle. I’m hoping it won’t come!!! I live in hope.
With the look good session tomorrow - I’m 45…unfortunately don’t think I’ll pass for under 40! Drat! But if i have a good nights sleep, i might try!!!

Ali, I love the sound of your cursing scalp!!! It would be a good way of ticking off the days of the chemo cycle too…day 6=F, day 16 =P, etc etc. You’d always know where you were!!!

Hello lovely ladies,

Not been around for a few days as I’ve been feeling pretty sorry for myself, but your humour has cheered me up no end.

Ali - I SO love your idea of writing on your bald pate. Awesome.

Sorry if the following rant puts a downer on everyone, but I need to let it out.

After reporting that IV Emend had sorted out my nausea, I wasn’t quite prepared for the Tax to come and (literally as you will see) bite me in the bum a few days later.

I had the normal joint pains,  diarrhoea and sweats, but wasn’t prepared for the attack on my skin.

Nasty, itchy, lumps and thrush.

All solved with Claritin and Canesten.

However, I had been developing - wait for it - a boil on the bum!

I remember telling you that it is still possible to laugh about things even if you have cancer.
Saturday’s escapade will be laughed about - just not yet.

Said boil had become very red and angry, so on Saturday morning my hubby and rock, Frank, whisked me off to A and E.

I was worried about protocols here in Spain, but I explained my chemo and my symptoms.
I was immediately taken to a private room, where a doctor saw me within 5 minutes.
Now, one wouldn’t normally rock up to A and E with a boil on the backside, but as my immune system is at rock bottom, I felt it justified.
The doctor couldn’t have been kinder. She could see I was upset- I thought they would keep me in.
She acknowledged that given my cancer, I would be sick of hospitals, so she said she was going to let me home with antibiotics, but I had to promise to go back on Monday so they could check it again.
If there was no improvement, I would have to be admitted so a surgeon could wield his scalpel at said abscess.


So, later this morning I’m off to get my bum checked again - hubby (who has been checking and dressing it :womansurprised:) says it looks less angry.

I SO hope they don’t keep me in - I’m sick of the sight of the hospital.

I’ll look back one day and laugh about my visit to A and E with a boil on my bum.
But not yet.

Sorry for the rant. :heart::heart::heart:

I lucked out on the LGFB workshop and even though I’m mid 50s I got Bare Minerals and Urban Decay along with quite a lot of No 7 and some Clinique, Lancome and L’Oreal. I didn’t see any lavender water! We did a bit of swapping between us too. Def recommend to anyone, even though I had to travel about 35 miles, as I wanted to check out the journey as the hospital is a possible location for rads for me (Addenbrookes).

OUCH Suze. That sounds really painful.
Glad it’s feeling a bit better.
You could start a decorating blood spatter trend.
We should all keep notes of the stupid things we’ve done.
We will laugh at them in years to come.

Jackie you poor thing. It sounds like the antibiotics are working though so fingers crossed book will settle! As you all say it’s other things that they don’t tell you about the chemo which get us!
I wanted to ask if anyone else has had a sore arm after EC/FEC? I’m now day 8 post EC2 and the arm where I was cannulated is really sore. Not swollen or red or hot, just feels tight especially if I stretch it out? I had both chemos into same arm so wondering if it’s he veins hardening up from the drugs. Went for a long walk today in the cold sunshine which was really nice but now quite tired. Am normally very active and it’s hard to gauge how much is tiredness vs a bit of laziness ?. I think gcsf might make me tired too - 2 more days to go!!
Ali I love the sweary head. Am so tempted to try it for parents evening under the wig and then whip it off whenever I disagree with a teacher ?
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend

I am back from my Look Good Feel Great workshop and just wanted to report that it was fabulous!
Sitting amongst others going through similar experiences felt really comforting - like I was normal again (!!) - and the volunteers were lovely, so kind and helpful. It was really good trying out products that I wouldn’t normally buy, for example a chanel lipstick and the clinique moisturiser, which felt lovely on my parched skin. And yes, the goody bag is incredible, but the overall experience is worth so much more. Everyone had the same bag, so no comparing and no swaps!! I completely recommend it! I know you are in Spain Jackie, and one of the volunteers said they run the workshops in other countries, so it might be worthwhile looking into it to see if there’s one near you? I felt really good when I left and my husband thought I looked like the me of a couple of months ago again!
Beedot, when you’ve recovered enough from your treatment today, i’d be really interested to hear about your fasting before chemo.
The latest thing occupying my thoughts is the cold cap! Nobody, including my BC nurse or oncologist has mentioned the possibility of scalp metastasis when using the cold cap, however it’s something I read about on Google (argh!) last night and am worrying. Just wondering, was anybody else informed of the risk or is it the internet mis-informing? I will speak to the oncologist next week too.

Thanks Truey. I haven’t had surgery yet so don’t know the exercises. Are they online somewhere?

Hi EggG
Have a look here.
They helped me immensely after my MX.

Blue2, I spoke to my team about cold cap and risk of skull mets. They were dismissive of the risk and said they would not in all conscience advocate it if there was a risk, and that they would not be allowed to in such litigious times because if such a risk existed someone would sue them. I think other teams may have a different stance.


I have chemo 3 tomorrow so good luck everyone who is having chemo this week. Think Slowski Robin and Ali are. May your SE’s be insignificant!
I agree with all you said about the LGFB workshop.Not just the goody bag but the whole experience was very uplifting. I really recommend it.
Sorry for you Jackie - not a nice experience. Hope it improves with antibiotics.
I am just not a ‘embracing the whole bald thing’ sort of person, I am the hat or wig at all times person, though the wig drives me mad tbh it is so itchy! Especially around the hairline. Can’t wait to whip it off!
Love and Hugs everyone

Thank you Slowski and Beedot, you’ve reassured me somewhat. I will ask my oncologist too next week re the take on cold caps and metastasis in our NHS trust.
The fasting sounds interesting - anything to reduce the side effects, with the bonus of if not losing weight, maintaining it! I have gained a few pounds on chemo already, probably due to inactivity, so fasting sounds like a win win if you can do it!!

Ouch, Jackie. One of my sons had a pilonidal abscess when he was a teenager. In the cleft of the buttocks. It was horribly painful and I really feel for you. Glad they were on the case there though.


Suze, sorry to laugh, but that was a great story.


Yup, I’ve got chemo 3 on Wednesday. I’ve fasted before the other two and have been very lucky with ses. I am doing 48 hours on water, tea, coffee and miso soup. Then I won’t eat on the actual day, but will have breakfast on Thursday. But I do fast regularly so the actual process is fine for me. My onc was a bit sniffy, but I’m happy to do it anyway. But despite that, I haven’t lost any weight. Still, I guess I might have put it on otherwise.


Our new house went through today, delayed from Friday. So I’m hoping to be uber well this time, as we have a huge amount of work to do. Have ordered industrial quantities of disinfectant, rubber gloves, dust masks etc.


Ali x



Good luck with number 3 Mooney. Happy Valentine’s Day!! I’ll be joining you with number 3 on Friday. Marks the halfway point for stage 1 for me. We’re getting there!

Yup, good luck Mooney. 


Ali xx

Good luck all on FEC 3 this week - half way mark for some, yay! Mine’s due next week, will be awaitng your feedback…