Chemo JAN 2017

Don’t worry Ebim. You will get there. Yes I’m having third dose of FEC tomorrow. To be followed by three doses of T, the doxy whatsit one. Thinking of all my chemo buddies tomorrow. Let’s hope our veins are cooperative. I always feel so nervous the night before. R x

Hi, Ebim. I’m actually on EC rather than FEC (different approaches in some areas). But I have to have 4 EC then 4 Docetaxel. So you will overtake me before I’m finished. I think it’s 4 + 4 because mine was described as very aggressive by my surgeon and oncologist ? Then they told me off for using the same word! So now I say I have an assertive cancer!

I’m with you Ali, 4 each of T and EC, so i will be one of the last ones to finish with you! I am having the T first, before the EC. Do you think everyone who has chemo first has 8 sessions rather than 6? My cancer is in the lymph nodes but is grade 2, so not as assertive as yours! Is anyone having chemo first and just having 6 sessions…? I’m compiling a list of questions to ask my oncologist next week!!!

I’m chemo first. 3x FEC and 3 x T with hetceptin and perjeta

Thanks Scotty, that blows that theory! I seem to have compiled quite a list of questions for my oncologist next week! I was in such a daze at my first appointment, caught up in the whirlwind of investigations and diagnosis, and next week will be the first time I’ve been back for review.

Sorry Blue! Really seems to vary according to where you are in the country and your exact type of BC. I think mine and Ali’s sound really similar but our chemo regimes are different so who knows!

Happy Valentines! :heart:
I’m having chemo first, 4 x EC then 12 x weekly doses of T (equivalent to 4x the 3 weekly one).
Perhaps EC is 4x and FEC is 3x?
Mine was also acting very assertive like Ali’s - they think I have some grade 3 cells due to the speed of growth and lymph nodes and size of tumour.
Round 3 was def harder for me but they increased my dosage which might be why. So we have different drugs, different number of rounds and could be getting different dosages! So many variants and I have no idea about any of it…
I’m going through write a list of questions too - great idea!

Does anyone know what the difference is between EC and T regarding how they affect the cancer cells? All I seem to find online is about the SE.
Thanks all xxx

Well ladies 3rd FEC done and dusted. In and not in record time- my was that nurse on a mission.But apparently if you have a port or PICC line it is quicker. I also feel surprisingly well. Usually I crash out after chemo but not today. A lovely neigh our invited us for supper and I wasn’t sure how i’d feel , but felt fine. Mmm mmm waiting for the crash!
It was suggested I had chemo first to remove the lymph nodes as quite big and in difficult place and surgeon wanted to reduce. But oncologist said surgery first (!) as he would have to give 8 cycles before surgery but only 6 after, also he thought and had 2nd surgical opinions it was feasible to do surgery first. As you say all different.
Good luck tomorrow Robin, Ebim and Ali Take heart from my good experience. Know where I am with FEC. T is an unknown quantity but easier on the veins Robin! How they doing?
Love and courage - we are doing it Yeah ??

In and out in record time, Doherty!

I give up - too late! Doh! ?

So ebim, Herceptin and Perjeta are targeted treatments for cancers that are HER+.

Well done Mooney, you’re the cancer queen. Despite the typos!

Night all

Ali x

Are you sure they didn’t give you anything else in your line??!! You sound very relaxed mooney!! Dreading the unknown of the t and how long it’s going to take ?

Lol Scotty! 'Twill be a different story later. Double crash. Feel chilled could be the Aperol Spritz I shouldn’t have had on chemo noght before dinner! ?

Well 6am and have been awake virtually all night with…acid reflux! Probably my fault as had lovely supper last night, plus of course my Aperol Spritz Hey ho!

Thanks, Beedot. Yup the new house is in Manchester. We rent a place in London and will keep that on (although a smaller house) because I work in London for roughly 6-8 days a month. The house in Manchester needs lots of work, so a lovely distraction from chemo


Al x

Think you will crash and burn today mooney. Get some sleep ?!!

I’ve also wondered what’s the difference in FEC/EC and T in terms of what it does - I think I read somewhere that T is more about the spread into the lymph nodes and dealing with that. I think my onc is very frank about SEs for T - the words ‘not knowing what’s hit you’ keep ringing in my ears …eek. But we can all get through this together.


Slowski, my first T hit me quite hard. I wasn’t prepared for it and perhaps naively I thought it wouldnt hit me so hard as I’ve always been pretty tough and rarely ill. So I fought the effects by doing too much and not listening to my body which I think made it worse. The second round, I had prescription anti-inflammatory medication and pretty much took to my bed/sofa for 4 days and it was a much easier experience all round. I recovered quicker too after round 2, probably feeling fine after 6 days. Those first few days are unpleasant, but after that, in my experience, it’s not too bad.

Like Ali I am having 4xEC then 4xT/perjeta/herceptin followed by more herceptin and then some sort of hormonal treatment and surgery maybe tamoxifen although onc hasn’t gotten that far yet with discussing. Onc said they wanted to throw everything at it as its grade 3 and in nodes. Apparently the herceptin and perjeta are only funded if given with the T. Although if you have bad reaction to T then they can apply for funding for it to be changed to Paclitaxel weekly rather than 3 weekly T.
That’s what I’ve been told anyway! I’m not looking forward to the T bit…

Hope you’re all doing ok, Mooney,Ebim and Ali, my chemo buddies this week. I’m home now after third dose of FEC. It didn’t go too well this time. My poor swollen arm and tired tiny veins. Took three goes to canulate. And this time the chemo actually hurt going in so they had to stop and put through more saline. Arm’s feeling ok now though. I’m trying to drink more fluids this time. Managed a litre so far. Good luck to everyone else getting done this week. R x