Chemo JAN 2017

I have had PICC line from the beginning and I wouldn’t br without it. Makes chemo and bloods a doddle and the nurses love them. I haven’t had any problems with infection or pulling. You have to get it flushed once a week but that’s quick and easy and have a plastic sleeve to cover it for the bath and shower. For me the pros far outweigh the cons

Oh dear, I think this is quite common but lots of concerns coming out now as we go through. Scotty thanks for asking about the T, I’m trying not to think about it as I still have another EC to go. I’m supposed to be teaching three days from day 5 after my first T so I’m going to get some cover for the middle day in case I’m very tired.

Jackie you poor thing. I laughed at your choice of epidural though. Hopefully they’ll blast you with things to get your white blood cell count up while you’re there.

I used a gentle shampoo while I had hair left. Now I’m just wiping it with a flannel with a bit of body wash. A nice moisturising one. I’m also oiling it at night. I happen to have an expensive facial oil that I bought but never got round to using, but when it’s finished I’ll switch to baby oil. Mine is white too, but I’m very pale so it doesn’t look too.bad.

Sorry to those of you who are feeling rough. I’ve just been quite lazy, but feel ok. I don’t seem to get a buzz from my steroids, just a bit of a headache.

Off to Manchester tomorrow to start work on the house. Maybe I need extra steroids!

Love to all

Ali x

Evening all - so want to reply to all comments as i have so much support and help just by reading the thread over the last week but it would be too much i guess! Briefly tho i wouldnt be with out my picc line - its been super easy to cope with (even with children coming in for hugs) hospital even trained my oh so the weekly flush and dressing he does
Hair - completely drove me crackers with the shedding so despite successful cold capping so far i had it cut off yesterday best thing ive done abd tbe kids all coped too. Success. When i end up completely bald well time will tell…
Did any one purchase a wig pack? My wig fitter has offered this but its £40 so was just wondering if necessary? It contained shampoos/care for the wig but also supposedly products for your scalp. Still not even sure i will have confidence to wear it. Thanks for being some amazing virtual support it really helps. Xxx

Evening all - so want to reply to all comments as i have so much support and help just by reading the thread over the last week but it would be too much i guess! Briefly tho i wouldnt be with out my picc line - its been super easy to cope with (even with children coming in for hugs) hospital even trained my oh so the weekly flush and dressing he does
Hair - completely drove me crackers with the shedding so despite successful cold capping so far i had it cut off yesterday best thing ive done abd tbe kids all coped too. Success. When i end up completely bald well time will tell…
Did any one purchase a wig pack? My wig fitter has offered this but its £40 so was just wondering if necessary? It contained shampoos/care for the wig but also supposedly products for your scalp. Still not even sure i will have confidence to wear it. Thanks all for being some amazing virtual support it really helps. Xxx

I’m probably not the best person to ask as mine is still languishing in a drawer. My ‘children’ who are all grown up, think we should let the cats have her. I’m pretty sure they think she’s a squirrel!


Other people have said that a stand isn’t needed, as you can use an upturned vase or even a full two litre lemonade bottle. I bought shampoo and conditioner from Amazon, much cheaper. I think I paid £10 for three things. And baby oil seems fine for the scalp. I don’t think £40 is a rip off, but I think you could spend less.


Glad the kids were ok with the hair. I’ve been barver about being bald in public this week, even if it’s only in the hospital.




Ali x

Thanks Ali think i may hold off for moment and search around a bit more.

  • just realised ive posted twice sorry all!.

I find I’m wearing my wig only when I see people I havnt seen for a while. I’m liking the scarves I’ve bought but these are mainly hats with long tails that I tie around my head and then sleep caps around the house for comfort and warmth - my head has felt very cold this last week so I double hat!
I still wash my head with shampoo! Which is quite funny! ?

Hiya! I paid £30 for my wig care kit - I kind of justified it was the saving I made on VAT. I’ve worn my wig about 6-7 times in the past month but have totally appreciated those times - for work, random pub trips etc. I’ve only used the spray so far and the polystyrene head but think I need to was it now as starting to get a but shiny and fake looking.

I’ve got a port and it’s amazing! I have a 2 year old who climbs all over me - no probs!! I’ve had 3 rounds of EC and no poorly veins no issues finding a vein. Couldn’t recommend it enough!


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Hi Ebim. I haven’t slept much either. About five hours. Steroids effect maybe. Going to try to sleep more this morning in between taking pills. I’m meant to be going to a funeral at lunchtime. It’s for my young friend who died unexpectedly of pneumonia in January. It’s going to be a sad day but I do want to go if possible. Hope you all get a good rest today. Sorry I’ve forgotten who it is who is having first dose of FEC today but I’m thinking of you! R x

Hello again you lovely lot.

Thought I’d update you all on the BOB  (boil onthe bum) saga .

It has now been officially redesignated an abcess. 

I’m still in hospital.

My white cell count was 0.1,so yesterday I had the G-SFD injection.
Today it’s 11!

However my blood sugars are now elevated so,although they think it’s probably related to the G-SFD, they are monitoring me for diabetes. (Never had high sugars before)
They are keeping me in till Monday so they can dress the abcess wound, which is pretty sore.
This cancer/chemo lark keeps throwing curved balls.
Much love to all suffering this week.
Ali -hope the move is going well.
Suze -I’m deffo moth eaten. I only have one arm too as already had MX.
Hat wise - I’m bald in hospital and at home. Got an African head wrap like Ali, but have no idea how to tie it.  Also have hats that I hate.
Robin and Ebim, I don’t have steroids thank goodness. Hope you manage to sleep better. 
Welcome Star. Hope all goes well with your first treatment. 
Lots of love from Spain you wonderful ladies. Xxxxx









Oh lordy Jackie your Bob really is a saga isn’t it? I hope the weekend passes peacefully for you in hospital. I’ve been awake since 5.00am, probably steroids again. But I did make the funeral of my young friend yesterday. A sad day but an uplifting one too. She was very inspirational. I’m feeling ok at the moment as FEC 3 hasn’t been too bad so far and I heard yesterday my biopsy wasn’t anything nasty. Hope everyone else is having a good weekend and all our side effects are bearable. R x

Robin, that is great news re the biopsy. I have been thinking of you awaiting the results but didn’t want to mention them.
I’m up early cleaning! It’s round 3 for me next week and I like to give the house a good seeing to when I’m able. My husband just doesn’t clean it to my satisfaction, although he does do it! How dull I sound?!!

Thanks Blue 2. I know what you mean about using the good week to try to get the chores done. And I don’t mean to sound sexist but I also know what you mean about husbands! They just don’t see it in the same way do they?!

Great news about the biopsy Robin.
Men don’t see dirt do they?
They try - bless em - but never do it like us.
Although I have to say that since my diagnosis I have started to care less and less.
Either that or I’m becoming progressively more lazy!

Just popping in. 3rd EC on Wednesday and I’m feeling ok. Probably as well as the first two rounds.


We’ve come to Manchester to start work on the house. Yesterday afternoon we made the kitchen and a bathrooon bearable and threw out the carpet from the room we are sleeping in. Camp beds last night, but I crashed out at 9.30 so was fine. This morning we’ve removed a bed, a sofa, two wardrobes and lots of other stuff. Three trips to the dump. Having a little rest then we are off to screwfix with a huge list of things we need. 


I can’t comment on men and cleaning. 6 years ago I stepped up my career, while Chris became a house husband. Have to say he’s pretty good. I get ironed sheets and a house cocktail every Friday. (Although not last night!) 


Great news about biopsy, Robin and glad the BOB is getting sorted Jackie. 


Love to all


Ali (definitely moth eaten and honestly rather grubby) 



Ali you are superwoman! All I can manage is to.lie in bed and read the papers. And you’re renovating a house! Wow. Hope everyone else is doing ok. Jackie how’s the horrible old Bob? Hugs to all.

Honestly, I’m not. I’ve been lucky with side effects, but also I’m so excited to have this house that I’m on a massive high. 


There will be plenty of lazy days ahead for me 




Evening all - yeah thats great news re biopsy Robin! What is it with the cleaning today for us all it almost felt like i was nesting! ive sorted out the kitchen cupboards - found stuff with use by dates circa 2000! So had a good throw out very satisfying.
Thanks for all the advice re wig pack - i did buy it in the end. The wig looks great at the back and sides but toooo wiggy at the front despite the styling however i do want it as a stand by option so went for it in the end. Managed the school run on Friday with a scarf rather than a wooly hat which was actual alright in the end.
Jackie really hope BOB is behaving and u r recovering!
Much love and hugs to all xx

Happy Friday all!
Great news Robin re biopsy - such a relief!
We’ll done on the renovations Ali - I’m feeling so lethargic now, I really need to step up a gear as time is going so fast now.
Jackie - I feel your BOB pain!! I too have something (not quite as bad!) in that area which means I can’t sit or lie down - a real pain in the ass! That coupled with some terrible piles from the constipation has had me in tears!! I have my 4th EC this wk so will ask for something to help ease the side effects of the drugs we’ve given to help the side effects!

Talking to a friend yesterday who used to be a bio chemist - when testing chemo drugs, they had to wear those full spaceman suits as protection! Crazy - we have that stuff inside us - no wonder there are some strange SEs…

Hope everyone is doing well. I’m finding myself more tired, 3 rounds and 2 wks down but not sure if it’s the chemo or just lack of routine. Sprained my ankle this wk which was very frustrating as it meant another wk on the sofa… boo!

Enjoy your wknds xxx

P.s. Anyone losing eyelashes yet? Mine have noticeably thinned :frowning: