Chemo JAN 2017

Hi, Robin. I’m good thank you. Went well, running on time for once. Only moment was when I went in to book my Look good, feel better workshop and they told me the first space was in July! Not much help to me.


I really think you should look into getting a PICC line. I’m sorry, I can’t remember if you’re having 6 or 8 rounds, but even for the remaining 3 it would be worthwhile. Phone your BCN and tell her what happened. You might have to push, although Guy’s were fine when I (sort of) insisted. 


Hope you feel ok otherwise. And that everyone else is doing well.


Jackie, how’s the bottom? 




Ali x

Ali, On the LGFB workshop I got called up for a cancellation last Monday to go last Thursday, and I got the impression this happens a lot, so fingers crossed you might get one sooner. I’m stilled so pleased with the goody bag, especially the Urban Decay stuff.

Well done all those who’ve done FEC3,  I wish I could do mine this week and get it over and done with.

Ali, re the LGFB workshop, you could always try going on one in Manchester when you are up there! I went on a Manchester one, even though i dont live there and am having treatment in another health authority and only waited a month.

Blue2, Thanks for the heads-up re T.I have managed to get out every day since chemo started with FEC but it sounds like that might have to change with T!

Hi I’m having FEC3 tomorrow and hoping that the nausea I’ve had since fec 2 will be better following my onc appointment today. I’ve struggled with feeling nauseous for most of the last three weeks.
I’m booked in on the looking good course on 23 feb and hoping for some advice on eyebrows as mine are starting to thin!
Ebim have you continued with yoga?

Well chemo buddies and all. Slowski did you say crash and burn? Well in right state today. Feel very nauseous acid reflux heartburn, weak, only up for two hours today.Sigh! Definitely not Cancer queen Ali.! And here I am again awake when I should be asleep. lolx

Oh no Mooney I hope you managed to get some sleep in the end. It’s the horrible steroids. Did u ask onc for something for heartburn? I got losec this time round which helped.
Ebim hope you are feeling ok after round 2.
Good luck to all having theirs this week.

Hey Mooney, Hope you’re still in bed enjoying a lie-in to catch up on lost sleep. I really struggle with the effects of steroids and spoke to my onc about it. He said to take the 2 doses at 6 am and 10 am to try and give a better chance of sleep, as like you I wake up at 1.30 am prompt after only 2 hours. He also said he is not willing to cut them back on my final FEC but will consider it on TAX chemos.


I am struggling a bit with the hair situation as I feel fine and would like to go to Pilates later today but don’t know what to put on my head which will make me feel confident enough that it won’t come off in a ‘downward dog’ type situation. Anyone got any experience or opinions about this?

Thanks, Skowski .

Slowski I wear a sleep cap from Anna bandana when I go to yoga. I wore a scarf once but it slipped off and I felt a bit self conscious, especially as my head looked like a moth eaten old bear!!!

Yup I was going to say a sleep cap. I’ve got a thin cycling hat for wearing under my helmet in cold weather, which is good too.

I have to take all my steroids at breakfast. This probably explains why I sleep through until 4am!

Ali xx

Well this moth eaten old bear didn’t get to have her 3rd chemo this morning. My PICC line has come out a few centimeters! Which meant it wasn’t safe to give me chemo. I have to have my line re inserted on Monday followed by chemo. Never thought I’d say I was gutted to not be having chemo!
They seemed to think it was when I have my line care. For those of us with PICC lines apparently the nurse should measure your line each time they do your line care so they can see if it has moved - mine hadnt been measured.
Ebim I go to a class. Have done it once at home. Shame you can’t find a class / worth asking the mac nurse though.

Hello chemo buddies and friends. I had a bad time yesterday evening but I think it was my mistake trying to stay up and watch tv. I had terrible nausea and just sat on the sofa groaning and crying. As soon as I went to bed nausea lifted and I slept well. Going to have a duvet day today, day 2.
I do sympathise re hair - I’m definitely at the moth eaten old bear stage.
Mooney, hope you’re feeling better today. Ebim, I’m doing a LGFB workshop on 24th too. Mine’s at Kingston hospital. Where’s yours?
Don’t want to scare us but I follow the Dec group too (I was originally going to be a Dec starter). A lot of them are on their first T dose now and are having a horrible time. I’m finding it quite depressing as I really hoped T would be better than FEC. At least no nausea. I know I’m half way through but it still seems a long way to go. Sorry for whinge. R x

Still feeling awful hubby out collecting losec. Haven’t taken steroids today as affect stomach and the reflux heartburn etc so bad can’t eat and not drinking enough. Still in bed sitting up . Hoping omeprzole will sort it out. Feel really out of sorts and tearful, not like me. Sorry to whinge you lovely lot!

Oh Esther I know how you feel - I had to have second chemo delayed because I had low white cells - I never thought I would have been upset to have chemo delayed!! But of course if Picc isn’t in right place not safe to do.
Do any of you have a portacath? Wondered what that was like. Have been told my veins aren’t great and my onc wasn’t keen for a PICC for me as he thought it would get knocked about by my kids. So just wondered what others experience was of veins/PiCC/portacath?
Thank you!!
egg x

PS hair all gone! Scalp white face red! xx

Mooney I’m sure it’s the steroids and lack of sleep making you feel out of sorts. Hope the omeprazole helps

Could I ask what seems a really silly question. Have shaved head now (grade 0.8) as couldn’t deal with hair all over floor. Just wondered what you all do about washing your scalp? Do you use shampoo still? Or soap? Facewash? Sorry I know it seems daft!
Egg x


I have a portacth and had chemo 2 through it, which was painless. I have been able to play tennis, do Pilates and go on my bike with it in and so far it has been fine. It’s a more invasive procedure to have it fitted compared to a Picc I think, and it took about 30 minutes with local anaesthetic in an operating theatre. I can give you more info about that if you want.

I was glad I had it for chemo 2, as 2 days after chemo 2 my veins in my arm swelled up into hard painful lumps, which was chemo damage from chemo 1 more than 3 weeks beforehand.

Hope that helps.


I’m just back from having pre-chemo bloods in readiness for FEC3 tomorrow (fingers crossed) I asked about the T part as it was worrying me. They said T is much easier on the body than FEC. It’s the red one we have at the moment that makes us feel so awful. But for me and Ali (not sure who else) its the herceptin and perjeta that make you feel really tired. But as she said I’d rather have a good kip than puke my guts up! Quite x Sending lots of love to the poorly peeps

Thanks slowski. I have the same issue as you now with veins post chemo 2 - arm is really sore and tight although it’s not swollen or red so not a vein infection. BCN said it’s the E from the EC making the veins hard and shrunken. I had both chemos into the same arm so maybe it was my fault for not alternating the arms. But I have 8 chemos in total to go thru hence worried about them lasting - although heard T not so hard on the veins? (But maybe this is wrong) Onc wasn’t keen on the Picc but Surgeon was less keen on portacath as said it’s more invasive etc etc so am at a bit of a loss what to go for!