Chemo JAN 2017

I’ve got herceptin and perjeta too so I’ll let you know ?

Hi Robin
Perhaps they will give you portocath or PICC line? it seems unfair to use your battered veins. I have posted on the December thread asking for tips for preparing for T. Let’s see what they say.
Hugs xxx

Mooney, Robin, Scotty and Slowski…please be reassured a little, but T hasn’t been that bad for me. Yes, it’s awful for a few days - aches (very bad at first but now controlled on medication since cycle 1), fatigue, diarrhoea and generally feeling out of it, but by day 5 I’m coming around and socialising again by day 7/8. I’ve had no nail issues as yet, or neuropathy and am still managing to work in week 2-3 of the cycle. I am actually as worried of switching to EC as you all are about switching to T! Because reading everyones posts about EC side effects, I think T is as manageable if not more? And the unknown and how it will affect us is one of the biggest fears, at least it is for me.
On another note, I’m still having aching in my lump since T3 last week. Has anyone else experienced that? I’m hoping it’s a good sign…?

Hi Ladies,


From the October thread, a few tips about the T cycles. Like you all, I was very apprehensive about the T. However, it wasn’t too bad but is very different from the FEC. 


The good bits are that it does not affect he veins like FEC, there is no nausea and less GI disturbance, plus if having T alone, the visits are much shorter.


Personally, the T made me much more tired than the FEC but I looked better, so friends and family didn’t always realise how fatigued I felt. It was also the first time I’d had G-CSF injections, as my hospital doesn’t use them routinely for FEC cycles. I had a lot of bone pain in the first cycle from the 5 injections and complained to the chemo team. They reduced the number to 3 for the next cycles and that conquered the pain and my leukocyte so were still OK.


So, a few tips…my pharmacist suggested taking one paracetamol and One co-codamol to control the bone pain. That way you get a full dose of paracetamol but only half the dose of codeine, which means less constipation.


Feet need a lot if moisturising because the skin peels off and heels can split if not cared for. I managed to avoid a split by moisturising twice daily but lots of skin peeled off (a but like sunburn).  A couple off good creams were CCS cream and Norwegian heel balm.


I also had mouth ulcers for the first time on T. So mouth hygiene is critical. I could not have Difflam due to an allergy and my chemo nurse gave me Gelclair but suggested applying it directly to the ulcer which seemed to work like a dream.


The good news was that my hair started growing back on T. Conversely, eyebrows and eyelashes immediately fell out!


Towards the end of each cycle my eyes ran permanently and so much that it made the skin around them sore, so having some eye drops to hand would be good.


The worst part for me was definitely the fatigue. These cycles were when I realised why they say that fatigue is cumulative. By cycle 6 I really couldn’t be bothered with anything and on that last cycle it lasted until about 40 days after the infusion, so be gentle and very patient with yourselves. I’m afraid more episodes of Homes under the Hammer and  Escape to the Country may be inevitable!!


I do have peripheral neuropathy in fingers and toes - the feet are the worst and are still bad 6 weeks after finishing cycle 6. My fingernails are discoloured and lifting a little from the nail beds but I haven’t lost any yet…


All in all, the T cycles were nothing like as bad as I feared, so I hope it will be the same for you.


Good Luck ??



Sue O


Dear All
Good to read about the T and what to expect. Have one more cycle of EC to go and then will start along with perjeta and herceptin so have heard that this can be an all day affair on first cycle, as you have the drugs one by one to make sure no allergic reaction to each thing. The one thing chemo nurse did say was try and schedule a morning appointment as it will likely take most of the day.
On another note - for the first time since starting Chemo had a burst of steroid energy on day 1 yesterday and decided to do hoovering/cleaning at 8am. On way to washing machine turned ankle really badly, heard an enormous crack, couldn’t put any weight on it. Iced it and a dr friend of mine advised going to get it checked as if there was even a small fracture I wouldn’t be able to do the gcsf jabs. So off to a&e for a 3 hour stint (even though I showed my yellow card!). Luckily no break but I do now have an enormous bandage and a walking stick of all things! Just to add to the look of the bald head?Am finding the walking stick quite handy though for hooking things closer to me when I need them - like the coffee table and younger son (very skinny)?
That will teach me - next time I will stay in bed!!
Egg x

Hello Lou.  T is the second part of the treatment if you are on six cycles of FEC-T which a lot of us are.  You have three lots of FEC and then three of T.  T stands for docetaxol, also known as Taxotere.  Hope that helps!  My first dose of T is due next week.  R x

Hi lou - i am also due to switch to T on my next cycle and when i left the unit after number 3 fec i was given some steroids in my discharge medsthat i need to take the day before i go in for T. We are all different and each hospital will have there own processes but it might be worth a quick call to the unit or your bc nurse to check if u need any meds before turning up. I will see the team the day b4 for bloods and review of side effects of cycle 3 so do get the chance to ask any questions. Not sure if any one else already has also been given steroids prior?
Have a good weekend everyone xx

Hi Ladies,


I was told that the T is more likely to cause reactions than FEC, so to protect us we get steroids the day before, the day of infusion and the day after. That was for the docetaxol on a 3 week cycle. It might be different for those on weekly Taxol.  However, a heads up…if you are given the steroids make sure to take them - I saw one patient turned away in my unit because they would not risk doing the infusion without steroid cover.


Have a good weekend all (I’m enjoying the 2 days off from daily rads!) ?



Sue O

Hi sue - that was the same advice i was given and was also told i would be turned away if i hadn’t taken the steroids - or the alternative was iv dose which i really dont want to take! Enjoy your couple of days off! X


Ive been given a double dose of Dex steroids for the day before T1, although I really don’t want to take them. I am hoping to discuss this with the team before the next chemo. The steroids scare me!

Hi everyone,


So lovely to be back and following how you all are getting on. Sorry for the long silence. It’s been a mix of things, mostly just time. I’ve had my 3rd EC, one more to go next week and then on to T plus Herceptin and Perjeta. I’ve been fine again this round. Spent a lot of time in Manchester, our house sale went through at last. There’s a huge amount to do, we’ve already made 12 trips to the dump. The seller left all the old furniture in, and it was an HMO, so 5 beds! 


Apart from that, I’ve been able to see our grandson in between and to get a bit of work done. I’m very lucky. 


Ok, so most of you are going onto T before me. You’re the scouting party! I’ll make sure I check in, and wish everyone huge luck. Take care, hope you’re all doing something nice this weekend.


Ali xxxx

Hi Ebim
I use Claritin when I take my gcsf jabs. I didn’t with my first jab and the bony pain was excrutiating. Whether that was because I was already neutropenic and unwell I don’t know, but subsequent jabs I have taken it an hour before and it hasn’t been as bad. Not sure if it’s the same sort of mechanism of action for the T part. Good luck for FEC3 next week. Do you have 3 or 4 FEC to do?
Egg x

Hi everyone,
Hope you are all doing well - we’re getting there!!
I just wanted to share some info that my hospital told me in case it is of use. Of course, this info was given in relation to me and all our diagnoses and treatments differ.
I asked why I’m on EC and not FEC and they told me that the F part was dropped as the toxic side effects of Fluorouracil were thought to outweigh any cancer fighting benefit. I am having 4x EC though, rather than 3 rounds.

I also asked about the side effects of Taxol vs EC. I will be having a lower dose on a weekly basis rather than every 3 weeks as this should be easier to tolerate. They told me I should find it easier than EC as there should be no nausea. Tiredness will increase with each round and as I’ll be visiting the hospital every week but the oncologist said that EC will be the hardest stage in my whole treatment.

I then asked why we change to T, does it attack the cells in different way? The nurse told me they used to just give FEC for 6-8 rounds but as women were finding it hard to tolerate, some pulled out of chemo completely, so changing to T made it easier to tolerate due to the change in SEs. I didn’t verify that last piece of info with my oncologist but will ask him next time.

It would be great to hear of any of you have extra info about this or have been told something different.

Hope you’re all having a great weekend and not suffering too much xxx

Gosh Ebim 10 gcsf jabs. Well done you! I struggle with my 5! But you are nearly hitting the halfway mark with treatment.
Hope this week’s cycle goes well and also for all others doing theirs this week.
Egg x

Thinking of those of you switching to T this week. I hope it’s not as bad as you feared. Do let us know how you’re getting on when you feel able.
Hope your ankle is feeling better now egg?!!

Morning all you lovely ladies
I was supposed to have my first Tax yesterday but unfortunately am in hospital with diarrhoea and vomiting and neutropaenic. Chemo delayed by one or two weeks. Am feeling a bit better today but it depends what stool sample ( odd word for poo! ) and bloods say. Hopefully home tomorrow.
Love your quote Jackie
Hope everyone OK and good luck to everyone this week, Robin and Scotty and Slowski I thought I was going to beat a trail with the T this week being first, but I pass that on to you. Good luck and hugs to all. xxxx

Christ mooney . You’ve been dealt a rubbish hand in terms of SE. Did you pick up a bug? I’ve got bloods tomorrow for a Friday start if all goes well. Sending you lots of love :heart:

Bloody hell, Mooney. That’s really crap. (Sorry, that was an unintentional pun). 


I hope you get out out today and feel ok. 


I’m off for my fourth EC. Looking forward to hearing from those of you venturing into the unknown. We’ve all got your backs.


Ali xxx

Yep picked up some bug from my husband! we think. Nothing to do with SE’s. My oncologist says it’s because of the chemo thats made it so bad as you don’t have the same immunity. I can tell you it was crap. Literally. But feel a bit better today. Thankyou for your lovely comments. xxx


Chin up chuck. Hope you get home asap. Sending you lots of love.


Looks like Scotty is our scouting party for T - all the best Scotty, keep your virtual buds updated when you can.

Slowski X