Chemo JAN 2017

I know! And the nose picking admission follows on from last week’s discussion about piles!!! I’m not sure I’d admit such stuff to my RL friends but thought you could all take it!!! Lol!

Loving reading all your news. Yes I get those little more bleeds too. Not too often though.
Ebim I’m getting chemoed right now so hands across the space between us. I didn’t tell them how much wine I had or about the gin and tonics! Oh well my liver seems to have passed muster. Hope yours going well. R x

Robin I’m sure gin must be good for sore mouths and germs… maybe we should suggest it to the oncologists as a regular mouthwash?! ?

Well done Robin!

Ebim hope it goes well this afternoon.

loving reading the “nose” posts, ?  I too have a crusty,bloody nose or is it a bloody crusty nose?! And twitchy eyes which is another se according to my onc.


Hi Esther, I had the twitchy eye too, but now I’ve finished Tax and am on EC, it’s gone, so it must be just a Tax thing? Jackie has it too but is still on Tax.

Oh god I have the eye thing too! I thought it was just me going slowly loopy!
Egg x

I feel like that inspector in the Pink Panther movies who has the eye twitch ?

I got the bloody crusty nose (that’s what it is!) and twitchy eyes with Tax as well. The nosebleeds didn’t go away at all during the chemotherapy, but disappeared soon after the end of the last cycle. I still have the occasional eye twitch (thought it was just me, so it’s reassuring that others have had the same) - that hasn’t gone away completely unfortunately.


Good luck with your chemo today Robin and Ebim. Glad they managed to find Robin’s blood test results, and were able to go ahead. Mine were always done in the morning just before the infusion, so they didn’t have chance to lose them!

You girls crack me up - crusty bloody noses!
I’m feeling very deprived.
I haven’t had that!
I’m worrying now about my arm - it’s slightly swollen and I’m scared it could be lymphedema.
I have an appointment tomorrow with my internal medicine doctor so I’ll ask her.
Well done Robin! You crossed the finishing line.
Hope all went well for you and Ebim.

Thanks for all your good wishes. They mean so much to me.
I get the eye twitch too! But it’s something I got in normal pre chemo life when I was very tired so I put it down to fatigue. Does anyone else get cramp in their feet?
Well I’ve had my last chemo and I’m getting the post chemo party started. All chemo warriors/ teddy bears are invited. Wigs and hats are optional. The drinks are flowing (wine and G&Ts), the bunting’s up, the music’s playing and the canapes look amazing. I am so looking forward to all of you joining me at this wonderful party.
Seriously though, I’m staying on this thread to cheer you all over the finishing line and to support each other through radiotherapy, surgery, hormone therapy and whatever else we have to go through. So I’m sticking around for a long time.
So far side effects of Tax 3 are leaden legs somewhat cancelling out the nice steroid energy. Ah well. R x

Hey Robin,

First one to cross the chemo finish line - how cool is that?? Well done you, also Ebim hope you’ve got on ok today. I hope to join you next week although as we all know there may be twists and turns before then. Just think , you can now officially say ‘I’ve had chemo’ instead of ‘I’m having chemo’ - that sounds like a pretty upbeat place to be !

I hope we all stick around as I feel like we’ve been through a bit together, and most of us will be having other stuff whether rads surgery herceptin hormone tablets etc. Is that a light shining at the end of a long, dark tunnel…?

Well done Robin, it really feels like that should be celebrated!

Imagine the motley crew at your party - moth eaten, bald, eyes twitching, nose picking, steroid fuelled, slumped with fatigue or hopping  around with cramp. I think we would all make an effort to scrub up well though.

Beedot X 


You’re right Beedot. It’s going to be a wild party when you all get here!
Well done Ebim on getting done today.
Slowski good luck for next week.
Everyone else getting done this week or next, good luck. R x

Well done Robin! No more nasty poisonous chemo!
Beedot your post about the motley party crew made me laugh so hard. And dont forget the puffy face - it feels like I went to bed and woke up with a marshmallow for a face!

Well done Robin! I can feel the party atmosphere! And Beedot you made me reallly chuckle with your post.
Ebim that sounds great - glad you’ve found somewhere for yoga. I havnt been able to go for a while but am going next week
My final session is Monday hopefully. so I may be the next across the finishing line - all being well but I will certainly be staying around for the next chapter of our journey together. ?

I’m having a party of my own in the acute admissions unit… woke up this morning with a really sore throat, white spots all over it, aching joints. Called helpline who told me to come in so now sitting with a cannula in waiting for blood results?
Feel about 90 years old

Oh poor you Egg.
I hope they don’t keep you for long.
Keep us updated.
I’ve seen my wonderful “go between” Doctor and she has prescribed 10 sessions of physiotherapy for my arm that looks like it has lymphedema.
I mentioned that surgery and oncology don’t seem to stray outside their exact remit, so she has agreed to take on the role.
Apart from that I’m feeling slightly better, but resting all the same.

I am neutropenic again… 0.2. Despite having had 4 days of gcsf. So I’ve had a dose of IV antibiotics and now they are waiting for consultant to see me to decide if I stay in or go home with oral antibiotics ?

Gosh Egg that sucks.
Hope they let you go home.
Have you had another GCSF booster?


Hang on in there - I was neutropenic on first tax after 4 GCSF and admitted to acute medical ward overnight. However, the 5th GCSF seemd to kick in and neutrophils shot up to double digits so I really hope yours do too. Keep us posted Xx