Chemo JAN 2017

I’m being released with some mega dose antibiotics (had some IV on the ward) but have to go back tomorrow morning to recheck bloods to see if they are improving. And my chemo regime will likely be changed to weekly paclitaxol rather than 3 weekly docetaxol…
very disappointed my bone marrow letting me down

Well done Robin on finishing!! Loving the party!!

Egg - just a quick note to say I’m on weekly paciltaxel (6 weeks down, 6 to go) and it is a walk in the park vs what you docetaxel girls are going through. My neuts were 0.8 today though but they still let me have chemo. I seem to hover around 0.8/0.9.

Honestly, if they offer it to you, grab it! I feel like fraud on this thread since I went weekly as the SEs are so minimal. I hope I’m still allowed to the party? I’m even running 4 times a week. It’s not easy as I’m not sporty and overweight since EC but I would never have dreamed of doing it on EC. Just wanted to let you know of the silver lining. And no injections on weekly!

Good luck to you all xxxx

Poor you Egg. Hope things improve for you soon. Yes wtp of course you can come to the party. Esther and I will save a seat for you and a sausage roll. Can’t wait for you all to join us. R x

For RobinJ


This award is given for the successful completion of her chemotherapy course.

In recognition of bravery in the face of scabby, bloody nose, vomits, cramps, twitchy eyes, joint pains, and anything else I’ve forgotten.


You may choose the colour of your badge.




Like the badges - I’m jealous now, cos I didn’t get one when I finished!


Thanks Jackie! That is brilliant! I can’t wait for us all to be wearing our badges. And we will be. There’s light at the end of the tunnel for everyone now. R x

Oh jackie I can’t tell you how much I want one of those badges! For now just concentrating on getting through the next few days. I am looking at my 2 huge boxes of antibiotics now, is anyone else sick of taking tablets/rubbing creams and ointments onto themselves/jabbing themselves in their belly or is it just me who feels like I’ve reached my limit.
Sorry. I am whingeing AGAIN.

I’m the same Egg.
Please whinge away.
I’m so full of chemicals, being poked and prodded, having my BOB dressing changed, and now I have to have physiotherapy for mild lymphedema in my arm following mastectomy and full lymph node clearance.
It’s never bloody ending.
But - we are warriors and we are strong and we WILL overcome.
Hugs to you. Xxx

Feeling for you Egg I hope you feel better soon and I hope the weekly treatments are a little less harsh for you. X
Jackie I love the badge that’s great - you’ve certainly raised our spirits through this journey with your quotes and now chemo grad badges - thank you.

Egg, sorry to hear of your setback, hopefully the antibiotics etc will sort you out quickly.

you know I had the same thought this morning about the amount of medication involved. I got out the soap bag I was given at the LGFB workshop and tipped out the contents and refilled it with all the creams, tablets etc that are currently in use, it’s quite a collection. 


Jackie - impressive computer skills with those badges and such s lovely thought, you have started something there!


Wtp, going running is impressive too. I have been wearing my running shoes just because my heels are sore from Tax but haven’t run since this all started, I want to run out of this tunnel (well, jog slowly, I was never very fast). The physio suggested getting a hula hoop for now.


There are a few warriors we haven’t heard from lately - Lighthouse, Suze? How are you doing?

Beedot x

Just a note.

I’m not that computer savvy, but you can only upload pictures from the desktop site - not from a phone.

Then it’s quite easy.

I have appointed myself the badge monitor - hopefully I won’t forget anyone.

Hugs to all.

Hi Egg, hope you’re feeling a bit brighter today? You’ve had a really rubbish time so far, with both chemos affecting your neutrophils as they have, ontop of all the usual side effects. Plus, you’re facing 8 treatments in total, so although number 6 is in sight, it’s not the end, which is the same for me and im finding that a bit disheartening. Not that I’m not absolutely thrilled for you Robin, crossing the finish line - I really, really am. It must feel wonderful and in 6.5 weeks, I’ll be there too and am counting down! The thought of your party for us all is delightful and beedot has described us all so beautifully!! Can I request that the party food be as bland as possible and that there’s plenty of ice lollies for our sore mouths, and pineapple and blueberries for our knackered taste buds?!

Hopefully weekly treatment will be better for you Egg? And I totally get the being fed up with all the drugs we have to take/apply/inject! I had a bit of a block with the gscf jabs myself - my OH used to have to check up on me as some days I just couldn’t face having them! Lucikly (or maybe not?!) I don’t get them on EC.

Hope your lymphoedema improves with physio Jackie. Might it have been triggered by the rising temperatures in Spain? Or is it just one of those things we all will live with it potentially affecting us at any time?

Morning my fellow warriors - ive been reading and keeping up with you all, just exhausted and havent had the oomph or mental ability to think of something funny to write! Day 11 of tax 2 so yep light at end if tunnel! Whoop whoop. Main side effects have been the tiredness leaden legs etc and i have really struggled with no taste buds - more so than i expected. Love reading all the thread it really does keep me going. Rt dates all in so should be finished by mid june if all goes smoothly yeah. Love hugs and massive well done to all of us on the steps weve achieved so far. Xx

Dear All, back in Hospital today, feel worse this morning. Apparently I am dehydrated and have low magnesium so about to get a drip. I nearly cried when nurse told me. Isnt that silly. Waiting for neutrophils to come back… fingers crossed

Oh Egg so sorry. I hated being in hospital too, it’s awful when your body just goes off on its own and just down tools. Nothing you can do about it and I think it’s the loss of control that really gets to you. I seem to have no control over anything, the side effects just take over. Patience we are nearly there.
I am away in Bristol being looked after by my lovely brother and sister in law, before we go to wedding on Saturday. Have lovely new dress but talk about moth eaten . The face has developed dry crusty patches around my mouth and have lovely red rashes on cheeks. Grrrrrrrrr what with no hair a lovely sight! At least everyone’s attention will be on the lovely bride!
Jackie love the badges. Well done - what a tonic to get one thankyou, brilliant.
Robin am jealous! I should have been there with you if not for my hospital stays.
I would like to come to the party too please!
Completely with you all with pills potions injections. I hate giving myself the gcsf injections with a vengeance. I was on no regular medication before I started this.
I send love hugs resilience and courage to all you chemo fighters out there. Though as I have said before chemo is our friend, cancer is our enemy.

No Egg that’s not silly. I think we all break it down in to the small steps that we can tick off, so when you are told you need an extra procedure it seems so unfair. I cried when I had to have a CT scan recently when the nurse told me she was going to put a cannula in for the dye- no more needles!! But look how quickly it has gotten other warriors back out of hospital. You’ll get there. Beedot x

Oh Egg I’m sorry your back in hospital today. I hope they sort you out quickly and don’t worry I would have cried if I’d been in your situation. Stay strong - we’re all behind you! ?
Mooney I live in Bristol so I’ve just given you a big wave! I hope you enjoy the wedding.
My troublesome PICC line has moved again and it looks like it won’t be any good for Monday which is a bit of a blow but the nurse said this morning that they would canulate instead. It nearly saw me right through and although it has served its purpose I shall be so glad to have it removed!
Hang in there everyone, we will get there!!!

Hello Egg.

I’m so sorry you are back in prison - I know only too well how that feels.

Sending you lots of love.


Get well.jpg


Get well 2.png

Hi sheilab33

Welcome to the group. We are a group of bald, moth eaten teddies, who love and support each other along the path of chemo.

It isn’t easy, but we are all proof that it CAN be done.

Just shout if you need us, rant away, and remember we were all terrified at the beginning, but we are here to fight another day. xxx

Jackie - Thank you for badge! Will wear it with pride. Hope your lymphoedema really is mild and that the physiotherapist can show you some good exercises to control it.


Egg - sorry you find yourself back in hospital and hope you will be out soon, once they’ve got you sorted out. I also hope you find the weekly treatments easier to cope with, as WTP has, once you are back on track.


Lighthouse - glad you seem to be doing OK apart from the fatigue and taste changes. Only one more to go before your badge!


Mooney - hope you enjoy the wedding. I’m sure you will be fine with the right make up. If you haven’t been able to get on a LGFB course, their website has a lot of information on it, including videos of tutorials. This may help you with the red face etc (the green face paint sounds weird but it does work). Here is a link:


Esther - it is a pain that the PICC isn’t going to last the course, but at least you will get rid of it early. Hopefully the arm will have chance to recover once it has gone.


Ebim - hope the hands are better now. The Pliazon cream sounds good. So many people seem to suffer with their hands and feet on Taxotere. This was one SE I didn’t have, but I had other SEs that most of you have escaped. The rule seems to be that everyone gets at least two or three horrible ones from Tax, but not everyone gets the same.


All Troops - crying, whingeing and moaning is allowed during chemotherapy. In fact, it is probably essential to maintain your sanity. The pills, potions, needles, poking and prodding won’t disappear completely when it’s over, but there will hopefully be a lot less of it once your active treatment is finished.


On a more cheerful note we have been watching a squirrel raiding the bird feeders this afternoon. It is a crafty little blighter and is eating us out of seeds and fat pellets. My OH kept getting up and standing in front of the window to shoo it away, it then jumped down and ran off…but it was probably hiding just out of sight and watching us, because after a few minutes it was back again!