Chemo JAN 2017

Good Morning everyone on this lovely sunny morning.
Thankyou to everyone who gave links and advice re red face. The green slap worked a treat.By the time I put all my slap on you couldn’t see the mess! it’s all dry and flaky now though. Wedding was stunning and lovely and joyous. Just the thing to lift your spirits and to make it perfect the weather was glorious. ?. Can’t post picture from my phone but will try from laptop when I get home.
Hope everyone coping with side effects - Robin how you getting on with your last tax?Yeah!
Egg are you still in hospital or recovering at home? Hope you are feeling a bit better and the old white cells are flying up. Sending you hugs.
Love to all of our chemo warriors. Hope you can all the sunshine a little.
Mooney xxx

Hi everyone, it’s quiet on the forum this weekend, hopefully because everyone is doing something nice.


Mooney, glad to hear you made the wedding and enjoyed it.


welcome Sheilab, I hope you can see from our wibbles that this is all doable and the support from this forum is great.


Ebim, thank you for the Pliazon tip. My heels are actually OK now, they were just numb but nervy last week. I can’t remember if it was you that suggested the daily foot balm before but I have been doing it and it works.


Egg, I hope you out of hospital.


Day 14 after Tax 1 and most SE’s settled down (no tax trots, I hope I got away with that one) except my hands and face have had swollen, purple patches for the last few days. I have been taking Loratadine which helps a bit. The worst area is the back of my hand on my post surgery side which is where it started. The chemo team warned of cellulitis  - sounds low key, like cellulite, until I looked it up - why does every SE associated with this treatment have the potential to become so serious! and  of course Lymphodema risk. So anyway, to cut a long story short, I am on antibiotics now just in case.


Good luck to everyone getting zapped this coming week.

Beedot x

Mooney glad you made wedding and it was so lovely.
Sheila welcome to thread although you may want to follow May starters as well as that is the thread for people going through chemo with you in May and beyond. It may not have started up yet but will start up soon I’m sure.
Egg I do hope things are improving for you.
I’m on day 5 of Tax 3 and have been wiped out with fatigue all weekend. Steroid crash I assume. Awful feeling. So weak and feeble. Can only sleep. Breathless and exhausted if I do anything else. Tax is meant to be cumulative so I suppose more fatigue was to be expected.
Added to this awful fatigue I’ve got not one but two scans coming up this week. An mri and a ct. So I have to drag myself to hospitals and have the horrible scanxiety…
Hope everyone else is doing well and good luck to everyone getting treatment this coming week. R x

Hi everyone. Hope you have all managed to enjoy the sunshine this weekend and glad you made it to the wedding mooney.
Welcome Sheila hopefully you will find some useful tips from us us and the may thread.
Beedot I’m jealous - no tax trots! I’m hoping I won’t be too bad next week.
Robin I now what you mean about the cumulative fatigue affect - debilitating! Thinking of you with your scans.
A quick question … has anyone swam during chemo or know if you can through rads. Now I say swim but what I’m really wanting to do if loll around in warm water to help with my aches and pains! ?

Hello everyone!
I have been enjoying the weather and my good weekend before EC2 next week. I feel better on EC than Tax - my good week/weekend is better if you know what i mean?!! Tax I think lowered my mood although I didn’t realise it at the time, and walking, especially uphill became a struggle after several treatments.

I hope your scans are routine screening/assessment ones Robin? Hope they go OK.

Egg, hope you’re home and have managed to enjoy some sunshine this weekend. Any news on the change to weekly treatment?


Dear All,
Thank you all so much for your kind messages. Got home but was exhausted over the weekend with zero energy which is not like me at all. Was dehydrated and had neutropenic sepsis although no fever, so had IV anitibootics, fluids etc and home with mega dose antibiotics ?. Finally this morning have had the energy to nag my 2 boys into getting ready for school so I guess I must be on the mend! Still feel breathless whenever I climb the stairs, and sleep isn’t great as I keep getting a sweaty head which then gets cold! Anyone else found this? Am going to call the onc team today to confirm that I won’t continue on Docetaxol and will switch to Paclitaxel, but also want to make sure I will continue to get the Herceptin and Perjeta with this new regime. Will keep you all posted. Thanks again for all the messages it really means so much to me that everyone on this thread looks out for one another, and knows what we are all going through. It is a huge support.
Big hugs to all
Egg xx

Oh Jackie it never rains but it pours! I can’t believe BoB has spawned. Really hope the antibiotics knock it on the head quickly and you don’t need anything else doing or any delays to last chemo - you are so near to the end. Could you try using a compress with salt on it? I’ve heard before that can sometimes draw things out, or sitting in warm salty bath. Keeping fingers crossed that it settles down.
I heard from my onc team today that they have switched me over to weekly Paclitaxel so will start that next week. Which although is meant to be “kinder” (can chemo be kind??) means 9 sessions not 3 so I may wind up with a PICC after all. I think I would have managed without for 3 chemos but 9 might be pushing it. Anyway, at this stage I don’t really mind just want to get through this without any more hospital admissions.

Esther - I was told at the start of this no swimming on chemo because of infection risk. So probably best to err on safe side.

Big hugs to all
Egg x

Hi ladies,

So sorry you’ve got problems again Jackie, you’ve really been through it, I hope the antibiotics kick in quickly.

Robin I hope everything’s ok with your scans, I suffer really badly from scanaxiety, I do feel for you. I hope at least you know the outcome quickly (all good news obviously!)

Egg, I didn’t find the PICC line that bad, I had mine put in just before my 2nd treatment (the veins in my elbow and neck turned bright red after using a cannula for my first FEC. There was a chance it could have been permanent - it wasn’t fortunately but they weren’t going to risk it again). It took a while to settle and I’ve had a few issues with allergies to dressings but it’s been great for treatment and blood tests and good to know I could be hooked up quickly and easily if needed.

Anyway my line was taken out today as I am now home after my Final Dose. Can’t quite believe that’s it yet, celebrating with a cup of decaf tea and a biscuit tonight, proper celebration arranged when I’m at day 21! Hot flushes galore already but ok apart from that. This last dose of docetaxol has been reduced a bit ( I’ve have problems with my fingers which hadn’t cleared up this time, so my consultant wanted to reduce the chance of permanent damage) Anyway hopefully that means the rest of the side effects will be slightly better too, although I’m sure I won’t escape the fatigue.
I did feel for the lady sat near me who was just starting today, it seems like such a long time since the beginning of living in this bubble and everything arranged around good and bad days.

Four weeks to recover now until radiotherapy, although I have sore ‘bad’ arm which I’m hoping isn’t the start of lymphedema. Jackie I hope you manage to arrange some treatment for yours.

Best wishes to all of you, whatever stage you’re at the end is getting closer, take care xxxx

Thanks Ebim! I will treasure my badge!
Yes the PICC line was taken out straight away, only took a few seconds and I didn’t feel a thing. They could take it away as I’m not due back now for any blood tests or anything until radiotherapy, and fingers crossed this last dose will be straightforward. It feels strange tonight not to have my arm bandaged, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it! xx

Forgot to say, it was organised by my consultant. I was surprised as I’d been told by the nurses too that they usually like to wait a couple of weeks just incase it’s needed - wasn’t going to disagree though! Maybe it depends on your consultants view, hope you get yours out quickly too xx

FenHen - congratulations on getting to the last one. Nearly there! You just have to go with the flow with fatigue, unfortunately. Your body will tell you when you need to rest and when it’s time to be active, but you do need to push yourself a bit when you start to feel a bit better.


Robin - you have to give in to the fatigue when it’s at its worst, you really have no choice, but there will be better days. Good luck with your scans this week and hope you don’t have too long a wait for the results. MRI scans are horrible, particularly when you are feeling rough (can’t even lie back and sleep, not that you could sleep with that racket anyhow) but hopefully this will be the last one.


Sheilab33 - sorry missed your post. While you are waiting, it helps to do something positive, such as gather information so you have a better idea what to expect and can prepare. The best sources of information are your breast care nurses (BCN) and reliable sources such as this site (see Chemotherapy Tips and Tricks), Macmillan and Cancer Research UK

There should be a May 2017 thread like this one appearing soon, for you and other ladies starting chemotherapy at the same time.


Egg - glad you are home now. You should be able to continue with the targeted therapies, because you have already had chemo.


Mooney - glad the wedding went well and the face paint worked. Hope the redness subsides, but it may stick around until chemo has finished. Hang onto your green war paint.


Beedot - yup, I had the blotchy face as well, plus my skin went all hypersensitive and I couldn’t put anything on my face at times, not even E45 moisturiser. It got worse during the last cycle and didn’t really settle down until a month or two after chemo finished. At first I blamed the Herceptin but it wasn’t. It was Tax. Apparently it can take a while for it to work its way out of your system.


Esther - Tax Trots, sore throat etc have usually gone by the last week, at least I hope they do.


Blue2 - well done for getting out. If you can manage to get out and walk it’s a struggle at first, but then it gets better and you feel better. And yes I found my ‘good’ weeks at the end of each cycle were better with FEC, I was getting out and walking too and was almost back to normal (well what passes for normal for me).


Jackie - sorry you have yet another infection and hope it will respond to treatment before it gets chance to turn into a full sized BOB. I was advised that if I needed to go to A&E, to make it clear to the receptionist that I was a chemo patient. I had to go as ‘walking wounded’ on a couple of occasions, and each time they isolated me, even though they were extremely busy and it was difficult for them to find me a room or a cubicle.


Ebim - nail problems are common with Tax. There is guidance on Nail Care on the Top Tips and Practical Support board though you may have to hunt for it. There seem to be two approaches, either try to protect them and disguise the discolouration by using strong dark nail varnish, or try to maintain their condition by regularly applying nail oils/ cuticle creams or special products such as Onicolife drops (expensive and only available online from Live Better With). I went for the latter and it seems to have worked.


Goodnight all and hope tomorrow brings better news.

To our latest chemo grad, Fen Hen, are awarded this badge and graduation certificate.

Another one who has ridden the storms of chemo, bravely and with valour.

I hope the SEs after your final dose are less.

Well done.






Jackie how are things with BoB today?

Morning all! Pleased to say my final chemo went as planned yesterday! I’m no longer having chemo yay!!
Jackie sorry to hear of the potential eruption of Roberta! I hope you get her sorted. Have you considered lymphatic drainage reflexology for your lymphadema? They take measurements of your arm before and after treatment to show the reduction in the swelling. I’ve had good results both post surgery to help with that initial fluid build up and with the swollen ankles I currently have. Luckily my sister is a trained therapist! Might be worth a look at though.
Thanks for thoughts on swimming. I was told yesterday that it’s fine to go swimming just to avoid if it looks a bit of a manky public pool! But a spa would be fine! ? Might opt for the spa as a holiday treat in a couple of weeks time!!

Congratulations to Esther and Fen Hen our two new finishers and welcome to the party! Jackie I’m so sorry to hear about return of Bob you poor thing. Let’s hope Bob doesn’t hang around for long.
I still have my picc line but am hoping it may be removed today after the mri scan. It depends if the chemo nurses have received documentation from the onc as they are strict about only doing that if instructed. However I still have c.t. scan to come on Thursday so am wondering if I should ask for it to stay in? I so want to get rid of it I’m prepared to take my chances with cannula. I lose track of all these scans but I think they are routine and the ct one is to do with radiotherapy.
I still have immense fatigue, leaden legs and breathlessness if I walk anywhere. But am managing to struggle on with bits of work and other stuff so I suppose it’s manageable. Last gcsf injection tonight!
Good luck to all warriors and everyone getting zapped this week. Hugs to all. Gentle ones. R x

Esther - congratulations on reaching the final one. You have to brace yourself for the SEs but at least you know this is the last time.


Robin - the end is in sight now, although the fatigue may hang around for a while. Did you manage to get your PICC removed today? I hope so because if the CT scan is just for the radiotherapy planning, you probably won’t need a cannula. You will have needles, but not in your arms! As part of the radiotherapy planning you have tattoos to help them line you up. You don’t get a choice of design (lol), they are just 3 small (ish) dots, one in the middle of your chest and one each side, under the armpits. Please don’t worry about this, because the needles only go just under the skin so there isn’t much pain.


Truey - thanks for advice about spas, will bear this in mind if planning this in future. You are right about the nails. Mine actually got worse after chemotherapy finished. They have since had nearly 4 months’ new growth which has made a big difference. The tips are still ridged, dry and flaky but I expect this to be replaced by new growth within the next 6 weeks or so. I read somewhere that it takes about 5-6 months to grow a complete new fingernail, and about 8-9 months to grow a new toenail, which fits with my experience.

Evening everyone!
Just a quick message as I’m falling asleep in front of the telly at the mo.
Just wanted to wish you all good luck this wk. Can’t wait to graduate too but I have another 6 weeks of taxol to go. It’s not half as bad as taxotare but I started to feel more tired this wknd and the foggy head…

Egg, I’m sure you’ll find it a walk in the park vs docetaxel though. Maybe not the most pleasant park but better than what you’ve been through for sure. I had a port fitted pre chemo and it’s been great - def recommend if you can get one. Even for the last 9. You’re having surgery post chemo too, right? They can just whip it out at the same time :slight_smile:

Hot heads! OMG!! I can’t cope with these hot flushes. Is it menopause or just a SE? I’m 36 and really hoping it’s not menopause but finding it increasingly hard to cope with - not strip off and take all headgear off. Sweating like made then freezing cold. All night too, really disrupts sleep. Will it be the same on tamoxifen? Agghh!

Congrats to the finishers - can’t wait for my badge too.

Sorry not to reply to all individually. Thinking of you all xxx

Thank you ladies! Especially Jackie for the badge, you are very kind, I will print it as a final bit of paper for my chemo file, a lovely positive end!

Robin I would love to join your party, although as my last dose of T made me very grumpy I don’t think you’d want to know me just yet! I will be definitely be there though when I’m a bit more human again. I hope you had good news about your Picc line today and the MRI went well.

Esther I hope your last dose is being kind to you, only another couple of weeks for the worst to be over. I don’t know about you but I think my thermometer may go in the bin then, or definitely put somewhere where I don’t have to see it for a very long time!

I hope the last few weeks fly by for you Wtp2016. Yes plenty of hot flushes here, we must be the only ones glad of a bit of colder weather today! I’ve got myself a chillow mat to go under my pillow which has made it a bit easier at night, doesn’t stop it from happening but cools me down quicker when it does.

Best wishes to all of you, take care xxx

Wtp - I’m with you on the sweaty heads. Hot then cold then hot. Also worried that it may be like that on tamoxifen! I had my periods all the way through EC but they have stopped now so maybe hormones are playing a role too.
I’ll be just behind you on the finishing line - start the Paclitaxol next week and will have 9. Seems a long way off at the moment! And yes then surgery (not sure what yet) and then radio. So its looking like an autumn finish for me! I will be the lone person proppping up this thread so please do stay around everyone and keep me company!
I asked about a Port at last appointment but the registrar said they would prefer a PiCC if I had to have something because of the fact I am due to have surgery. It seems we all get told different things!
Good luck to all finishing this week, I am very jealous!
Egg x

Wtp - quick question - do you do the gcsf jabs with weekly paclitaxol? And what dose of steroids do you have? Just wondering how it differs from the 3 weekly.
Thanks! Egg x