Chemo JAN 2017

Good morning lovely on line friends. Hope you are feeling better Robin and Scotty and everyone who has been feeling rough.A come of questions if anyone can answer I start my gscf injections today, and will take loratadine is it the one a day 10mg dose that people are taking?
Also my guts are playing chase and producing lots of gas(!) any ideas. Still feeling OK more tired today and have strange red rash on my face but OK. So red faced and gassy that’s me! I am trying to take one day at a time. Hoping to go out today to have tea and cake with lovely germ free friends. Do hope your sickness is sorted Robin and your chest pain better Scotty. Hugs to all

Hi Esther, great to hear it went well.

I’m day 5 after my first treatment and I had my first sleep right through last night. Only advice I’ve got (from a whole three days ahead!) is try not to worry about it. I’ve managed with a mix of cat naps in the day (but no more than 15 minutes) some early nights and one very late lie-in. Hopefully you’ll find something that works for you.

Hope all other starts are feeling ok. Robin, any luck on being less sick? Emma how’s the chest? Everyone else still getting through it.

I’ve just done a chemo planner, which takes me through to mid-June (8 cycles, 21 days). So yesterday I ticked off day 4 of 168. It won’t work for everyone, but it’s helping me in two ways. Firstly it’s reminding me that this is a long haul. At the least, I’ll have surgery in July, then rads & Herceptin until April 2018. If it’s going to be that long, it’s worth finding out what works and being very kind to yourself. There’s some gritting of teeth needed of course, but I’m looking for thevwins and treats along the way. I’m already turning down things I don’t want to do now & right through to August. That wedding that would cost us £400 to attend, and we haven’t been close friends for years- bye bye. However the festival that I’ve wanted to go to- where everyone will be looking grubby and wearing hats, that’s on my ‘do if at all possible’ list.

The second reason is that there will be moments to celebrate. On Sunday evening I am planning a glass of champagne (or lemonade it doesn’t matter) because I will be 1/24 of the way through chemo. Small victories are what I’m seeking.

Speak later, have a good day all

Ali x

Morning all


Feeling much better. Think I was just panicking - shock!! Ali I’m going to take a leaf out of your book and start a chemo diary. Planning to take it easy today so I’m up for taking my brilliant son out for a quick bite for his 18th. Arranged with some lovely friends to go wig shopping next week. I think they’re far too excited. Have a feeling they’ll get us chucked out!!

Hope the sickness has surpassed Robin. Fingers crossed. Welcome Esther. Hopefully all is going well.

Mooney - I’m starting those injections on Saturday so would be good to know. Oh and I have been burping non stop. Classy!! Enjoy your cake.


Emma x


Good morning,

Its great to hear that you are all perking up after a few days. 

Mooney, can I ask what the Loratadine is for? Is it the rash or to do with the chemo drugs?

I have been keeping a diary and timetable too, since the start in September and today have my 37th medical appointment-  to see if the consultant will sign me off as ready for chemo on Monday, depending on whether I have healed well enough after some complications before Christmas. It’s quite time consuming all this isn’t it!? 

I am finding all your reports back and tips really helpful. Thank you.

Beedot x



Not much progress here. Still no appetite and haven’t got out of bed. Spoke to hospital and they said it’s normal for first few days. Still nauseous but haven’t been sick since last night. No trouble sleeping even on steroids. It’s all I do.

Robin. Just snuggle up and let it pass. Your body will tell you when it’s ready to get back in touch! Take care x

I know have burning cheeks (of the facial variety!) due to the steriods apparently so if anyone else notices the same, it’s nothing to worry about.

Hello to you all. My first day after FEC cycle 1.

Sorry to hear lots of you are sicky and this is my dread. OK so far but just feel a bit strange and couldn’t sleep last night.

Also had alot of hot and cold flushes but that could be an age thing!!

Interesting about the chest tightness and breathlessness. I had that in the middle of the night after coming back upstairs and was quite scary but did pass and won’t be as scared next time now I know I am not the only one.

Really great to feel I am not alone anymore as the weeks after the operation and starting chemo yesterday made me feel very isolated despite having an amazing husband, family and friends.

I can relate so much to what I read with you all.

Earlier this year I would never have guessed this would happen to me and I see things so much more differently now and the little things matter so much more. A glass of champayne sounds a fab idea.

Love to you all x

Hi Lou


We started FEC on the same day - chemo buddies! I haven’t had surgery first so this is the first stage for me and petrifying it is too. You’re right, this site is a godsend and it helps when you see other people feel the same eith er emotionally or physically. I’m not usually a social media person but I’m getting addicted to this site! I can heartedlt recommend the How’s Evertone Doing thread (under diagnosed with breast cancer) No idea how to send a link. Some great people on there who will give you a vurtual hug or a good laugh whenever you need it. Take care Emma x

Welcome Lou
Everyone’s very supportive and helpful on here. You realise you are not on your own and you can get reassurance from those who are going through it at the same time more or less.
Three has been some research done about Loratadine 10 mgs daily whilst your are taking the gcsf injections. It apparently helps with the side effects of the bone and joint pain. There is a bit about in the December’s starters thread and a link you the pub med article. Apparently the ladies in America get prescribed it routinely. But it’s not known much here. I have checked it out with my Oncology team and they are bemused but agreed I could try it. I took 10 mgs today and have had my first gcsf injection. The district nurse showed me how to do it and I am doing the rest myself. It’s very easy to administer and not painful at all, just a little prick! As a side note the beautiful beetroot face has subsided somewhat, don’t know if that’s the loratadine.
Robin so sorry you are still feeling rough. Rest up and try not to worry. Have they changed your sickness meds? Hugs

Hi ladies,

RobinJ - sorry that you are still not feeling quite so well, but at least you are not being sick anymore, which is really good.

The chemo diary, to note down symptoms and side effects, will be most helpful for your chemo team. It may help them to adjust your accompanying medications, to ensure you get through it all.

Gcsf and antihistamines - some people can have an allergic reaction to Gcsf injections, hence taking either loratadine or cetirizine can be helpful. The allergic reaction to it can be cumulative, so please monitor your symptoms carefully and also refer to the leaflet, which should be with your injections - so you know what to look out for. I reacted and had to come off it for my last cycle as not to have an anaphylactic shock.

Mooney - your rash can be related to your chemo or the Gcsf -  at this stage it might be an idea to note down, when it disappears and how many days post chemo treatment and post completing your Gcsf course, it went away. It might help your team decide the reason for the rash.

Some of you may find that you have increased and very intense hot flushes as you move through your treatment. This is mainly chemo related and you actually ‘sweat’ out some of your chemo through your skin. So please do not let your pets lick your skin during that time. My cat did - and got just a bit poorly - until I finally cottoned on to what was happening. Separate towels from the rest of the household may also be wise.

Burping, lol - Oh I did - both ends, so to speak. It happens, unfortunately. If you can, a prescription for Lansoprazole may be of help - especially moving forward, too - as it will control your stomach acid, 

I hope you all, by now, have signed up for your free prescriptions!


Sue xx


Hello All,
I’ve been a quiet observer for some time but was excited to see a Jan 17 Chemo support forum. I hope you don’t mind my joining x
I was diagnosed in October, had a skin sparing mastectomy with an expander fitted in December and started my first course of Chemo on the 4th Jan.
Day two post Chemo (FEC), side effects started within 2 hours of recieving my first dose and the very first day was the worst and then it’s been a roller coaster of all different symptoms from then on. Felt ok yesterday and managed to spend some time with my children (aged 6 and 2) but today I’m struggled to peel myself off the sofa xx Keep a diary, it was one of the things my oncology support asked me to do, for every symptom there’s something they can give you to try to help you get through your next cycle x
Although I’ve been living with this for a number of weeks it suddenly feels that the whole situation has become so real…I was holding onto my PMA by my fingertips today and for the first time since diognosis had a good cry. Felt 100% better, it is the start of an unknown journey but at least we have started…Sorry if that felt like verbal diarrhoea :heart:

Welcome Helena and Lou,

it is a complete roller coaster isn’t it? and sometimes you just have to cry to feel better and also make the most of moments that provide some relief or feel like a small triumph, like Scotty having her PICC line fitted. It is a total onslaught on the body and mind isn’t it and it must be so tough with young children too.


My first chemo session just got delayed by at least 2 weeks again (should have ideally started end of October). Although I really want to get on with it and had just about psyched myself up with all your help for Monday, another 2 weeks of “normal” life is not unwelcome. Meanwhile I am assured the Anastrozole i am taking until I get to chemo will be doing its job. I hope I will still become a member of the January chemo buddies!

Thanks to everyone who responded on the Loratadine question.

Beedot x




Thanks for the bigging up! It did feel like a triumph and boy am I grateful for it now! As a self-confessed owner of a massive pair of panic pants, I can tell you that I feel so much calmer now I have started chemo - hang on in there.

I’ve taken a Loratadine in preparation for tomorrows stabbing by the district nurse ( why am I picturing Nurse Ratched from One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest - not helpful!!)

Feeling a bit better today Day 4. Even got up yesterday evening, had a bath and watched TV. Hope everyone else doing ok.
Does everyone automatically get offered this gcsf injection or do they wait to see how your white blood cells respond? My hospital hasn’t mentioned it to me yet.
Welcome to all the new members of this group. We are a tough little army.

Lovely to hear from you Robin. Glad you’re feeling a bit better. The injections seem to be a postcode lottery thing as far as I can tell. My hospital offers them as standard but others only when a problem arises. The same for the anti-sickness pills. Mine gives you the expensive Emend ones automatically but others wait until its clear the cheaper versions are having no effect. Hope you start picking up a bit more today. Emma x

Thanks for this Sue. It’s really useful to know and be aware of when our count is at it’s low.

Ah welcome back chemo buddy! So pleased you are feeling a bit brighter. Baby steps!
My area like Scotty’s give Emend for 3 days and gcsf injections for 7. I am very lucky.
Following on from what you say Sue I think I have just become unfit through everything so far. I am not really walking like I used to or anything. Hubby spilt sticky thing all over kitchen floor last night and ‘man cleaned it’. So I brushed and steam cleaned floor this morning. Felt like I had Palpitations! I was out of breath! Had to have a lie down! How things change! x Hope you are all fairing as well as can be expected whatever that is! Hugsxx

Oh chemo buddy I am so impressed you have been up cleaning the floor! I am still in bed trying to summon the strength to get up and shower. Not sick any more but so weak. Feeling feeble. … Luckily my lovely husband is doing everything even tutoring my student!

Have been keeping an eye on this thread. I started my first FEC-t on Wednesday.
I haven’t felt any ill affects just yet…apart from a rather flush red face.
Of course I got dealt a rough bit of news before I even started the treatment that morning.

I was diagnosed at 28weeks pregnant so my route has been a little different.

On the 10th November I had WLE with full node removal due to positive results.

10 days later thess results showed unclear margins and 16/19 positive nodes.

The decision due to being pregnant was rbmx and deliver baby early.

So on 30th November my baby arrived at 34+6 weighing 5lbs…was a little unsettled with high speed breathing so he went to neo-natal unit.

On 1st December I had my mx. On my return from recovery I was informed my baby had taken a turn for the worst with suspected sepsis and pneumothorax. 24-48 hours were critical.

I forgot all about my own surgery…

Following surgery and recovery I was finally able to go for scans. (It’s got to be the worst feeling!)

On my chemo day (4th January) my oncologist gave me results that there was thickening in hip joint and 2 small spots on liver.

I’m not being sent for MRI scan next week on my second sons 1st birthday (I had 2 babies in one year).

My chemo started but I just feel this is it…I’ve hit a brick wall at every turn…the last 2 days I have been an emotional wreck…I can’t see a positive out of all of this, I had really hoped the chemo would be a start to fighting this and now I’m facing the prospect for leaving my children before they even get the chance to remember me.

Sorry for dragging this out.

How are people with G-CSF injections getting on? I’ve got painful aches across my shoulders and neck. I’ve taken on the  Loratadine and hope it might help. Which painkillers are the best with this?