Chemo JAN 2017

Hi Scotty so far not bad. Some aching and pains in legs and top arms but bearable. My biggest thing at the moment is constipation! I dare not put anything else in the top end unless something comes out of the other! Shattered today so gone to bed with two Senna. Oh joy! Hugsx

Hello stefr.

Welcome to this wonderful support site where ladies here understand everything that you are going through but wow …you have it all going on at the moment!
Firstly, congratulations on the birth of your baby …hope he’s doing ok .
Well at least the oncology team have been on the ball and picked up very early problems and hopefully the chemo will give any possible problems a good kick up the rear end.
Hopefullly you have a good support team around you to help as you might have a few "bad days " and need some extra help with the two babies … don’t be too proud to accept their offers !
Please keep posting here as its real ladies that understand this hard journey. Scream, shout and rant …we understand you.
I will stay with you and dip in to reply as and when.
Carolyn xxxx

Hello Stefr. What a horrible time for you when you should be enjoying getting ready for the birth of your baby, he already here and you’re in limbo. Nothing will stop you worrying but I promise you that we’re all here for you. It will feel better once treatment is underway. Sue and Carolyn have said it all really, so treatment wise there is nothing more I can add but I wanted to say hello and don’t ever be afraid to contact us or to ask for help.
Huge hugs and love xx

Hello stefr. You have been so brave. We are all here to support you every step of the way. Sending big hugs to you and your children. R x

Hi Stefr,
What a rollercoaster you’ve been on. It’s a hard journey for us all but I can’t imagine what you’re going through. You’ve had so much to contend with. Congratulations on the birth of your son. I hope he’s ok. I have a 2yo and the thing that scares me more than anything is not being here for her. Has your oncologist given you any idea on prognosis? I was told that if there is spread to bones than the prognosis is very good these days. My father in law had bowel cancer that spread to his liver and we were told it was operable as the liver is good at regenerating. Of course, I’m not a doc and it is the scariest time but If you can speak to them then perhaps they can give you some hope and reassurance? Just don’t google! As hard as that is, we’re all guilty of it.
I found out that they think I have inflammatory breast cancer in addition to IDC this week which scared the cr*p out of me and can’t listen to another person telling me to keep positive. Sometimes it is ok to just have a good cry/meltdown.
I’m sorry, I’m not sure the best thing to say but want you to know you’re not alone. This sucks more than anything but as the others have said, the chemo is happening and it will fight for you. I was really scared for my first chemo - thinking of poison going into my body, wiping out the chance for anymore children but now I’m thinking of it as medicine to save me so I can be here for my little girl and I now say bring it on!!
We’re all here for you. Have you got people to help with childcare and to support you?
sending lots of love and hugs,
Good luck with the MRI. I have one this week too so I’ll be thinking of you and hoping we both get some good results. You are stronger than you know.

Thanks everyone…had a real wobble yesterday. i know that it’s the stress of waiting and probably the drugs causing me to be overly emotional.

To go from being a fiercely independent and private person , I’m struggling with loss of both of these.

My support is great, my partner has been amazing with the children and my mother and sister are both fantastic but some days I’d just like a normal day…I feel they are a thing of the past.

I’m dreading Thursday and probably won’t get results until the week after when I’m up getting my bloods done on day 14. Just seems to be one thing after another…no doubt I’m not alone in this.

Wtp2016 good luck for your scan.


Hello Stefr
I cannot imagine how I would do in your situation and I think you are doing fantastically well.We all have wobbles it all seems so daunting sometimes especially when you have such a young family. Everyone has already said we are all here for you, but I would reinforce the fact that although it makes you feel like c**p, chemo is your friend. It’s in there killing off those horrible cancer cells.It helps give us all the future we want to spend with our family and friends.
Lots of love and sending you bagfulls of strength and



Any luck with the senna? Tried last night but hasn’t had the desired effect. Now trying lactulose on advice of chemo nurse. Fingers crossed x

No! I have tried this magic unblocker from the December thread that you juice ( I just put all the ingredients in a nutribullet) as well this morning! No avail yet. Might try some lactulose. Feel like a stuffed turkey:(

Mooney and Scotty, I had agonising constipation after surgery. I unblocked by taking dessert spoons of olive oil, sea salt dissolved in warm water, hot lemon, mint tea and prunes. If you try salt remedy do remember to drink lots of fluids as the salt can dehydrate you. Fluids necessary for unblocking anyway. Stay near a loo as results can be quick!

Magnesium is meant to work too.

Hi, stefr 


Just to say hello and welcome. I don’t want to pretend I can imagine what it’s like for you at the moment, but I do know that this is an incredibly supportive and safe space for everyone with breast cancer. I hope your baby is doing well and that you are getting to enjoy some time with him in between the treatments and appointments. Please don’t apologise for feeling low. Sue, Carolyn and the other champions are really helpful and have a huge amount of experience in steering all of us towards help. 


Just a quick hello to to everyone else. Day 7 & I’ve been pretty good. No sickness or horrible side effects so far, although I have to admit there was a lot of farting on Saturday and I’ve had heartburn for the first time since I was last pregnant. I’ve been a bit knackered, but mainly because we’ve had people staying and there’s been a couple of late evenings. There may have been a glass or two of champagne! 


I don’t get Emend, but to be fair I wouldn’t have needed it. I don’t get the Gcsf injections as standard either. One thing that’s slightly on my mind is that it’s impossible to avoid public transport where we live, but I’ve been advised to do so for week 2. But I’m going to try and stay off the tube at rush hour. 


Take care all


Ali x

Hi guys,
Just wanted to see if anyone else is losing hair yet? I used the cold cap but have been losing it since day 14 (Friday) and each day there is more than the day before. I was told there would be some loss regardless of cold cap. I had a nagging headache and tingly scalp for a few days before (like when you’ve had a really tight ponytail in that you have taken out).
I’ve surprised myself by how much I don’t care about the hair loss anymore. I guess this whole crazy journey makes us look at life in a different way, makes us realise what is important and makes us stronger.
Although I’m not enjoying tidying up all the hair that is all over the house now - despite having it all cut into a short bob on Monday.
If anyone else has long hair and they want to cut it short, you can donate it to the Little Princess Trust who make wigs for children going through treatment:
Sending lots of love to you all xxx

So do you take the oil and salt and lemon all together? lolx With prunes? Xx

hi all just new to this waiting for my chemo date have ct & mri Wednesday nice to be able to talk to people in a similar position I live in Durham anyone else from near by? x

hi i too have a two year old little boy we have to beat this xx

Hi, madd


Madd is very new to this and we spoke on a different thread. I suggested she come on here as it’s a good thread to build up a peer group.


She was asking me about cold capping and I explained why I’d decided not to. There’s some discussion further back in this threads, madd, but as more people join it’s worth asking those who are going for it about their experience.


Ali s

Welcome Madd,
I have decided not to cold cap. I hate being cold, didn’t want to extend my
time at the unit, and there were conflicting reports about efficacy. For me although I didn’t want to lose my hair it lost its importance when put beside everything else I was going through. Just my opinion, others will obviously feel differently. I have already bought a couple of wigs and am wearing them out occasionally so I don’t get a shock when looking in the mirror! I am only 4 days into my first cycle and haven’t noticed any movement yet.It’s a personal choice.
So sorry you have to through this with such a young baby Such a challenge for you. Stay strong.

Good luck tomorrow Slowski, and anyone else starting their chemo.

let us know how it goes. 

Beedot x

Hi everyone
Anyone got a sore mouth and throat? Ita like the skins coming off the roof of my mouth and I can feel it spreading down my throat? Got corsydyl gel from surgery tokay, but this feels a more like it’s spreading down my oesophagus. Will ring chemo unit tomorrow. Hope all goes as well as can be expected for those having chemo tomorrow. Hugs xxx