Chemo JAN 2017

Well done beedot on crossing the finishing line!

Had my first radiotherapy session today as well and it sounds identical to Robins! Also took a bit longer to line me up correctly and take x rays, and also got pins and needles from keeping my hands above my head for so long! But almost relaxing with lots of sci-fi looking equipment moving around me.

Also took my first tamoxifen today… No side effects so far!!!

Nicky y

Sorry Nicky, it was you starting RT today with Robin, I got confused. It all sounds OK so far. I have my planning session next week then start in 4 weeks time. I restart Anastrozole on the same day that RT starts but I didn’t get any obvious SEs when I was on it before chemo for 2 or 3 months.

Hi Nicky- I hadn’t forgotten you were starting radiotherapy today and I did think of you but I was confused as to whether it was you or Suze so I thought I’d wait and have name confirmed! Anyway glad to hear yours went well and how funny that our experiences were identical. I felt guilty about feeling bored when the NHS are lavishing all this expertise and technology on me! But all I could think was I’ve got to do this every day for three weeks? Yawn. I shall think beautiful thoughts tomorrow! R x

Beedot congratulations no more chemo!
I am very jealous of all of you, I think it’s only me and WTP who are still slogging on.
Sitting in hospital now waiting to have bloods, scan, see onc and then have chemo. The triple whammy today of herceptin perjeta and Paclitaxol. 5more weekly sessions to go after today! Then surgery of some description (haven’t seen surgeon yet) and radio. Does anyone who had chemo first know how long they wait to do surgery and then go onto radio? Trying to work out timings over summer holidiays!
Big hugs to all,
Egg x

Hi everyone.
Still feeling low from final chemo SE and trying to psyche myself up for half term holidays next week. We’re going away for a couple of nights and plan to do a 6 mile walk one of the days…I was early on in treatment when i booked and optimistic I’d be up for it, but now I’m feeling apprehensive but don’t like to admit it! I’ve been working out time frames for school holidays Egg and bad timing on my part, it looks like my 3-4 weeks of radio will fall in August! Timescales for me are…surgery 4 weeks ish after final chemo and radio 6 weeks ish post surgery. And tamoxifen post radio as something to do with a lung irritation side effect?
Beedot, re alcohol, I am not a heavy drinker, drinking maybe 1-2 bottles of wine a week before diagnosis, but I suppose I’m a binge drinker as have them over 2-3 nights. I haven’t drunk on chemo and as much as I fancy a glass going forwards, I can’t face potentially making myself feel quesy or off colour by choice, having spent the last 5 months feeling so ill! It might pass as time moves on and the memories of how I’m feeling now pass! On another note though, I am now 3 stone overweight, just great eh, so could do without the calories from alcohol, especially starting tamoxifen post radio (ive heard tsmoxifen slows weight loss) and the advice to maintain a healthy weight to reduce the risk of er+ cancers coming back. One thing I haven’t explored re future management is parabens in toiletries etc, though I’ve been using aluminum free deodorant since diagnosis.

Don’t worry beedot and Robin - I really don’t mind! Just heading off to session number 2.

Hang on in their Egg, I know it must be hard seeing others finish chemo but think of all the blasting it is doing to your lump. You may be bringing up the rear in this race but we are running as a team and won’t abandon you. Good luck today x

Don’t worry Egg - we will all be here for you and you will get an extra specially loud cheer when you enter the party.
How was your second radio, Nicky? Mine was much quicker today so no time to get bored or pins and needles. It’s still got a weird groundhog day feel to it though, going back every day.
My head is getting fuzzier (outside I mean, although it’s pretty fuzzy inside too!) It’s not exactly hair, more like baby fluff, but maybe it’s progress. R x

Robin and Nicky - thank you for your encouragement. I really am counting the weeks now! Skipped my paclitaxol today and just had herceptin/perjeta as have developed numb fingers and toes which haven’t gone away so onc wanted to give it a break for a week and see if it helped. If it does then I will have a lower dose for next 5 weeks. They are also booking me an appt to see surgeon in next few weeks to discuss surgery. Nearly there…
Hope you’ve all managed to enjoy some of the sunny weather!

Thanks Suze. I think I might be being hard on myself and expecting too much!! I’m in a rush to move on to the next stage now and can’t get my head around my lack of control over making it happen!
It’s good to hear your reports of radiotherapy too. I’m hoping to work for the first week or two of mine, but that’s obviously dependant on SE and my continued ability to wear a bra throughout it!!! Good look to everyone having RT today - does the bank holiday weekend mean you get an extra days rest?
I have a friend supporting me through this period who was diagnosed with triple negative BC 11 years ago aged 37. She is fine now, no recurrence and no problems with fatigue, lymphoedema etc, nor does she have the added factor of her weight, the toiletries she uses and her lifestyle hanging over her affecting her future. I don’t understand enough about all the BC types but have been reassured that oestrogen receptors are good and tamoxifen is my friend!!!
Half of my weight was there before diagnosis and the other half has crept on throughout chemo. I hope the chemo half will go quite easily now it’s over?!! I haven’t had a double decker in ages…!!!

Afternoon ladies I hope you’re enjoying the sunshine and not stuck in bank holiday traffic.
I’ve just finished my first week of radiotherapy, three more to go. It all went well and I have Aveeno cream to apply 2-3 times a day. I’m going for a treatment on bank holiday Monday as the unit I go to are open.
My weight has increased and especially since my last chemo. A lot of it seems to be fluid especially round my ankles but I generally feel puffy all over!!
I have been to yoga this week for the first time in ages and as the sun was shining we practiced in the gardens which was lovely - all this has helped to lift my spirits which is good.
Have a nice weekend. X

Well done Esther . I have completed four days of rads and it’s been fine so far.
I am feeling upset today. An American woman was unkind to me on the tube. She didn’t see why she should offer up her daughter’s seat. Her precise words to me were ‘you’re not exactly eighty. My daughter’s five’. I told her I had fatigue from chemo and took off my hat so she could see the proof. I thought that might elicit a kinder response but not a bit of it. I was so shocked by her lack of empathy.
I have to say most people have been so kind to me on this ‘journey’ and I really appreciate it. But it just takes one person’s thoughtlessness to knock me back. I’m sharing it on here because you have all been so supportive.
I’m also feeling a bit down because my husband is away and the long weekend feels very long. No more rads till Tuesday.
Sad face. R x

Robin that’s not nice and I’m sorry you’re feeling down. Hopefully we’ll rally round and pick you up over the next few days :wink: Take care x

Robin, that is disgusting. How upsetting for you, to expose your vulnerability and ask for help, and for you to be treated like that. To me, having cancer/chemo/fatigue isn’t what should have prompted the lady (and others) to give up their seat for you, its the fact that you were clearly in need and asked for help. I could go on about the selfishness and self centered behaviour of people these days…but I won’t! But it’s true! Fortunately, the majority of people aren’t like that. I think because we are youngish and look OK, people think we’re OK. I am frightened sometimes when out and about - I am afraid of hurting myself, of people, of confrontation, of situations that my fuddled brain struggles with at the moment, but nobody sees that, just us.
I hope you have something planned for the weekend if you’re home alone?

Robin I am so cross on your behalf. That woman was just an idiot I’m sorry to say. Clearly she had absolutely no manners at all.
I hope you can forget about it and enjoy the wonderful weather we are having. Maybe something nice to eat and a good book to relax with over the weekend?
Egg x

Thank you Esther, Blue and Egg - I feel better already! I bloody love this group! Sending everyone big hugs. R x

Thanks Beedot. It’s made me more determined to be as kind as possible to others when I can. And I am going to offer my seat on public transport to whoever looks like they even slightly need it (when fatigue has moved on anyway)!!
How interesting to hear Jo Malones experiences - we sort of expect a basic level of understanding from our fellow humans but sometimes it’s just not there. R x

Thanks Ebim and Suze for your solidarity and support.
Hope everyone’s had a good weekend.
Side effects, huh? Does the yucky mouth taste EVER go?
Good luck to everyone for the coming week and whatever it brings, be it chemo, radio, appointments or other joys.
R x

Happy bank hol wknd all!

Just catching up on the thread…
wow, Robin - what a complete and utter moron (for want of a stronger word!). Some people are just so rude and thoughtless. I hope you’re ok, I probably would have burst into tears - esp given my hormonal emotional state. Anyone else feel like they are perm pre-menstral?

Egg - I’ll be with you! Next week should have been my last weekly tax but I’ve now had to miss two due to neuts (despite lowering dose to 96mg)… so I’ve got three left but think I’ll be having it every other wk at this rate. So close and yet so far. MRI results next wk - fingers crossed!

Re alcohol - I’ve def cut down on this treatment but still getting through at least a bottle of wine every week. I’ve seen a dietician at the hospital as weight is also an issue for me. She’s given me some sensible guidelines to follow but it’s not rocket science - I know I’ve been over-indulging and moving less ? I’m also about 3 stone overweight now and nothing fits anymore. I’m taking part in the Race for Life next weekend as part of trying to get fitter again.

Better go as it’s way past little one’s bedtime. Sending you all hugs, congrats to those finishing and a special big hug to Jackie. Hang on in there xxx

Wtp - good to hear from you. Sounds like we will be chemo buddies this week - I hope! I had mine delayed last week because of numb fingers and toes. Will have reduced dose this week I think. Don’t you have gcsf jabs with the weekly? Yes - I do feel like I am permanenently pre mesntrual - but am grumpy rather than tearful. Esp in the evenings when I am tired! My poor boys are getting used to me growling at them to get to bed on time.
Has anyone else found they have put on weight with chemo? I am also struggling to fit in my clothes - and with this hot weather we have had I feel like an elephant! I’ve heard with tamoxifen that even more weight gain to be expected - eek. I think I may ask to see a dietitian as when I have mentioned it to the nurses their reply has been “you’re tall so you’re ok”!!! Not good enough!
Anyway enough ranting. I’m just off now to get my wig cut as it’s too heavy and hot for summer
Love to all
Egg x

Hi all,

just checking in, how is everyone?

Day 9 here after final tax and this stuff is vicious on the skin. It is just dessicating me and the burns type rashes are up on my hands again. Robin, I too have no tastebuds, everything just seems like I am eating soggy cardboard at best and tastes bitter at worst - doesn’t stop me eating though! I am impatient for all SE’s to go away, I am so done with chemo. Compared to Jackie though (how are you?) I have been pretty lucky and shouldn’t complain.

I spent ages this morning applying false eyelashes for the first time ever. I bought some latex free glue and the most natural lashes I could find. At first they ended up half way up my eyelids which was not a good look but I found you can wiggle them down by going along the line in sections and pressing them on again. I am really impressed and now I am going in search of a bottom set. I keep checking they are still attached but so far so good, OH hasn’t  noticed yet.  I was feeling like a boiled egg without them and eyebrows.

I have my RT prep this week, do the tattoos hurt?

hugs Beedot  X