Chemo JAN 2017

Thanks wtp for your support too. Beedot the tattoos don’t hurt at all, don’t worry. Everything about radiotherapy is pretty painless, in contrast to chemo! Well done on persisting with the false eyelashes. I have worn mine four times and they always stayed stuck on all day - not bad for a cheap pair. But I have sort of given up because they’re a bit fiddly to get on in the first place. Perhaps I’ll give them another go. R x

Oooooh, I’m liking the sound of your lashes Beedot! My lashes hung on right to the end - up to a couple of weeks ago I was still wearing mascara, but sadly 11 days post final chemo and they have disappeared. Actually, I probably have about 10 left. My eyebrows have been thinning for several weeks, however this morning when I got out of the shower, i noticed they had gone completely! Like they’d been washed off! I’m sure I still had some brows when I went in…!
I saw the surgeon today. I’m booked in for lumpectomy and axillary clearance in 3 weeks. Signing the consent form and seeing the list of things that could possibly go wrong is never good! I’m already dreading the OP but even more, I’m dreading getting the pathology back. If after all this treatment there’s still active cancer in the lump and lymph nodes, what does that mean for my prognosis…? An anxious time ahead I fear.
How is radiotherapy for everyone? I’m hoping to work for the first couple of weeks of mine - do you think that’s realistic?

Good to hear from you Jackie and thanks for your support. I think you’re right about the American thing - the woman on the tube did come out with some strange American sounding phrases like ‘I wouldn’t wish to make a judgement on your health issues’ which made her sound unsympathetic to my British ears, but is probably standard US speak. I’m very jealous of your hair growth - good for you. Maybe it’s the sun making it grow - I need to emigrate!
Just to reassure you and Blue - you have nothing to worry about with radiotherapy. It really is much easier and kinder than chemo. Blue, I think you will be able to work. I am, albeit part time. My energy levels are rising as chemo recedes and so far I don’t think the radiotherapy has made me tired. However they do say the tiredness can come at the end of rads, even after it has finished. But I think you’ll be fine to work in first two weeks. I have a bit of itchiness and the skin goes a bit pink sometimes but otherwise nothing to report in the way of side effects. How are rads going for everyone else? R x

Hi all,
A quick message to share - apologies for not replying to everyone but I’m feeling a bit elated and also very tired from the piriton.
Im at hospital getting zapped for my 10/12 weekly taxol and my onc just came in to tell me this will now be my LAST one yay!!! He’s decided I don’t need anymore as the delays caused by low bloods at this point are unnecessary. In his words, I’ve already had “a lot of chemo” (4xEC & 10 x wkly tax) so stopping now will not be under treating… I stopped listening after he said this would be the last!! (Egg - I will stay with you until the end of yours, chemo buddy!)

He also said the MRI showed a great response as my lump has shrunk from 10cm+ to 0.9cm and lymph nodes back to normal size. Yay! He said we still have to wait until after surgery for the histology report to understand what we’re dealing with but he was smiling which means I am too!!

Tonight I will celebrate for as long as my heavy eyelids will stay open! On Sunday, I’ll be doing the Race for Life and think I might cry the whole way round.
Big hugs and love to you all xxx

Wow WTP, what great news for you today, congratulations on your last chemo and the impact it has had. You better go get ready for the party.
Jackie, I hope you are soldiering on, it’s funny the assumptions one makes, I had a vision of you sitting sipping Sangria or wine in the sun all day long before all this.
I just had my RT prep, 4 tiny dots and didn’t hurt!
Hugs to all. Beedot

Wtp fantastic news!!! Am so pleased for you and what a great response you have had to the chemo! Do you know when your surgery will be?
I’m also sitting hooked up - 4 more to go after today! Have appt now to see surgeon on 20th june and another scan then too so will find out what surgery is planned and when. Did u have an mRI or an ultrasound?
Egg x

That’s fantastic news wtp. Amazing results from the chemo!
Time to join the party! ?

Nice one Wtp!

Congrats on both fronts wtp - for completing chemo and for your fabulous response to it! That’s some shrinkage! Enjoy your celebration!

For Wtp


For bravery and fortitude in successfully completing 14 sessions of chemo (!!!), I am delighted to award our badge and certificate of endurance.







Fantastic news wtp and congratulations on finishing chemo. Welcome to the party!
Mooney your house move sounds daunting but your nomadic summer sounds exciting! Don’t forget to keep us updated on here with your adventures. R x

Ebim - different lady at yoga yesterday - too many downward dogs and I’ve had a wipeout day today!!!

That’s brilliant news Wtp!! Great to hear that all you’ve been through has been so worthwhile x

Well done WTP, so pleased at your excellent news that’s some shrinkage. Good luck with Race for life, it is very emotional, partly because that’s almost what we are doing, racing for our lives to beat the cancer, going through surgery the horrible side effects of chemo, drug therapy, to give us a life with our children out families our friends. To give us a future. So i will be thinking of you on Sunday. You race for us all!
Love and Hugs

Thanks so much everyone!! I was over the moon to see my chemo grad badge too - thanks Jackie!!
This is the best party I’ve ever been to! ???
Egg - I had an MRI - it seemed to take about an hour this time… I’m seeing the surgeon on Monday and hoping to see the “before/after” shots if he has them - and if that’s even possible! How’s your hair doing now you’re on weekly?

Mooney - good luck with the packing - it’s so hard and sentimental but Cornwall holiday sounds lovely! Thanks also for your lovely words re Race for Life. I’m super nervous - I’ll be thinking of all you wonderful courageous ladies too.

Beedot - how are you feeling now?

Blue - I feel your anxiety re the report after op. I’ll be waiting on mine too - really hope that the tumour is dead. I’ll keep everything crossed for you. Let us know when you’re about to have your op.

Lots of love to you all xxx

Thanks wtp. My surgery is in 2 weeks time and the results will be 2 weeks after. I can’t stop thinking about my lump and lymph nodes now! Im so preoccupied with it and feel so anxious about what may be.
Completely off topic, but noticed today that my nose hairs are back!!! They sprung their reappearance on me - last time I thought to look my nostrils were bare and now they look like they always did!!! I eagerly await my eyelashes!
Ebim, are you OK? Not heard from you for a while.

Good luck with your Race for Life tomorrow Wtp.

My SE’s are fading well now. I actually felt normal this evening, I went out to an Elton John concert and sang and danced about! You can guess what my favourite song was - “I’m still standing”. I enjoyed it more than chemo.

hugs Beedot x 


Hi Beedot. We could hear the Elton John concert you were at from our garden! (We live in Twickenham). Glad to know one of the teddy warriors was there and enjoying herself. Like you my side effects are fading at last. My energy levels are much better now. My hair is at last growing back but its so fine and downy you can hardly see it! Have a good Sunday everyone. R x

That’s great news Robin about your hair! I bet it feels nice to have.

I was inspired by you Beedot and bought some natural looking false eyelashes on Friday, only to notice yesterday some tiny stubbly lashes making an appearance. Our bodies are remarkable, repairing themselves quietly without us even noticing sometimes. My veins damaged by EC however is still as bad as they were 2 months ago. I’m on my 2nd tube of hirudoid cream but my arm is still tight with the grooves, and the veins palpable and hard. Ive been doing those physio exercises several times a day. How are your veins Robin, Beedot, Egg, Suze and anyone else who suffered? Any tips?

Hi all
Good to hear all your news. Have been lying low over weekend as got a stinker of a cold which I think was made worse by having chemo at end of last week and then turned into a chest infection. In the end the emergency GP had to come out and dish out some antibiotics.
Blue - my veins are looking better. There are still grooves but less of them and less pronounced. I haven’t been using the hirudoid (keep forgetting) but have been moisturising with a vitamin E cream and making sure I drink loads every day - I think this has helped as touch wood have still been able to do weekly cannulations.
WTP - how did Race for Life go?
I also ordered some false eyelashes but am a bit scared to try them out! May give it a go this week. Took the shortest length to start with as have hardly any lashes left so didn’t want it to look too fake! I’ve also ordered an eyebrow stencil so going to have a go with that too! Have some hair growing back but it’s all grey? (Was very dark brown before)
I look like Mr Potato head with plasticine hair!!!
Jackie I hope things are settling and BOB is recovering
Egg x