Chemo JAN 2017

Hi. I’m on herceptin for a year from diagnosis so I will finish that in October. I saw my onc this week and I will start on tamoxifen at the end of June / he kindly said have a couple of weeks off after your radiotherapy! I’ll be on that for 10 years. I’ve yet to get my head round that.
Ebim what a nice surprise to go in a cruise and to have such a lovely thing said to you by the lady in the lift.

Ebim, it’s good to hear from you! I was worried! And how lovely of your husband to surprise you like that - I hope you managed to enjoy yourself, chemo side effects and all. Good luck with starting rads next week.
Well done Suze on completing your treatment! Wow! I am doing slimming world in an attempt to shed this weight gain - did you end up joining? Like you, my work clothes don’t fit me any more, so…I went and bought some new ones!!! Lol!
Continued good luck to everyone else part way through rads too! And to Nicky and Robin who I think are the next to finish? How are you finding the tamoxifen Nicky - I remember I think you started it a few weeks ago? And ill effects? I’m not starting tamoxifen until after radiotherapy like you Esther - it seems different hospitals have different protocols re the order of things. I feel like I have a few months reprieve!
Lighthouse, your completion of treatment day, 19th June, is the day of my surgery. Let’s hope it’s a good day!
Robin, I have read that it’s normal to continue to lose hair for some time after chemo ends, and for the new growth to fall out too. It’s seems really unfair when we want to move on and delight in seeing our bodies recovering. As well as nose hair, stubbly eyelashes and some new head hair growth, I have had a couple of hairs appear under my arms and my OH commented on my beard bum fluff today!!! Oh well, I can’t have it all!

Ebim - good to hear from you! So glad you enjoyed the cruise. Where was it?
Blue - like you my armpit and leg hairs have started to reappear and I haven’t even gotten to the end of chemo yet!!! I must be worlds hairiest woman - just not on my head!! ?
I’m also considering Slimming world or something similar to lose the weight - want to try and shift it before starting tamoxifen. Has anyone tried slimming world before?
Egg x

Morning all - im a weight watchers girl but haven’t needed to go for a few years. I haven’t tried Sw so not sure what that is like. I had a mid way rads review this week with a part Macmillan funded radiographer who has reffered me to a 12 week exercise/lifestyle programme at a local leisure centre. I have about 6 centres to pick from and the cost is subsidised. I have phoned a couple to see what they can offer and am waiting to hear back. Ill let u know how i get on. The scheme is run by Macmillan so not sure if national or not. Have a good weekend everyone. X

Hi Egg,
I’m trying to lose as much weight as I can before I start tamoxifen post rads as I’ve heard tales of weight gain/being unable to lose weight on tamoxifen and am currently about 3 stone too heavy - 1.5 stone I already had prior to diagnosis and 1.5 stone a bonus of treatment!! Although I suppose eating chocolate when everything else tasted foul hasn’t helped! Has anybody already taking tamoxifen noticed weight gain/slow weight loss, or is it a myth do you think?!
I did slimming world a few years ago. It’s a very easy diet to do and you can eat as much as you like of ‘healthy’ low fat foods which I liked! Weight loss isn’t particularly fast, but the diet is sustainable. I haven’t tried weight watchers …

Hi lovely ladies!
Just popping in - I’m interested in slimming world too as also gained weight on treatment - and also changed body shape - def more around the middle now! My BCN told me that tamoxifen will “mess with your metabilism” - I guess as it relates to hormones? So I’m also hoping to shed as much as possible prior to starting… says I after half a bottle of wine and M&S chocolate cookies!

Ebim - cruise sounds fab and nice to meet that lady in the lift - it’s funny as once you’re in “the club”, its like there’s a whole load of secret sisters out there!

Someone mentioned a residential course for “younger ladies” moving on - they really rated it. Apparently formed some lifelong friends. I’d be very interested in doing that course. It’s felt quite scary since chemo stopped. I’m now obsessing that my lump is growing again, even though it most probably isn’t!

When you’re in the swing of chemo, you want it to be over but now I feel like I don’t have any of that special medicine and the fear of scans and doc appts is all coming back to me.

Lots of love to you all xxx

Nicky hope today went smoothly and u feel ok after finishing!!! Whoop whoop xx

Hello warriors.

So have finished all my active treatment ?.

Doesn’t quite feel real and not sure what I will do with myself now I don’t have daily hospital visits! I had 4 good friends come round this afternoon, who have been really supportive throughout and we had a glass of fizz and cake to celebrate and I have received lots of nice messages, cards and even flowers from friends and family. Feeling very loved!

Thank you all you guys for your amazing support during this journey. I couldn’t have done it without you all.

I know this is not really the end, still have appointments and hormone drugs to come but it does feel like I have reached the top of the mountain and it is all down hill from here!

Wtp - I have been on tamoxifen for 3 weeks now and so far it has been fine. I have had a few hot flushes but nothing major. I have drank a few glasses of wine on it and again it hasn’t disagreed with me. I do feel my appetite is growing but not sure if that is the tamoxifen or just the getting over chemo but I am trying to be conscious of what I eat and choosing fruit over biscuits (believe me I don’t always succeed!)

Thinking of you all and will be here to support in any way I can.

Nicky x

Congratulations Nicky!
How are you feeling about it all today? Does it feel like a lifetime ago that you first started treatment?
I can’t imagine getting there yet - I still have so much to come, but when I think back to when I was diagnosed in December, it feels a whole world away as so much has happened since then.
Your celebration sounds perfect too. I’m a busy bee socially this week - 2 lunch dates and a coffee date still to come before being out of action for a while following surgery Monday.
Are you done today too Robin?

Yes I am done! Last radiotherapy today.
I thought I would feel weird when it finished. But it doesn’t really feel like it has finished. I saw the nurse today. She seemed quite concerned about my very red reaction to rads and has sent me home with literally a sackful of wound dressings and a follow up appointment for next week. So what with that, ongoing chemo side effects, the letrazole and biophosphate drugs, and lots of appointments to come, it doesn’t really feel over.
But of course it will be nice not having to go every day for radiotherapy. Not to say I won’t miss some things about it. I will miss the lovely staff and the camaraderie of the waiting room.
Well done Nicky for finishing yesterday. I’m pleased to join you and now we wait for others to join us. I have no intention of leaving this thread any time soon!
Hope you’re all having good weeks whatever stage of treatment you are at.
R x

For nickyh


Another one of the teddy warriors passes the finishing post for active treatment.

This certificate  awarded for fortitude and bravery in successfully enduring both chemo aand rads.

Well done Nicky.



For RobinJ


The third of our brave teddy warriors to pass the finishing line of active treatment.

For resilience and bravery all through your treatment.

Well done Robin.



You’re so kind Jackie, I hope your rads are going well and your arm is getting better? Well done to Robin and Nicky - me too, it was my last radiotherapy yesterday. Felt a bit emotional, the nurses were lovely, very kind. It is nice having the day off today though.

I hope your skin isn’t too sore Robin, it’s good that they’re checking up on you. Mines red and painful to touch on my neck and the bit that hasn’t been covered by my t-shirt. I was just recommended to try and keep it covered, carry on with the e45 and try Aloe Vera. I’m hoping that’ll do the trick.

Still got a way to go yet but I would like to thank you all for taking the time and effort to post on here over the past few months - you’ve all been such a huge help - an amazing bunch of ladies.

Hope you’re all feeling good today whatever you’re up to or treatment you may be having xx

Thank you Jackie for my certificate! And well done Fen Hen for finishing too. R x

Hi Ebim. Your cruise sounds lovely! I am also on letrazole and iasobon (a biophosphate), the latter is as you said for bone strengthening and as a further protection. I started them the day I started radiotherapy and so far everything’s fine and I haven’t noticed any side effects. Hope that helps! R x

Hi Ebim and Robin,

I’m also on Letrozole and bisphosphonate, zoledronic acid, as a jab every 6 months for 3 years. I have found letrozole ok, have sore hips at times but had that before BC diagnosis, otherwise I’ve found it fine. Still got 6 rads to go plus Herceptin.

Hi Ebim. Yes the Iasobon is very strict! I have to take it at least six hours after food which effectively means first thing in the morning. Then wait thirty minutes before food or drink so can’t immediately have breakfast. But have to stay sitting ot standing so can’t have a lie in either! Also in hard water areas it’s recommended to take it with bottled water which goes against the grain for me as for environmental reasons I rarely buy bottled water. So complicated! But I’ve got into the routine now.
I’m contrast, the letrazole is very relaxed about how you take it. Don’t worry about possible side effects. I’ve been absolutely fine with it.
Yes still have chemo side effects - mainly lack of hair and damaged nails.
R x

Thank you very much Jackie for the certificate! You are really kind to us all.

Your medication sounds very complicated Robin - I think I’ve got off lightly with only having to remember tamoxifen, I did nearly forget tonight though, not great for only the second week!

Hi. I am due to start on tamoxifen at the end of June, a couple of weeks after I finish rads which is tomorrow!
Had a meeting with my onc yesterday, man of few words but ok … he looked at my eyebrows and asked if they’d already grown back. I laughed and said no, I “paint” them on each morning! He very kindly said that he sees a lot of eyebrows being an onc and that mine were very good! Certainly lifted my spirits! ?
I’m still having chemo side effects of aching muscles mainly and fatigue. The onc did say that if I was going to suffer from tiredness post rads it would kick in next week, if by 2 weeks after finishing I’m not suffering then I won’t. It if I do it’s likely to take about 6 weeks to improve - hoping very much that I’ll be ok.
Have a good day everyone. X

Hi Esther
Good luck for today! Your tale re the eyebrows was funny - praise indeed from someone who probably sees hundreds of drawn on eyebrows a month! Good work! My attempts would be in the ‘no comment’ category but fortunately I have new eyebrow stubble appearing so hopefully I won’t be drawing them in for too much longer!